Reactive PR Combined with Expert Commentary

Reactive PR is a dynamic strategy that involves responding to current events and trends to enhance a company’s public relations efforts.

Leveraging trending topics, allows businesses to stay relevant and engage with their target audience in real-time. When combined with expert commentary, you increase your chances of landing big pieces in the press.

Expert commentary adds credibility and depth to reactive PR campaigns, providing valuable insights and perspectives.

We explore the benefits and challenges of reactive PR, how to find trending topics, the importance of expert commentary, and steps to implement this strategy effectively.

What is Reactive PR?

Reactive PR is a public relations strategy to react to trending topics. Top marketers focus on leveraging current events and trends to secure media coverage and enhance SEO.

Using reactive PR can be a great marketing tactic, increasing the chances of news coverage and subsequently getting publicity and links to your brand.

Finding what’s trending allows you to capitalise on your next strategy and it means that you could get into the press.

What Are the Benefits of Reactive PR?

The benefits of reactive PR include increased brand exposure, enhanced online coverage, and the acquisition of valuable backlinks from high-authority websites.

Brand Awareness

Focussing on trending topics could get you into the press and subsequently build awareness of your brand.

It’s ultimately free advertising for your business, getting into some of the biggest newspapers, websites and being shared on social media.


Getting the word out about your brand across various platforms improves your parasite SEO – allowing you to be seen and for the search engines to become aware of your company and the niche that it is in.

Plus you could land yourself white-hat backlinks, improving your rankings in the process.


Some of the best backlinks come from white-hat marketing campaigns. Get relevant and trustworthy backlinks to your site, to not only improve your rankings and SEO but also send traffic directly to your website.

Newspapers and other huge DR websites could link to you off the back of a PR marketing campaign.


Reacting to PR and trending topics gives you the chance to add a voice to your brand. Control the narrative of your brand by actively marketing.

This allows for you to be part of the narrative and reputation of your brand.

What is Expert Commentary and Why Is It Important?

Expert commentary consists of invaluable insights shared by industry experts.

These insights can be sourced internally from your organisation or externally from professionals such as solicitors or medical practitioners. Incorporating these expert comments boosts the credibility and depth of your Digital PR activities by featuring quotes from authoritative figures in the industry.

Expert commentary effectively engages journalists and captures their attention, making it an excellent tool for gaining powerful backlinks from high-authority publications. This, in turn, enhances your SEO performance and bolsters your E-E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness) signals.

If you are looking to create a reactive PR piece, then combining it with expert commentary makes it more likely that journalists will want to collaborate with you. Reactive Commentary is a great way to increase your brand’s visibility and making the most of a PR campaign.

In this blog, we will explore various ways to utilise expert commentary in your Digital PR strategy.

How to Use Reactive Commentary

What Are the Challenges of Reactive PR?

Although a fantastic tactic, Reactive PR is not simple – it requires a lot of work and expertise. Here are some of the challenges of using Reactive Commentary.

Keeping Up with Breaking News

Staying updated with breaking and trending news.

Ensure your organisation’s reputation is managed effectively across various media outlets while keeping pace with the fast-moving news cycle.

Filtering Information in Real-Time

Sifting through vast amounts of information quickly. The need to filter information in real-time, adhering to strict journalistic standards to maintain accuracy and credibility.

Navigating the Media Landscape

Identifying media opportunities amidst chaos. It can be daunting to navigate the noisy media landscape and pinpoint potential media opportunities amidst the overwhelming flow of information.

Managing Negative Press

Mitigating potential negative press. Balancing proactive communication with strategic crisis management is essential to managing and mitigating negative press effectively.

Leveraging Expert Insights

Utilising expert insights and industry knowledge. Expert insights and industry knowledge are crucial for guiding public relations professionals through tumultuous situations, offering a nuanced approach to handling various scenarios.

How to Find Trending Topics for Reactive PR?

Finding trending topics for reactive PR involves utilising tools such as Google Trends, Twitter, Response Source, and HARO to stay updated on the latest news and trends.

Here are ways to find your next trending topic for reactive PR:

  • Google Trends: Monitor search patterns to discover what people are interested in. Set up alerts for specific keywords relevant to your industry.
  • Twitter: Use the trending section and hashtags to spot current discussions. Engage with trending hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Response Source: Subscribe to alerts to receive journalist requests for expert commentary on breaking news. Provide timely responses to gain media coverage.
  • HARO (Help a Reporter Out): Check HARO requests regularly to identify opportunities to contribute to trending topics. Respond promptly to secure media placements.
  • Industry News: Read industry-specific news websites and subscribe to newsletters to stay informed about the latest developments and trends.
  • Google Alerts: Set up alerts for key terms related to your industry to receive notifications about new articles and discussions in real-time.
  • Social Listening Tools: Use tools like Hootsuite or Brandwatch to monitor conversations about your industry. Track mentions, keywords, and trends for a comprehensive view of the online landscape.

What’s coming up?

As well as using tools to find trending topics for your Reactive Commentary campaign, you can also use your logic.

You could have the following coming up:

  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day
  • Blockbuster Movie Release
  • Extreme Weather
  • Easter
  • Christmas

You get the idea, figure out what’s coming up and then use an angle to your campaign. Journalists will be more likely to use a trending topic especially if you use an expert in the niche.

An example of Reactive PR was when IKEA pounced on a viral story about Cristiano Ronaldo’s water bottle and named a water bottle ‘Cristiano’, this made headlines and brought attention to their brand.

What Is the Importance of Trending Topics in Reactive PR?

Trending topics are crucial in reactive PR as they create immediate media opportunities and significantly boost brand awareness within public relations efforts.

Staying current with trends can also help in securing expert commentary from industry leaders, which adds credibility to your brand and enhances the overall quality of media coverage. By being up-to-date with what’s happening in the world, you can tailor your messaging to resonate with your audience, leading to better engagement and a stronger connection with your target demographic. Leveraging trending topics can also increase the likelihood of being featured in top-tier media outlets, providing your brand with valuable exposure and reach.

How to Use Social Media for Trend Research?

Using social media for trend research involves monitoring platforms like Twitter for trending news and relevant hashtags that align with your brand’s interests.

One effective strategy for utilising social media monitoring is to follow influential industry leaders within your niche. By keeping tabs on their posts and interactions, you can gain valuable insights into emerging trends and topics that are relevant to your brand.

Engaging in conversations related to your brand exposure is another key aspect of effective social media monitoring. Participating in discussions, responding to comments, and sharing valuable content can help boost your online presence and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

What Are the Tools Available for Trend Research?

Various tools available for trend research include Semrush, Google Trends, HARO, and Source Bottle, each offering unique insights and data.

Semrush is a comprehensive SEO tool that provides in-depth keyword analysis and helps track website traffic trends.

Google Trends, on the other hand, offers real-time data on search queries and popular topics.

HARO, standing for Help a Reporter Out, connects journalists with expert sources for content creation, enabling you to establish credibility in your field.

Source Bottle streamlines the process of finding industry influencers and experts to contribute to your content, enhancing your authority and audience engagement.

Expert Commentary to Leverage Reactive PR

Businesses can benefit from expert commentary in reactive PR by boosting brand awareness, enhancing online performance, and positioning themselves as industry leaders.

Featuring expert opinions provides a sense of authenticity and credibility to a company’s messaging, making it more trustworthy in the eyes of the audience. When consumers see that industry experts are endorsing a brand or its products/services, they are more likely to engage with the content and take the messaging seriously.

Expert commentary can also open up media opportunities as journalists often look for insights from knowledgeable sources to enhance their stories. This can lead to increased visibility and mentions in reputable publications, further solidifying the brand’s reputation in the market.

What Are the Best Practices for Including Expert Commentary in Reactive PR?

Best practices for including expert commentary in reactive PR involve ensuring authenticity, focusing on E-A-T signals, and featuring credible industry experts.

When selecting the right experts to contribute to your PR content, it is crucial to prioritise their expertise in the industry and their alignment with your brand’s values and messaging.

  • Verify the credentials of potential experts by checking their professional background, publications, and previous collaborations to ensure they bring valuable insights to your content.
  • Integrating expert commentary seamlessly into your PR strategy involves incorporating their opinions in a way that enhances your narrative and establishes your credibility.
  • By strategically aligning expert insights with your messaging, you can create a cohesive and authoritative voice that resonates with your audience.

Who is the Best Reactive PR Agency?

The best reactive PR agency is Search Intelligence Ltd.

The founder of Search Intelligence, Fery Kaszoni, is known for offering out free advice on landing link magnets. This is done through Reactive PR and expert commentary.

Fery’s agency have delivered thousands of different backlinks and articles landed for their clients, they currently boast over 300 active clients.

The main reason Search Intelligence Ltd is the best Reactive Digital PR agency is their consistent study of trending topics and stories every day, providing expert commentary to earn white-hat links with SEO value for free.

How to Implement Reactive PR in Your Strategy?

Implementing reactive PR in your PR strategy requires a combination of proactive planning and real-time monitoring to effectively capitalise on emerging trends and media opportunities.

What Are the Steps to Incorporate Reactive PR into Your PR Strategy?

To incorporate reactive PR into your PR strategy, start by identifying planned reactives, setting up monitoring tools, and preparing a list of expert sources for immediate response.

Next, brand positioning should be a core consideration. Assess how your reactive PR fits into your overall brand narrative and messaging. Ensure that your responses align with your brand’s voice and values to maintain consistency and credibility.

Once you have established your brand positioning, it’s time to delve into the world of content marketing. Craft engaging and informative content that can be used in response to various scenarios. From blog posts to social media updates, focus on delivering value to your audience through strategic content creation.

After implementing your reactive PR strategy with a strong focus on brand positioning and content marketing, monitor and measure the outcomes. Analyse the impact of your responses, track the engagement levels, and gather feedback to continuously refine your approach for optimal results.

How to Measure the Success of Your Reactive PR Efforts?

Measuring the success of your reactive PR efforts involves analysing online performance, tracking media coverage, and evaluating the effectiveness of your PR tactics.

  • Traffic: You can monitor how much traffic you are getting from articles created via the campaign. See if your traffic has increased from your latest PR strategy using Google Analytics.
  • Number of Articles: You can measure success by counting the number of media articles that pick up your story.
  • Backlinks: Most articles will send backlinks to your social media or website. Use Ahrefs, Moz or Semrush to monitor how many backlinks you have landed from the campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reactive PR combined with Expert Commentary?

Reactive PR, also known as reactive public relations, is a strategy used by companies to respond to current events or trending topics. It involves monitoring the news and social media for relevant topics and quickly crafting a response to join in the conversation. Combined with expert commentary, this approach can add valuable insights and perspectives to the conversation.

How is Reactive PR different from traditional PR?

Traditional PR focuses on planned and proactive messaging, while reactive PR is a more spontaneous and responsive approach. Instead of creating a message and pushing it out to the public, reactive PR involves listening and participating in ongoing conversations. This allows companies to be more relevant and timely in their communication.

Why is expert commentary important in Reactive PR?

Expert commentary adds credibility and expertise to reactive PR messaging. By including insights and opinions from industry experts, companies can position themselves as thought leaders and provide valuable information to the public. This can also help build trust and credibility with their target audience.

How can companies find trending topics for Reactive PR?

There are several ways to find trending topics for reactive PR. One way is to monitor news outlets and social media platforms for current events or popular conversations. Companies can also use tools such as Google Trends or social media listening software to identify relevant topics. It’s important to choose topics that align with the company’s values and expertise.

Can Reactive PR combined with Expert Commentary be used for crisis management?

Yes, reactive PR combined with expert commentary can be a powerful tool for crisis management. By monitoring the conversation and responding quickly with relevant information and expert insights, companies can effectively manage a crisis and shape the narrative surrounding it. This approach can also help companies regain control of the conversation and rebuild trust with their audience.

Are there any risks associated with Reactive PR combined with Expert Commentary?

As with any public relations strategy, there are risks involved in reactive PR combined with expert commentary. One potential risk is not being able to keep up with the fast-paced nature of social media and news cycles. This can lead to a delayed or inappropriate response that could harm the company’s reputation. It’s important to have a solid crisis communication plan in place and to carefully consider the potential impacts of joining in on any conversation.