Content Plan Roadmap

Having a content plan roadmap strategy is so important to scaling processes and systems.

The reason a content plan roadmap is vital is that this is where you map out your site architecture, silos and clusters of content.

The content plan roadmaps include all money pages, pillar posts, informational supporting documents and frequently asked question articles.

The easiest way to create a content plan roadmap for July 2024 is to purchase a professional SEO audit to list all articles that are missing in comparison to your competition.

Get a Professional Content Plan


Failing to Create a Content Plan Roadmap?

Recently started to understand I have too many ventures and spreading myself too thin without any properly getting off the ground.

I think this is mainly that I get presented with many good opportunities and would get FOMO if I rejected to take it on (but that is not good business practice).

The failing is mainly falling short at the content plan roadmap stage where I am not properly covering the whole niche keyword research and clustering the keyphrases into articles I need to send onto my freelance content writers.

By Failing to Prepare, You Are Preparing to Fail

Why Failing to Create a Content Plan Roadmap is Killing Your SEO?

Things have evolved in SEO and a good content plan means supporting articles for each main money page written in a super well research manner so that you fill the voids in topical clusters and using content gaps.

There are two parts to this which are:

  1. Making sure we cover the niche in its entirety (to become an expert). This means covering all topics within the niche and lots of supporting articles.
  2. Make sure we cover each page topic in its entirety. Covering the whole topic at a page level is important using skyscraper techniques to make your content better and more comprehensive than your competition.

Then it’s about trying to not have much overlapping content to confuse hummingbird which page is best about particular topics.

Bonus Tip: So many sites are being slapped in the algorithm with partial penalties. Check whether you have any issues by carrying out a content cannibalisation audit for your existing site to remove any overlapping content to your website.

What is a Great Content Plan Roadmap?

A great content plan roadmap is an in-depth thorough keyword research process that pulls every single possible keyword to rank for in your target niche.

Then clustering these into topics and subtopics to make sure there is no overlapping content and creating friendly silo structure.

New Article or Add as an H2?

The difference between a good content strategy vs a great content plan roadmap is the ability to know whether you create the keyword on a brand new article or as an H2 Header to a parent topic article.

In the SEO Networking Community, there is a real difference in opinions on this matter and here is responses you get:

If it has different intent it deserves its own page

When folk says “if it has different intent it deserves its own page” then I used to agree strongly with this because you do not want to play hide and seek with your content.

However, to counter this argument I have many tests which show this to be incorrect and sometimes Google does prefer a huge comprehensive article covering the whole topic as opposed to breaking different intents down into multiple blog posts.

Check what sites are ranking at present on page one and copy their content strategy

Then many SEOs brands this quote a lot “Check what sites are ranking, at present, on page one and copy their content strategy” which makes sense because if it is working for them then you know the blueprint must be working fine, right?

But to counter this argument then blindly copying another site content strategy is crazy because they could be winning in the SERPs because of their backlink profile. And it is certainly not a one size fits all so you need to understand how the search engines understand the keyphrases you are looking to rank.

Create a comprehensive article on the topic and break up at a later date if needed

The latest strategy is to “create a comprehensive article on the topic and break up at a later date if needed” where you build big long-form posts where potentially you might be unsure whether some keyphrases have different intents but are on the same topic.

Hummingbird is a complete overhaul of the core algorithm and hummingbird feeds rank brain. If you have multiple pages on the same topic (even if you feel they have different intent) then this can be harming your website.

This method the way Panda is improving the way they read content makes sense because you get no overlapping or thin content issues. And at a later date once you have established topical authority on the subject you can try to break up the page and see instantly whether this helps your SEO goals or not.

Bonus Tip: Panda is real-time so if you decide to break up your content then you can go into Google Search Console to do a fetch and render. Then check your results 15 mins later once it has been recrawled and see the rankings increases or decrease. If it has dropped you still might want to leave it a few weeks and check the impression in Search Console but if it does not help then revert back to the one huge post on the subject.

Is Creating a Content Plan Roadmap Hard?

Creating a comprehensive content plan roadmap is hard to element properly.

There are two parts to the content plan roadmap which I will explain.

Keyword Research Is The Easy Part

The first part which is keyword research of your niche is straight forward to implement.

This can simply be executed by loading up five of your competitor’s domains into SEMRUSH or AHREFS and exporting a list of keywords into a spreadsheet.

Bonus Tip: Do not just stop there and think you have all the keyphrases of your niche because there are many other ways to grab many more variations you want to cover in your in-depth keyword research plans. These include people also ask, answer the public, google suggests, niche relevant forums and neighbouring topic articles.

Clustering Keywords into Topical Nodes

The second part is clustering all the keywords you have collected into topical nodes and mapping out the silo of the content.

Years ago before Panda updated several times to improve how it reads on page content used to be easy and you could get away with silly mistakes.

Nowadays overlapping content, low-quality content and badly covered topical articles are being slapped in google algorithms.

How to Create a Content Plan Roadmap?

The best ways to create a content plan roadmap is to do the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your AHREFS account and export all keywords all your competition is ranking for
  2. Do the same exporting all keywords from SEMRUSH
  3. Expand on this list exporting all relevant keyphrases from answer the public, people also ask and google suggest
  4. Once you have all the keywords merged into a single sheet delete any duplicates
  5. Run the full list of keywords through the AI Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Tool
  6. As the AI Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Tool segments, the keywords into groups check these with AHREFS parent topic and manually

You now have an in-depth comprehensive list of articles to send onto your writers to produce.

What is the AI Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Tool?

The AI Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Tool is an artificial intelligence tool that clusters the keywords based on similarity.

The artificial intelligence tool uses the lexicographical order to determine distances between keywords and the co-occurrence in data sets.

In simple terms this allows you to cluster all your keywords into topics and sub-topics to help you create your list of article titles, h2s and h3s.


The algorithms have progressed hugely over the years from keyword stuffing and even now moved on from word2vec.

Word2vec takes as an input a large corpus of text and produces a vector space. Embedding vectors have many advantages over earlier algorithms.

Word2vec is just a distance between words. But it’s not as simple to use as people advertise, as it’s only good for keywords that the network has seen. For example, “slots” can mean a totally different thing for word2vec than for your casino niche, so it will group it with something that is found relevant to the documents it was trained on like “time slots”.

This is where content entity stacking is important at a page level to have hyper-specific data and use co-occurrence of words to support parent topic of the page.

Carry Out Content Gap Analysis


NLP makes sense when ones have large corpora so as to analyze the co-occurrence of words.. for simple keywords or phrases it will be just garbage in garbage out.

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Check out the in-depth list of content posts.

The full list shows the various SEO strategies to help your online marketing knowledge grow fast in July 2024.