Reasons to Decline Lead Generation Requests

We would love to work with all companies and help them grow with our zero-risk lead generation service.

However, to maintain the highest quality of service and ensure lead exclusivity for some clients, we must be selective.

This approach allows us to deliver exceptional results and uphold our commitment to providing valuable, targeted leads.

Check out our comprehensive guide to why sometimes we might decline some customers for our no win no fee lead generation service.

Guaranteed ROI Lead Generation Service

Our lead generation service delivers high-quality, targeted leads that convert into business opportunities.

By guaranteeing ROI, we ensure your marketing spend generates profitable returns, reflecting our confidence in our service.

This commitment to making sure our clients get a guaranteed return on investment requires us to be ultra-selective.

See If You Qualify For Guaranteed ROI


As lead generators, guaranteeing ROI is risky, so we must ensure each client has the infrastructure and potential to convert leads effectively.

This selectiveness maintains our high standards and ensures mutual success.

Why We Decline Certain Lead Generation Requests

To maintain the highest standards of service, we must occasionally decline certain lead generation requests.

By being selective, we protect the interests of both our current clients and our business.

The team at FatRank excels in various marketing strategies to generate a consistent flow of quality leads. Therefore, the receiving company must be equally skilled at converting these leads into sales to ensure profitability – otherwise, we earn nothing.

James Dooley, Founder at FatRank

We prioritise maintaining lead exclusivity, ensuring that leads are not shared with multiple clients within the same niche.

Ensuring quality and exclusivity is essential for delivering effective, profitable lead generation.

1. No Website or Unprofessional Website

Without a website, businesses lack credibility and visibility, making it difficult to convert leads.

If you currently have an unprofessional website, potential customers may be put off ordering when compared to a direct competitor who seems more professional.

An online presence provides essential information and builds trust, significantly impacting the success of lead-generation efforts.

A branded website should build trust with potential customers by showcasing case studies, testimonials, and accreditations.

Next Steps: If you need to improve or create a new website, we work closely with a dozen highly skilled web designers and developers. We can introduce you to some of the best or cheapest web developers in the world (to ensure you get a professional website to showcase how amazing your company is). Alternatively, you can find a local agency near your location.

2. Unprofessional Email

Professional communication is vital in business, and having a branded email address plays a significant role.

Ideally, we prefer seeing email addresses like instead of unprofessional ones from Gmail, iCloud, Hotmail, or other non-branded providers.

Using a branded email enhances credibility and fosters trust with potential customers.

It reflects a professional image, ensuring clients deal with a legitimate and established business.

Unprofessional email addresses can create doubt and undermine the trust necessary for successful lead generation.

Next Steps: If you don’t have a professional email, sign up for Google Workspace to get a branded email address. Or ask your web developer to create an email for yourname@yourcompany, which will enhance your credibility and improve your chances of converting leads.

3. Inadequate Branding

Strong branding is essential for differentiating your business in a competitive market. Check out the importance of a positive brand SERP.

It creates a memorable impression, communicates your values, and builds customer loyalty.

Weak branding undermines these efforts, making it harder to stand out and connect with potential customers.

Poorly defined or inconsistent branding can confuse clients, reduce trust, and ultimately lower conversion rates.

Effective branding, on the other hand, instils confidence and enhances the likelihood of turning leads into loyal customers.

Next Steps: Invest in professional branding services to enhance your business’s image and credibility, which will help improve lead conversion rates. Gather and showcase reviews, awards won, and testimonials to build credibility and trust. If you need help improving your branding, we can connect you with a few reputable consultants who specialise solely in brand reputation management.

4. No Sales Person to Respond

Having a dedicated sales team is essential for capitalising on generated leads.

Without a salesperson to respond promptly, potential opportunities can be missed.

This results in wasted leads and lost revenue, as interested prospects may turn to more responsive competitors.

Check out our comprehensive guide on responding to leads.

Next Steps: Hire or designate a salesperson to ensure prompt follow-up on all leads, maximising conversion rates and revenue. Our studies show that promptly responding to new leads significantly increases the chances of securing their business.

5. Low Volume Niche

Operating in a low-volume niche presents significant challenges for lead generation.

The limited pool of potential customers reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of lead generation efforts.

This can result in higher costs and lower ROI, making it less viable to guarantee the desired outcomes.

Next Steps: Consider expanding your product or service offerings to appeal to a broader audience or exploring new markets to increase lead volume. When you thoroughly research the keywords of your niche, you might find that more terms get search volume.

6. Small Area Covered

A restricted geographic market limits the scope of lead generation.

When businesses operate in a small area, the potential customer base is reduced, making it harder to generate a sufficient volume of leads.

This geographical limitation can hinder growth and scalability.

Next Steps: Explore expanding your geographic reach to attract leads from a wider area. You could partner with subcontractors or charge more money to travel as you might find you are still competitive on price (including travel and hotels).

7. Existing Lead Exclusivity on Niche

Lead exclusivity agreements ensure that leads are not shared with multiple clients within the same niche.

This is crucial for maintaining the value and effectiveness of our service for existing clients.

We protect our clients’ interests by upholding these agreements and ensuring they receive high-quality, exclusive leads.

Next Steps: Identify a unique angle or modifier, such as premium or budget-friendly options, or explore closely related services where we don’t have exclusivity agreements in place.

8. No Marketing Budget

Although we guarantee an ROI, we must understand a company’s marketing budget to gauge their ambitions for growth.

We avoid building websites or properties for businesses with low marketing budgets, as these projects can be costly, especially in certain industries.

Adequate budgets are necessary to support effective marketing strategies and ensure long-term success.

Next Steps: Develop a realistic marketing budget to support effective lead generation strategies. Although we offer a performance-based lead generation service, we might want you to capture engaging videos and professional images or provide us with accreditations or awards you have secured. Without a marketing budget for your branding, we will decline you as a potential customer.

9. Poor Online Reputation

An online reputation significantly impacts the conversion of generated leads.

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility, increasing the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Conversely, a poor online reputation, marked by negative reviews and feedback, erodes trust and deters potential customers.

This lack of confidence can drastically reduce the effectiveness of lead conversion, making it essential to maintain a strong, positive online presence.

Next Steps: Focus on improving your online reputation by encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and addressing any negative feedback promptly. We can recommend reputation management services to assist you. Alternatively, look to purchase Google Business Profile review cards to gain those 5* reviews and turn a poor reputation online into a positive one. At the 11th hour, potential customers research your company, and it could be the difference between you winning or losing orders.

10. Niche Being Too Competitive

Operating in a highly competitive niche presents significant challenges for lead generation.

Intense competition means many businesses are vying for the same pool of potential customers, making it harder to stand out and capture attention.

This high level of competition can diminish lead generation effectiveness.

With many similar offerings in the market, it becomes more difficult to convince potential customers to choose your business over others.

Consequently, lead conversion rates may drop, and the overall return on investment can be adversely affected.

To succeed in such niches, businesses need exceptional differentiation and robust marketing strategies.

Next Steps: Explore long-tail keywords or sub-niches within your industry that are less competitive and may be easier to generate leads in. This approach can help you find untapped opportunities and improve lead generation success.

11. Lack of Clear Target Audience

Identifying a clear target audience is crucial for converting leads effectively.

When a business has a well-defined target audience, it can tailor its messaging and offerings to meet potential customers’ specific needs and preferences.

Without a defined target audience, generating and converting leads becomes challenging.

The lack of focus can result in mismatched leads, reduced conversion rates, and wasted resources.

A clear understanding of the target audience ensures that leads are relevant and more likely to convert into loyal customers.

Next Steps: Define your target audience by researching and identifying the specific demographics, interests, and needs of your ideal customers. We can assist you in creating detailed buyer personas to guide your marketing efforts and improve lead conversion. We want our customers to understand exactly what type of audience generates the highest profits.

12. Non-compliance with Industry Regulations

Adhering to industry standards and regulations is essential for building trust and credibility.

Compliance ensures that a business operates within legal and ethical boundaries, protecting its reputation and customer trust.

Non-compliance with industry regulations poses significant risks, including legal penalties, reputational damage, and loss of customer trust.

These risks can severely impact lead conversion rates, as potential customers are unlikely to engage with businesses perceived as unreliable or unethical.

Maintaining compliance is crucial for successful lead generation and conversion.

Next Steps: Review and update your practices to ensure your business complies with all relevant industry regulations. Some potential enquiries might come from clients wanting an accredited or approved contractor. Examples of this might be CHAS-approved, or Constructionline-approved. But each industry has its own regulations that help convert enquiries.

13. Async First Communication

Due to the high volume of enquiries, we cannot call each potential partner initially.

We need certain information beforehand to determine if we can effectively assist you and to ensure we don’t waste anyone’s time.

Providing the requested details will help us connect you with the right team member who can address your specific needs, such as your niche, coverage area, and approximate budget.

Please respond with the necessary information so we can direct your enquiry to the appropriate department.

If you demand calls or physical meetings prior to our due diligence team checking whether your company or service are approved, we would sadly have to decline in the first instance.

Time is a precious commodity – find out more why we decided to build an async first culture.

Next Steps: While we love building customer relationships through meetings or calls, we first need all the necessary information to ensure you qualify. Once verified, we’ll connect you with the appropriate team member for further discussion.

14. Unprofessional Letterhead Design

First impressions are crucial in business, and the design of a company’s letterhead plays a significant role.

An unprofessional or poorly designed letterhead can give a negative impression, potentially deterring potential customers and affecting lead conversion.

A well-designed letterhead conveys professionalism and attention to detail, which is essential for building trust with new clients.

Next Steps: Improve your first impressions by investing in a professionally designed letterhead. If you need graphic designers who specialise in creating professional business stationery, check out thebest freelancer marketplaces,such asUpwork,People Per Hour,Legiit, and Fiverr.

15. Inadequate Quote Templates

The design and detail of a company’s quote templates can decide between winning or losing a job.

Clear, professional, and detailed quote templates show potential customers that the business is organised and trustworthy.

Conversely, inadequate or poorly designed templates can lead to confusion and a lack of confidence, reducing the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Next Steps: Upgrade your quote templates to be clear, detailed, and professional. Your quotation’s design templates can enhance your chances of winning jobs. When presented with two quotes of similar prices, the decision may come down to which quote is more professional and detailed.

16. Outdated or Poorly Designed Marketing Materials

Marketing materials such as brochures, flyers, and business cards are vital for making a good impression.

Outdated or poorly designed materials can give the impression that the business is not meeting industry standards or lacks professionalism.

High-quality, well-designed marketing materials are essential for effective lead conversion.

Next Steps: Revamp your marketing materials to be modern and visually appealing. Winning orders isn’t just about being the cheapest; customers often seek the best value. High-quality marketing materials, including professional photos and videos, can significantly increase perceived value. This initial investment in visually appealing marketing materials can lead to higher conversion rates from cold web leads.

17. Inconsistent Branding Across Platforms

Consistency in branding across all platforms, including the website, social media, and print materials, is essential for building a strong, recognisable brand.

Inconsistent branding can confuse potential customers and diminish trust.

Consistent and cohesive branding enhances recognition and confidence, improving lead conversion rates.

Next Steps: Ensure consistent branding across all platforms by standardising your visual and messaging elements. Create a cohesive brand strategy to maintain uniformity and strengthen your brand identity.

18. Poor Customer Follow-Up Processes

Effective follow-up processes are critical for converting leads into customers.

Businesses that lack a structured follow-up process may miss opportunities to engage with potential customers, which can lead to lost leads.

A robust follow-up process ensures that all leads are nurtured and guided through the sales funnel, increasing the chances of conversion.

Next Steps: Improve your follow-up processes by implementing a structured approach. Data shows many prospects do not respond to the first email, so sending 3 to 5 follow-up emails is recommended for effective lead nurturing. The exact number can vary depending on your industry and specific situation. Developing a customised follow-up strategy to maximise lead conversion is improving to increase average transactional value, lifetime value and cost per acquisition metrics.

19. Lack of Social Proof

Social proof, such as customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews, significantly impacts lead conversion.

Businesses lacking social proof may find building trust with new leads challenging.

Demonstrating positive experiences from existing customers helps to reassure potential clients and boosts conversion rates.

By addressing these factors, businesses can improve their chances of converting the leads we provide and achieving greater success in their marketing efforts.

Next Steps: Collect and showcase customer testimonials, reviews, and case studies to build social proof. Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences. Effective social proof enhances credibility, lowers customer acquisition costs, and increases customer lifetime value (LTV), ultimately improving lead conversion.

20. Low-Profit Clients

We decline clients offering low-ticket services or products with small profits, such as hairdressers, nail salons, microwave repairs, and kettle repairs.

Minimal kickbacks from these services result in inefficient resource allocation for lead generation efforts.

This ensures our focus remains on high-value engagements.

For the customers receiving the enquiries we ideally need the services or products to be high value so it allows them to pay us a finders fee for the leads.

Next Steps: Consider running local facebook ads, ranking your Google Business Profile or possibly leaflet dropping to the nearby area. Low item services are usually local and there is not enough money to allow commissions to be added for leads generated.

21.⁠ ⁠Lead Time Constraints

We may decline lead generation requests due to lead time constraints.

Our business incurs all costs upfront, making long lead times financially unviable.

Some niches require over six months from initial enquiry to commission being owed, impacting our operational efficiency.

Next Steps: If your lead time from initial enquiry to conversion is long, then think about about products or services you also offer which might be faster turnaround times. We would partner with companies if they have both fast conversion services with slower converting niches. But waiting over 6 months for leads to convert is not viable for us as a specialist lead generation agency because we need to test if the industry is converting and tweak our strategies to find the highest converting keywords.

What are my Options if I Do Not Qualify for your Zero-Risk Lead Gen Service?

If you do not qualify for our guaranteed ROI lead generation service, there are many other options.

Some other options to help you grow your business include:

  • SEO Services: Improve your website’s search engine ranking and attract more organic traffic.
  • Web Design Referrals: Get connected with experienced web designers to create a professional and user-friendly website.
  • Branding Improvement: Work with freelancers to enhance your branding and online reputation.
  • Marketing Strategy Consultation: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy tailored to your business needs.
  • Sales Team Training: Train your sales team to handle and convert leads better.
  • Budget Planning: Receive guidance on effectively allocating your marketing budget for sustainable growth.

We can refer you to companies that can help you with the above services if you are interested.

How do I Generate my Own Leads if I Don’t Qualify for your Zero-Risk Lead Gen Service?

To generate your own leads, consider the following strategies:

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content that attracts and engages your target audience.
  • SEO: Optimise your website to improve search engine ranking and attract organic traffic.
  • Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms to reach and engage with potential customers.
  • Email Marketing: Build an email list and send targeted campaigns to nurture leads.
  • Networking: Attend industry events and join online communities to connect with potential clients.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Invest in PPC campaigns to drive targeted traffic to your website.
  • Referral Programs: Encourage satisfied customers to refer new leads through incentives.

Don’t Put All Your Eggs into One Basket

Whether you are accepted or declined for our zero-risk lead generation service, it’s essential to diversify your lead generation strategies.

Relying on a single method creates a single point of failure, which can jeopardise your business growth.

Exploring multiple lead generation channels ensures a steady and varied flow of potential customers.

This approach mitigates risk and enhances overall stability and resilience in your marketing efforts.

Combining strategies such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and PPC advertising can create a robust and comprehensive lead-generation system that supports sustainable business growth.


Being selective in our lead generation requests is essential for maintaining the highest quality and ensuring lead exclusivity.

This approach allows us to deliver exceptional value and guaranteed ROI to our clients.

Our commitment to quality and exclusivity means we prioritise clients best positioned to benefit from our services.

Want Zero-Risk Lead Generation


We invite businesses that meet our criteria to engage with us and experience the benefits of targeted, effective lead generation.

By working together, we can achieve outstanding results and drive growth for your business.