Future Tense Anchor Text SEO Technique

With SEO evolving and adapting to new algorithm changes constantly, many individuals are also looking for the next new way to rank their sites for different keywords.

Future tense anchor text is something advanced SEO specialists have been experimenting with for a while now.

This is the technique of writing posts which are designed to rank for phrases which will be popular in the near future.

In this Future Tense Anchor Text guide, I will be uncovering a technique I learned from Charles Floate after attending a recent Chiang Mai SEO Mastermind back in 2018.

Ranking Pages for Next Year

With the New Year swiftly approaching, many people are attempting to rank keywords for 2023 early.

This process involves something called future tense anchor text, which is the concept of theming the anchor text you use for links around the time period you want them to rank for.

An example of this would be if you were looking to rank for ‘Get Ready for SEO in 2023’ as the year in which you’d like the keyword to rank is included in the phrase.

This can help to push up your rankings so that when 2023 comes along, your page is already ranking well for the keyword that people will be searching for.

A company may use this same anchor text 10 times for 10 different links in the hope that this will rank them ready for the New Year.

The problem of course with the example I have given above is that Google is becoming increasingly more intelligent.

It is beginning to understand that people are benefiting from the ease of simply including the year. For example, using it in the anchor text and then ranking it ready for January.

As a result of this, Google is finding it much easier to see a pattern when the same anchor text is used for ranking the exact same phrase with the same year.

What is the Timeroid SEO Technique?

The Timeroid technique is an 2024 SEO technique of writing articles targeted at future events and periodically updating them to rank them on the first page without the need for backlinks.

The timeroid SEO strategy is looking to rank keywords your competition has not yet covered in their content.

By being the first to cover the topic you instantly gain trust from Google using the timeroid SEO technique.

It is important to break the news first.

Be the first authority to the search engines to start writing about a particular phrase, product or piece of news.

The timing is key:

“It simply means that start before others, break news first and reveal the things before others do. JUST BE QUICK”

If you’re the first person to reveal something online surely Google will reward you for being the source of information.

The Timeroid SEO Technique is about how soon you break the news and being the fastest to get indexed.

“Timing” is among the most underrated yet powerful Ranking factors and will be for 2023, 2024.

Hey, do you see what I have just done there sneaking in 2023 and 2024 to futureproof myself haha.

Improve The Information Gain Score

In July 2024 too many SEOs have become blinkered to copycat content.

All signed up to surfer seo, marketmuse and frase have left Google with a big problem because if a searcher does not like the number one result and all search engine specialists just create correlated content – then guess what the searcher won’t like results 2,3,4,5,6 either.

Disclaimer: I have investments in some of these correlation tools and I think they are amazing to help carry out content expansion. The content optimisation tools have made life much easier to complete a topic – but even with added interest in some of these tools then even I become annoyed all marketers now just create copycat content.

The information gain patent is what can you bring that is unique and bring additional value to the SERP.

The more you improve the information gain score the better your website will rank for thousands of other terms in similar topics.

By creating articles ahead of the competition for new products, events next year or future tense queries you are being one step ahead of the competitors.

Get One Step Ahead of The Game in July 2024

You all need to up your game as competition increases throughout July 2024 and beyond.

Start looking for next years searches now and future tense your content so you are ranking for keywords containing 2023, 2024 or whatever the following years are from reading this post.

Once ranking in position one for the future tense of your main keywords then you tend to stick around more within google and it is harder to knock you off your perch.

Try to think outside the box on keyword research to rank for various key phrases and you will be onto a winning combination for sure.

Ahrefs is a must-have SEO tool for future tense keyword research.

They have integrated an amazing new element which shows the newly discovered searches within Google.

You can then use this information to follow the keyword trends.

AhRefs Future Tense Keyword Research
AhRefs Future Tense Keyword Research Strategy

You can see from the image above that ahrefs have integrated a new feature into their keyword explorer.

This image is showing the growth and trends of bitcoin growing in monthly searches.

Having this data is crazy for your tools in being able to utilise this within your marketing strategies.

You have all the training and tools needed online to go out and make yourself plenty of money.

Start taking action today and read this article which hopefully motivates you to start hustling and grafting today.

Using LSI Keywords

A great way of stopping this from happening whilst ranking for multiple different keywords is to target LSI variations of the future tense anchor text.

So for example instead of using ‘Get Ready for SEO in July 2024’ 10 times for 10 links, perhaps a good practice would be to mix it up and do 8 LSI variations of that key phrase with 2 as exact match.

For example your keywords spread across 10 links could look like:

  • Get Ready for SEO in 2023
  • Get Ready for SEO in 2023
  • Prepare for Search Engine Optimisation in 2023
  • Getting Geared Up For 2023 SEO
  • Adapting Your SEO Strategies Ready For 2023
  • Improving Your Search Engine Optimisation For 2023
  • Readying Yourself For 2023 SEO
  • Preparing For 2023 Search Engine Optimisation 
  • 2023 SEO Preparation Techniques
  • Researching New SEO Strategies for 2023

Using a variety of keywords like this will not only help the process look natural to Google.

It will also help increase the amount of future tense keywords that you rank for. Win win!

Targeting Regularly Updated Products

This technique works well if you are selling products which get out of date quickly as new ones come along.

For example you could have a page talking about the best laptops of 2024. You’ll want that page to rank for keywords like ‘best laptops 2023’ so that when new products are added, your page is already ranking.

You can do this by including phrases containing ‘2023’ within the content of the page.

You can also link to it with anchor text like ‘top new laptops for 2023’ etc.

This way when people start searching for the most up-to-date pages about new laptops, you’ll already be ranking for those phrases.

By using these tactics you can put yourself ahead of competitors and get your pages ranking for future tense keywords.

So why not try out these techniques and see if they can work for your business.

Popular Questions

What does the future of keyword research look like?

The future of keyword research is trying to think outside the box for new queries to your customers could be searching.

Find the zero volume keywords or trends for new queries that will start to grow in volume.

Keyword research is all about covering the customer’s pain points and ambitions with strategic keywords, which satisfy both your ideal customers and search engines.

Is future tense an advanced anchor text seo strategy?

Using future tense queries as part of your anchor SEO strategy is working great for the biggest affiliate marketers in the world.

Being one step ahead of the game and already placing backlinks where the clickable text of a hyperlink is helping rank for futureproof keywords.

SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you’re linking to, rather than generic text. So by creating keywords for next year searches makes you ahead of competition in the SERP.


Timing and being the first to cover a topic is one of the strongest ranking factors and you can rock the first page of Google even without a single Backlink.

Google knows who is the first person to cover a specific search query and rewards you for feeding their algorithm the information they require to help users.

Not only is it great to cover the timeroid articles in advance but the Future Tense Anchor Text SEO Technique is a superb way to add even more trust and authority the the topic you are targeting to rank in position one of Google SERPs.