Surfer SEO Review

There is a lot of hype at the moment around the Surfer on-page analysis SEO tool, recently voted the best on-page data-driven tool in July 2024.

“Surfer SEO is making huge waves for its emergence into the Online Marketing Community”

So I thought I would need to test this out for myself.

Test Out Surfer SEO For Free


Let me introduce you to my thoughts on the SurferSEO tool and whether you need it in your processes to improve google ranking.

Check out our amazing Surfer SEO technique on how to rank a single webpage for thousands of keywords using a clever hack within the content editor and keyword research tool.

The Surfer SEO Team

Before we get into our Surfer SEO review, our team need a huge shout out. Here are many of the team at the Chiang Mai Conference below.

Surfer SEO at Chiang Mai Conference

The team at surfer are a close-knit group from Poland who has taken the internet marketing communities by storm with their attitude to listen to what the marketers want and tweak their services to suit.

Chiang Mai Mastermind With Surfer SEO Team

The photo above is a mastermind they put together in Chiang Mai before the conference to talk through the pros and cons of the tool and how it could be improved.

As the algorithms change on a monthly basis then having the attitude to understand to tweak and change things along the way is what will make Surfer SEO rise to the top because their team is a credit to the industry in wanting to learn from the communities feedback.

This before anything else is vital to long term growth and success.

What is Surfer SEO?

This website is an online data-driven tool for on-page SEO optimisation.

It allows you to analyse and compare your page against other ranking pages from competitors and sites that currently rank well within the SERPs.

This basically takes out the guesswork and allows your page to join the top pages in the SERPs!

Do you want to be an SEO expert, appearing at the top of the search results? Surfer SEO might just be the best way to get you there.

This is more than just a keyword research tool. SurferSEO analyses the top ranking pages within the search engines results page with their serp analyzer, and lets you know exactly what is missing from your pages, which your competitors may have.

Sounds easy?

Secret Weapon For On-Page SEO

The SurferSEO is our secret weapon on-page marketing tool to give pages the SEO factor.

“Imagine sitting a test but having the answer sheet to the questions – this is what Surfer SEO is for ranking websites in Google”

Sounds crazy but this is why the surfer is the secret weapon we use to improve onsite tweaks.

Content Is Key

Who else has been raised in the industry understanding that content is key and the more content the better you will rank? Well, SurferSEO has completely turned that theory upside down with its WORD COUNT report.

Whether you need new content or need help optimising existing content, SurferSEO is a great keyword research tool to use.

The video below explains the correlation in your word size total is important and at times if you are the outlier with too much content compared to your competition you should condense down to be within the average suggested.

So by simply auditing your word tally to match your competitors, you can completely transform how your page will rank. Now do not go running to the hills with this removing a load of quality content if you have too much or adding a load of waffle if not enough because correlation is not causation.

“Google doesn’t rank your website… your competitors do!”

This saying is a great way of understanding you need to be doing similar to what is ranking on the first page…. and then that bit better.

Correlation is King

Historically working towards ranking your site to the top of google based on your intuition and experience would be time-consuming and at one time this was enough. Now surferSEO will analyse 500 different factors across the top search results and then compare those with your page.

This then makes it incredibly easy to compare your page with your competition and then optimise the specific factors that influence rankings for your keywords.

You are now in a perfect position to understand what exact keywords need to be added or removed to ensure your page becomes relevant as possible in Googles top 10.

Choose The Right Competitors to Correlate With?

When looking to correlate with the best-ranked websites in Google you need to choose the webpages which are winning with their onpage.

The Content Score metric here is a new SEO metric that grades quality and relevancy of your competitors ranking for your desired keywords.

How good is your content in comparison to other pages in SERP? Which pages that already rank for a keyword should be your benchmarks for on-page optimisation? 

Is there a correlation between content quality and position in search results? Today, answering those questions became a little bit easier. With the latest product update, the team from Surfer introduced a brand new metric that will become your best friend in content optimisation. That metric is Content Score.

Content Score Metric

Content Score is based on more or less 100 on-page factors and ranges from 1 to 100, where 100 is max. It takes into consideration signals like:

 Content structure

 Using relevant words and phrases

Using NLP (Natural Language Processing) words and phrases

 Content length

 Main keyword usage

Content Score may vary for one page depending on a target keyword. It’s because it takes into account the quality and relevance of the page in terms of a target phrase.

For example, the article “The best books on economics in 2020” will score higher for the “economics books” keyword than “marketing books”. The quality may be the same in both cases, but the relevance is much higher for the first keyword.

Content Score can be a game-changer in the hands of a skilled SEO. It automates analysis and speeds it up significantly. It assures that every time you analyse SERPs in terms of on-page optimisation, your analysis is spot-on.

If you’re optimising your content, you should use Content Score to determine the best benchmarks for your page. You don’t want to compare yourself to pages that rank for any other reason than outstanding content.

There’s no other metric on the market that checks so many factors and speeds up your analysis like this. That’s why anyone who puts content in the centre of their marketing strategy, should definitely test the new metric from Surfer.

The Surfer team made the Content Score available for all users, regardless of their plan (including trials). It is available inside their SERP Analyzer tool and in the customization panel of Content Editor.

I know that they will iterate the metric so it will get more and more accurate in the following months. The score will be an important part of further product development and will be enhanced with machine learning technology. Based on changes and displayed content in Google search, the score will adjust the weights of different factors, depending on a keyword.

The content score is going to assist you to choose the best competition to correlate your content towards which is key to getting access to the correct data.

Content Editor Review

So, what is the Surfer content editor details?

The content editor analyses real-time data to determine how to best optimise your content. This is based around the main keyword and topic. It allows you to create a sheet to send onto your copywriters to work from and understand what key phrases you want the article to cover.

Copywriters love the sheet the content editor produces and what is great about the feature is you do not need to give all your freelance writers access through a username and password login. The sheet you create can be set to public.

The Perfect Post

The content editor allows you to write the perfect post by using the data of the top-ranking sites.

With more emphasis on content structure and content optimisation in the search engines results setting out your keywords in a systemised format is more important than ever.

Surfer will analyse your top 10 competitors and their content…

It offers suggestions on:

  • The number of words, headings, paragraphs, images etc to use
  • Use of bold
  • Important keywords/phrases and terms to use
  • Other relevant items to include
  • How to utilise questions and answers

This information can be used to set a target word count and keyword density.

Once changes have been made, check Google Search Console to see the progress. We recommend checking pages after a week or so.

Cover the Complete Topic

You can also analyse specific keywords before writing a page.

This allows you to give the right information to content writers and ensure you are covering the page topic in its entirety.

Creating this perfectly written supporting documents is part of an advanced SEO strategy.

Having the ability to know from a cheat sheet as you are writing what keywords will help strengthen your page’s performance is what makes the content editor feature so good for when you are scaling content for your money sites or affiliate websites.

SERP Analyser

Check out our video on the build-in SERP Analyser Tool Review below:

It is important to remember correlation doesn’t necessarily mean causation.

But the SERP analyser report is a great way to ensure you are at the top of your game.

Content Planner

Surfer SEO is at the forefront of innovative on-page content tools.

Understanding optimising one perfect article is not enough to rank for hard keywords Surfer have created a clustering tool to help you manage to build out content hubs.

Whether you want to call these topical islands, content hubs or clustering pods then Surfer newly launched Content Planner is here to assist.


Check out the Surfer SEO Content Planner to show you exactly what the clustering tool includes.

Topic clusters, on the other hand, are a way of structuring your site. It’s when multiple pieces of content grouped by their shared topic and subtopics (supportive pages) are all interlinked. They also all link to one core page that ties them all (a pillar page) and covers our entire overarching theme.

Content Planner will give you the entire topical strategy to cover the topic in its entirety. You’ll get a list of article ideas (along with the primary and secondary keywords they need to rank for) so you can create full content hubs that internal link nicely for the visitors.

Websites that cover content from the same niche are said to have topical authority. They have deep, established expertise on a subject.

Domain Planner

The domain planner feature allows you to integrate your Google Search Consoles with just one click.

Pulling through the Google Search Console data for the real traffic and impressions is the holy grail of data.

Although semrush and ahrefs are great third party tool to predict traffic then nothing beats out the real data in GSC.

With the real data you can now within SurferSEO Domain Planner do the following:

  • Run reports on high traffic pages that are under optimised on the content score
  • Find striking distance keywords for the quickest win opportunities
  • In one dashboard easily assign progressive optimisation tasks for your editors
  • Featured snippet opportunities on your top 100 page rankings
  • Filters to find all low hanging fruit content hacks
  • Sort by Content Score low > high and create the content editor jobs for your SEO content writers

Now you have the ability to sort your optimisation tasks in order of importance.

Instead of aimlessly trying to optimise all pages you now have a scoring system that enables tasks set with a priority to the quick wins being completed first.

GROW FLOW AI Growth Management Platform

Grow Flow is the Surfer’s new AI Growth Management Platform that assigns weekly tasks.

Now Surfer has allow the ability to create weekly tasks you can assign to your virtual assistants to fulfil on a weekly basis.

Surfer’s GROW FLOW provides data-driven SEO insights on a weekly basis to provide marketers with tasks that pack a lot of punch. GROW FLOW’s actionable task list give the next steps to helping websites rank higher in the search engines.

Check out our guide to find out more about the SurferSEO Grow Flow AI-generated task platform.

Keyword Analyser

So what is the keyword analyser on the SEOsurfer?

The keyword analyser is a keyword research tool that provides information to optimise your page with the right keywords and phrases.

It does this by inspecting the SERPs and correlating the most used keywords for this topic.

How To Use The Surfer SEO Keyword Research Analyser

Using the tool is simple and super user-friendly! Just follow the steps below:

  1. Type your keyword in the dashboard
  2. Pick search location by clicking on the flag (the UK, US etc.)
  3. Press enter

The clever keyword research tool will get to work and trawl top ranking pages for your keyword.

This will then carry out keyword research and produce a list of keywords, questions, phrases and even common backlinks.

Audit Analyzer Review

Are you looking for an in-depth audit for your site?

Surfer does exactly what it says on the tin.

You can effortlessly generate professional audits for any URL using the SurferSEO audit feature in seconds!

SEO Surfer Features

The tool has a large number of useful easy to follow features that help with your on-page SEO.

Please see a list of the best features below:

  • Real-Time Data of the top 40+ ranked websites
  • Content Optimisation
  • User-Friendly
  • Over 500 Ranking Factors
  • Great Customer Service
  • Keyword Research

With many more features available, this is a great tool to scale your business, just like your competitors.

How Much is SurferSEO?

The Surfer Account purchase prices start at $29 dollars. This includes 5 queries a day and 250+ factors analysed. 

Remember, nothing good in life comes for free. So make sure to keep the value in mind when looking at the surfer SEO pricing.

Payment Plans

The different annual purchase plans can be seen below depending on the numbers of users:

  • Hobby -$29
  • Basic – $59
  • Pro – $99
  • Business – $199
  • Business+ – $650

It is also possible to create a custom plan to ensure you are making the most out of these features.

Surfer SEO Vs. Cora

Cora is a tool very similar to Surfer being an on-page analyser tool.

Cora, for years, was really the only on page optimisation analysis available so it took the throne in many ways. But at $250 a month, you need to ask yourself how valuable this is to your business?

For those with unlimited funds then Cora may be the tool for you but for those looking for great value for money SurferSEO will definitely suffice.

For anyone who likes ‘easy to use’ interface, then Cora is going to look like an everlasting matrix with its Excel format. It’s clear that SurferSEO has really thought out their interface design with its navigation friendly platform. SurferSEO illustrates a visual representation of any week spots on your page. Who doesn’t love a visual? Sorry, Cora.

Where Surfer really does run rings around Cora is its speed. Surfer currently with 4 additional features over Cora is on the ball when it comes to updating new features and implementing user feedback. The team at Cora don’t seem to be as efficient in this department, which is amazing news for Surfer.

So in short, to answer the question Surfer SEO vs Cora, both are fantastic tools and it may be that Cora is the right tool for you depending on what you need to achieve. But it’s clear from reading the above where SurferSEO advantages are apparent.

Popular Questions

Best Surfer SEO Alternatives For Onpage Content Optimization?

Here are the Best Surfer SEO Alternatives For Onpage Content Optimization:

Check out our comprehensive guide on the top-rated Onpage Content Optimization Tools in July 2024.

Surfer SEO Review

Overall, I am extremely happy with the Surfer tool.

This process is something I have been doing manually for years, but this now allows me to scale content at a much faster rate.

App Surfer SEO Testimonial Results

So after a lot of testing the app surfer SEO, the Cora correlation analysis programme and page optimizer pro we voted surfer SEO to be the winner for our agencies to use.

Surfer has been voted:

  • Best Content SEO Audit Software
  • Cora vs Pop vs Surfer SEO Winner
  • Most recommended SEO Content Analysis Software
  • Best on-page SEO Tools in the World

Since using Surfer SEO reports we have found it much easier to order content in scale and the content writers have found it easier to complete the content creation also.

Copywriting Courses Online

SurferSEO understands the importance of developing your knowledge with copywriting to rank higher in Google.

They have released two courses for their users.

Free Copywriters SEO Course

Make sure your content attracts the audience using smart SEO tactics taught in this free copywriters SEO course.

As with many great writers, they are fantastic with language but not too interested in the SEO aspect.

Surfer provides a set of clear guidelines to ensure every page is optimised to rank!


I love the fact our freelance writers now have a data-driven tool to work from correlating information and averages we aspect for the content structure and keywords.

We also love that Surfer has released a Google Chrome Extension (in beta). So for everyone who uses Google Docs, this is going to make your practice, even more, user-friendly.

You can create new queries and connect these to a Google Doc or WordPress from the side panel.

Advanced Copywriters SEO Course

Content marketing has changed and your SEO strategy begs for an update.

Most talked-about optimisation tactics are outdated and only worked many years ago so you need to brush up on your knowledge in July 2024.

Take out the advanced SEO Course for free here.

Your content and webpages will only rank in the SERPs if you can outsmart the current competitors.

It’s not always about having the strongest domain with thousands of backlinks to rank position one in Google.

The advanced course will teach you to be smart with SEO tools, learn proven strategies that few of your competitors actually use.

If you really want to take your copywriting skills to the top then I strongly recommend after completing the advanced course to purchase the SEO Writing Masterclass.

SEO Writing Masterclass

The SEO Writing Masterclass is not for the faint-hearted because is the most advanced SEO optimisation course in July 2024.

The SEO industry is crowded with below-average content writers.

Don’t be one of them and make your quality better than your competition.

Great copywriters know how to optimise for the Google algorithms and also understand the importance of sales copy to convert the visitors.

The truth is the knowledge shared in the SEO community is filled with “common myths” that are a hindrance to SEO success.

Take the SEO Writing Masterclass Course which bases all the training on data, facts and what is working in TODAY’s search results.

Take Your SEO Content To Another Level Of Optimisation


What Surfer SEO Could Improve On

Not everyone is perfect so I am here to try and think of ways how the team at Surfer can improve their SEO software.

But as I find things that would improve the data-driven tool then Michal (cofounder) implements this right away.

So at present, this section needs to remain blank but in time if I find anything that could make this tool better I will be sure to add into here.

How to Rank For Thousands of Keywords with the Surfer SEO Hack

Expanding your content to rank a single webpage for thousands of keywords is an under-utilised SEO strategy.

Check out our Surfer SEO hack on how to rank a page for multiple keywords:

Our progressive optimisation team have taken many of our money sites to new levels by using content expansion ideas at a page level like this.

Why is True Density Terms The Same When One Keyword Vs Multi Analysis Keywords in Content Editor?

When using similar search query terms then the surfer SEO tool is correlating against the same data as the google results page is identical.

The little hacks we have found when preparing our content plans is to search in google for variations of phrases that have the same intent but might be bringing slightly different results.

A great one was questions surrounding your topic and some results like Reddit, Quora and other sites might appear that the surfer SEO can correlate information from.

Garbage In = Garbage Out

If the search terms bring the same SERP results the tool will bring the same true density keywords.

It all boils down to how creative your content preparation team are.

Multi-Analysis Content Editor

In some of the cases, the list of suggested true density terms may be similar or even the same. Surfer checks what sort of content ranks for the queries you provided. If for all of them, the results are similar, it’s quite likely that guidelines will be based on similar competitors that have the strongest Content Score.

If the list of multi-analysis phrases you provided are quite similar to each other, and the reader’s intention is the same for all of them Surfer will provide very similar suggestions for single-query or multi-analysis.

Check the list of competitors selected as you can select the most relevant in the settings below the content editor correlation runs

Even if phrases are similar/the same for highly related keywords, I see a huge value in multi-analysis in terms of additional topics and questions, especially the PAA section.

Surfer SEO Multi Analysis PAA


All in all, we are very happy with the SEO Surfer Data-Driven Onpage Tool and it is no surprise we seen this voted the must-have SEO Account for July 2024.

Another huge positive is how active the owners are in the social media groups and listening to feedback and improving their tool further.


If any company is looking to scale content creation then the easy to use SEOSurfer is a must-have to help achieve optimized content the first time.

Any website auditor can now outrank their competitor using surfers content editor and ensuring content matches the top ranking search result.

So for our surferseo review conclusion, Surfer has made such a huge impact on the global SEO community in such a brief amount of time… this alone suggests how exciting the future looks around the tool SurferSEO, and why it’s one of the best one-page SEO tools on the market.

All users of the correlation tool need to understand copycat content strategies will only get them so far in rankings and SEOs should study the Information Gain SEO Patent to find additional methods to create content expansion strategies.

All Related Posts

Check out the in-depth list of posts.

The full list shows the various search engine optimisation strategies to help your online marketing knowledge grow fast in July 2024.

SurferSEO Testimonials

Using tools like Surfer SEO has helped a number of SEO enthusiasts and entrepreneurs increase their websites search volume.

Surfer can help with NLP analysis, content strategy and which LSI keywords to include to improve your SE ranking.

Instead of just listening to my thoughts on this amazing tool to improve your page content length and quality, see what the experts say:

“Surfer started making big waves for its emergence into the market as a powerful onsite optimization tool. It allows you to make data-driven optimisations to your website that are based on what the top-rankers in the niche are already doing. It looks at word count, keyword density, backlinks, subheadings, and nearly everything else to give you a playbook on what you need to change in order to compete on page 1. It also has a Surfer SEO content editor that allows your writers to be guided by data when writing their content. It’s a game-changer.” Matt Diggity

Matt Diggity is a hugely successful online entrepreneur and for someone of that stature to speak so highly of the tools show the power it has.

“Surfer SEO is ideal for SEOs looking for a data-driven analysis tool with a great interface and is entirely affordable at just $29 per month. We like it because it gives us the ability to tweak our content in a way that no other tool in that price range does. The fact that Surfer SEO has made such a big impact on the global SEO community in such a short amount of time is also an indication that the best is yet to come.” Authority Hacker

Authority Hackers are one of the most loved digital businesses so whenever they are reviewing a product positively you need to listen.

“Surfer makes on page SEO actionable for anyone regardless of your experience and is super affordable starting from only $29 per month. It has quickly become a key tool in my SEO process and we are seeing more and more Surfer success stories by the day. All I have to do is share the Surfer SEO content editor URL with my writing team, and they do the rest. So if you’re serious about increasing blog post traffic, getting more website views, creating higher ranking content, bumping up your existing ranks and keen to achieve quick wins without spending loads of time and money… Start your Surfer SEO trial now. Because it’s not often a new SEO tool causes this much disruption.” Matt Woodward

And Matthew Woodward is a dinosaur in the SEO industry with a wealth of knowledge. So for him to promote is the icing on the cake.

As you can see here from three hugely influential testimonials then it is clear to say you are missing out if you do not have this as part of your SEO tools in July 2024 and beyond.