About James Dooley

Learn more about James Dooley by reading an inisights into his life and how began in SEO.

James Dooley has been involved in digital marketing for the past 15 years, as an online entrepreneur running multiple companies based out of the UK.

In this guide, you will understand everything related to James Dooley’s background and SEO journey.

Who Is James Dooley?

James Dooley is a British serial entrepreneur, SEO, investor, and philanthropist.

He currently serves as the CEO of PromoSEO, founder of FatRank and a few other privately managed companies.

James is theyoungest of three sons, a husband, and proud dad to a son and daughter.

Over the years James claims to of failed more times than he can remember and had amazing mentors drive him out of his comfort zone to do this. “Failing is good – embrace it and learn from your mistakes.”

James Dooley SEO

A great resource, if you want to know more about James Dooley, is to check out James Dooley Life Lessons.

James Dooley’s Vision Statement

James Dooley’s life goals are summed up here below in his vision statement.

“To do things I love, with people I love, doing it in a way to be proud of. My job as an entrepreneur is to not accept no, ask why and turn it into a yes.

Live rich, die enriched by investing into things that will protect and develop my family, friends and make the world a better place. But the key is doing all this with trust, honesty and integrity”

James z Dooley Vision Statement Peaky Blinders

For a healthy fun balanced life James Dooley feels you need to do the following:

  • Spend plenty of time with your best friends
  • Spend plenty of time with your family
  • Spend plenty of time with your couples friends
  • Spend plenty of time with your partner (alone)
  • Spend plenty of time working hard
  • Spend plenty of time working out (fitness)

If you can juggle these 6 items above and graft at work you will win at life.

If one of the 6 items fails the balanced life starts to encounter problems.

Many make excuses like they are too busy or they don’t have the work-life balance in place to be able to do this above.

But the truth is most fail because they are not willing to put the time in and take the action required.

What Does James Dooley Do?

As an Online Entrepreneur here are the different ventures James Dooley is involved in:

  1. Sports Director at Soft Surfaces Ltd
  2. Founder of PromoSEO Ltd for SEO development
  3. Built out and own over 650 rank & rent model websites in the UK
  4. Partner with Rick Hope from Statuo on a dozen big paid ads lead generation clients
  5. Managed two call centers in the UK because understood the power of upsells and cross-sells in the lead generation sector
  6. Founder of JMD Property Developments Ltd purchasing houses to rent out or renovate and sell for on
  7. Owner of PromoMedia with older brother which operates traditional marketing in the UK
  8. Founder of Dooley Investments Ltd investing in affiliate websites
  9. Invested in Unistage Ltd which is the top-rated modular staging manufacturer
  10. Owner of this website FatRank which is a non-profit personal blog as opposed to a business
  11. CoFounder of PromoPixa which is a video production company
  12. Chairman of Searcharoo which provides Search Engine Optimisation services
  13. Teamed up with Karl Hudson to set up Alpha Digital Group Ltd for rolling up investments with the bolt on acquisition approach
  14. CoFounder of Boomtown Gaming Groupwhich operates in the casino affiliate industry worldwide
  15. Owner of Dooley Thoroughbreds horse racing syndicate with two older brothers owning a dozen high-class racehorses in Ireland
  16. Currently in the process of setting up a zero profit-making charity to train students who might not have the chance to go to University
  17. Founder of EEAT SEO organisation which assists businesses to showcase their skills, experience, licenses and accreditations better online
  18. Founder of Discovery Google News Agency to promote businesses gain exposure in Google News, Top Stories, and Google Discover
  19. Invested in the UK’s best playground marking manufacturer Uniplay Ltd
  20. Founder of Backlink Doctor which is the largest LRT-approved Google Disavow audit service with Rick Lomas to help websites recover from manual action Google unnatural link penalties
  21. Other online ventures he cannot disclose because NDA in place
  22. Currently on the search to invest or create the biggest Digital PR agency in the UK
  23. Investor in Autoblogging.AI as the team are leveraging AI tools because firm believer “Those who embrace AI, won’t be replaced by AI”
  24. Do you want to partner up? Or need investment in a big idea you have? James Dooley has the capital to invest if happy with the idea

James Dooley Awards And Accolades

Over the years for hard work and consistency in delivering high standards, James has secured many Accolades including:

With regard to awards, endorsements, and accolades James prefers building brands and therefore it is usually the brand receiving the awards.

James Dooley Background

James Dooley’s love for SEO goes back to 2008 when he was tasked to improve the Google rankings for my company and found the algorithms amazing. “It is so interesting how you can try to improve your rankings.”

Over the years James Dooley has learned the hard way, outsourcing to many different agencies with minimal gains, and recently brought all the content writing, link building, and social sharing platforms in-house which worked a treat.

James Dooley become a digital nomad where he is living the laptop lifestyle and can work from anywhere in the world.

James’ progression throughout his career has always been driven by his entrepreneurial mindset and ambitious goals. A single website optimized to rank higher in Google and has led the SEO entrepreneur to deliver over one million website enquiries across 650+ rank and rent websites.

How did James Dooley make his money?

James Dooley made his money through internet marketing services.

He acquired digital real estate and mastered SEO skills to make profits online.

James Dooley’s wealth has grown considerably, with many describing him as a hundred-million-dollar SEO.

James Dooley Mindset

Anyone who knows James Dooley personally will understand my best attribute is my mindset.

He has a crazy work ethic and regularly gets asked ‘How the hell can you run so many things at once?’.

The easy answer is he loves being stupidly busy and always since being a kid has never been able to sit down and chill.

If you are not improving you are falling behind

Every single day James Dooleys wants his team to adapt, improve, and progress further.

He strongly recommends every reader of this page to make sure you read these blogs:-

The articles are to make sure you are not being lazy and that you are taking action every single day.

Remember, this morning if you are healthy, you are happier than the one million people that will not survive this week.

If there’s food in your fridge, shoes on your feet, clothes on your body, a bed to sleep on and a roof over your head, you’re richer than 75% of people in the world.

And if you have a bank account, money in your wallet, or a purse, or coins in a jar, you’re in the top 8% of the world’s wealthiest.

Don’t settle for security, because a flat life line means we’re dead. We cannot avoid the ups and downs, it’s real life. But we can change the way we see them.

When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

Stop existing, start living <3

Where Else Can You See James Dooley Online

There are many places you can see James Dooley online with his ventures.

British Racecourses

James Dooley loves horse racing and regularly provides content as an Author at British Racecourses.

As a racehorse owner writing and sharing his knowledge on the best horse racing racecourses in the UK is something he enjoys doing.

Away Grounds

James plays a lot of football and regularly provide content as an Author at Away Grounds.

With a love for football he also thoroughly enjoys writing about football stadium tours and the latest news on UK football information.

Boomtown Bingo

James Dooley enjoys visiting casinos as likes to gamble from time to time and regularly provides content as an Author at Boomtown Bingo.

Another reason he loves writing for BoomtownBingo is that the casino affiliate industry is seen as the toughest market for SEO.

Being able to compete in the toughest industries improves your SEO knowledge and as he has personal experiences on betting and playing in the casino he feels his knowledge to provide the most in-depth information and guides help us rank higher in Google SERPs.

Best Companies

James Dooley regularly create content as an Author at Best Companies.

As a lead generation company for over 300 companies in the UK, it was amazing to have the opportunity to contribute to best-companies.co.uk which provides real reviews and roundups of all the best UK companies.

Best Companies help save time in sourcing the top-rated businesses in the UK for your service.

Soft Surfaces

James Dooley regularly creates content as an Author at Soft Surfaces.

Having worked in the sports construction and playground industry for over a decade the knowledge he can relay online helps our customers make better choices.

The UK construction industry is booming and Soft Surfaces Ltd is a market leader in the Sports and Safety Surfaces industry.


James Dooley regularly creates content as an Author at Searcharoo.

As link building is a huge factor in ranking websites he thought it was a good investment to join Searcharoo.

The team carry out bespoke outreach white hat link-building strategies to my money sites.

James loves sharing the latest tricks and tips the Searcharoo team carry out in July 2024 in offering value to acquire votes back to my websites (i.e. backlinks).

What are James Dooley’s Social Media Accounts?

James Dooley has social media accounts on X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube. To reach out and follow James Dooley on social media, use the addresses below.

Subscribe, follow or connect to all of James Dooley’s social media accounts if you want to learn SEO, business mindset or entrepreneurship.

James Dooley SEO Entrepreneur

Skills & Endorsements

James Dooley’s Top ‘Skills’ has been voted thus by 5K+ Linkedin connections:

  • SEO (circa 400+ endorsements)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Keyword Research
  • SEM
  • Lead Generation
  • Content Marketing
  • Online Lead Generation
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Online Reputation Management
  • Website Promotion
  • Digital PR
  • Brand SEO
  • Copywriting
  • Web Marketing
  • Online Marketing
  • PPC
  • Website Development
  • Google Adwords
  • Online Advertising
  • Organic Search
  • Link Building
  • Google Analytics
  • Blogging
  • Brand Building
  • Google Website Optimizer
  • Digital Landlord

The skills are voted on and endorsed by connections on Linkedin.

James Dooley Images

James Dooley With Searcharoo Team
James Dooley at a management meeting with the Searcharoo link-building team.
James Dooley With ODYS Alex Drew
James Dooley attending SEO Estonia and meeting Alex Drew from ODYS Domains.
James Dooley SEO With Kasra Dash
James Dooley talking at an SEO Podcast with Kasra Dash.
James Dooley SEO Investorpreneur
James Dooley Entrepreneur with his racehorse from Dooley Thoroughbreds.
James Dooley Entpreneur With Craig Campbell SEO
James Dooley contributing to Private SEO Mastermind with Craig Campbell SEO.

What Others Say

This is a small collection of reviews and testimonials about James Dooley since 2008:

Matt Diggity

Matt Diggity is a huge SEO influencer in the digital marketing space:

Matt Diggity Endorses James Dooley For SEO and Entrepreneurship

James is a master of his craft. A person in the know. A creator. A builder. I’d partner with him on any large scale project any day of the week.

Mads Singers

The Best People Management Coach in the world Mads Singers helpsmotivate & manage your people effectively, leading to great success!

Here is what Mads had to say:

Mads Singers Endorses James Dooley For SEO and Entrepreneurship

James is one of the best online business guys I know – He doesn’t get blinded by details and is great at finding the right people to execute on his great idea’s. If you ever get the chance to do business with James, don’t miss out 😉

Kurt Philip

Kurt is theFounder & CEO of Convertica but has a wealth of experience in affiliate marketing, SEO and building brands’ online presence.

Here is what Kurt had to say:

Kurt Philip Endorses James Dooley For SEO and Entrepreneurship

A thought leader and visionary. Has a way of seeing opportunity and value like no one I have ever met. A true entrepreneur in every sense of the word.

Rafid Nassir

Raf is the Commercial Director at SUSO Digital and here is what Rafid Nassir had to say:

Rafid Nassir Endorses James Dooley For SEO and Entrepreneurship

James Dooley is extremely unique in a sense that I’ve met and done business with plenty of people, but I have never met anyone like him. James’ foresight and business intellect is on a completely different plane. He is a problem solver by nature. Finding flaws in ideas and effective solutions in an instant. That, matched with his infectious enthusiasm and passion to not only share his insight, but to also bring others around him up the mountain with him makes James an essential contact.

Karl Hudson

Karl is one of the most successful search engine optimisation specialists in the world and we have become business partners with a few different brands. Here is what Karl Hudson had to say:

Karl Hudson Endorses James Dooley For SEO and Entrepreneurship

I remember James when he was just a young kipper, but his thirst for knowledge grew exponentially. Now, I consider James Dooley to be one of my most trusted SEO Entrepreneur associates, close to a family member & look forward to working with him on even more projects in the future.

My Next Business Partner

Here is a place saved for his next amazing business partner (do not know who this is yet).

James Dooley as an SEO Entrepreneur is always on the hunt for hungry, energetic, and ambitious people to work alongside him.

Your network is your net worth and he will always strive to build more relationships and try to elevate others to a more successful and happier lifestyle.


As a digital landlord James has progressed into the investorpreneur mindset in growth by acquisition.

Under his leadership, PromoSEO gained much popularity for its organic lead gen service. Now with over 100 staff and a dozen business partners his career has moved more into the Philanthropist role to elevate others in the industry.