What Industries Need SEO the Most?

Any company that are looking to sell a service online, create an online store or want a positive brand SERP needs search engine optimisation.

If you have ever wondered what industries need SEO the most, we have you covered.

We run through all the different industries looking for search engine optimisation strategies in July 2024.

Industries That Require SEO The Most

Here are the list of the industries that require SEO the most:

Real Estate

Many real estate agents, particularly those that work in specific areas can significantly benefit from having local SEO carried out for their business.

In the real estate industry, being seen for your local keywords is huge, and more often than not we find real estate agencies not taking advantage of search engine optimisation strategies to help with their ranking.

With so many people nowadays looking for properties online, now is the time to look at SEO if you’re a real estate business.


Photographers, whether working locally or across the country often massive overlook the benefits that SEO can have.

Often times, many photographers will build a beautiful looking website with testimonials of their previous work, yet struggle to attract potential clients to the site to show themselves off.

That’s where SEO comes in. A trained search engine optimisation expert can help you with all of this, developing your brand into one that ranks for your chosen search terms, and in turn attracts new customers to your site.

To learn more about how you can improve how many photography leads you receive, we have a dedicated photographer lead generation page for you to take a look at.

Pest Control

Pest Control is one of those industries that can be extremely profitable, with many businesses working both local to where they’re based as well as sometimes across the entire country.

Because of these factors, there are an almost endless amount of keywords you can go after in this industry, and with proper SEO, it can quickly become very profitable.

Businesses that work in this industry can and should be looking into having SEO services carried out, because this can help them to rank for local and national keywords.

If you’re wanting more pest control leads for your company, why not look at our pest control lead generation page today.

Medical Practitioners

Medical practitioners are another industry that are known to require SEO services, again due to the fact that the local SERPs can be extremely beneficial to rank well in.

Various different techniques can be carried out to help medical practitioners to rank better for their chosen terms, such as content optimisation, link building and more.

All of which can help ensure your company is recognised as being the specialist in your specific area.


Rendering businesses are always looking for new ways to grow their business, but oddly enough, so few renderers look to have proper SEO services carried out.

Despite this, many renderers that do have search engine optimisation services carried out for their site do see significant jumps in rankings, and in turn, leads coming through to their business.

Be sure to read our rendering lead generation page to learn more about how you can grow your rendering business today.

Boiler Installers

Boiler installation businesses is an industry that is known to require the help of SEO services to truly succeed online, with many looking to rank for both local and national search terms within the industry.

We’ve seen many case studies of boiler installers in the past that have seen some massive gains from having professional search engine optimisation services carried out.

Despite the industry being quite competitive, depending on where your based you should see some good jumps in rankings if your SEO services have been carried out by a professional.

If you’re interested in how you can receive more leads for your boiler business, be sure to take a look at our boiler lead generation page for more.

Home Renovation and Repair

Home renovation and repair is another industry that often requires search engine optimisation techniques in order to truly succeed, again with so many potential clients searching for these services online.

Additionally, home renovations and repairs are another industry where businesses are generally local, working in specific areas of the country.

For this reason, it can be a great opportunity to look into SEO services to help you rank for localised terms such as “home renovation in blackburn” or “home renovation in swindon” depending on where your business is based.

Mortgage Brokers

Mortgage Brokers often understand that their industry is very competitive, regardless of whether you’re going after local or national terms.

Despite this, many mortgage brokers unfortunately underestimate the impact that SEO can have on their business, which is arguably the main reason they fail online.

This is why we’d always recommend mortgage brokers to understand more about search engine optimisation. Be sure to take a look at our mortgage broker lead generation page learn about how to generate more leads for your business.


Laywers, or anyone working in law for that matter should be considering looking into search engine optimisation services if they’re interested in getting more work in.

Both local and national terms apply here, and an SEO specialist can discuss with you what makes you the most profit, and help you to rank higher in the search engine results pages through various techniques.

These can include things such as niche relevant link building, content writing, content optimisation and more.

For more on how your law firm can get more lawyer leads from across the UK, take a look at this lawyer lead generation page.


Restaurants are a great example of an industry that really should be looking into search engine optimisation services.

Ensuring your restaurant ranks well for local terms and is represented well throughout the SERPs is absolutely crucial, as failing to do so can lead to a massively wasted opportunity for new customers.

Instead, restaurants should really be looking to maximise their opportunities by having high quality SEO services carried out by a professional.

IT Businesses

If you work for an IT business, you will know that it can be hard to generate leads with a lot of competition.

That’s why SEO can really come in hand for many IT firms, whether local SEO services or national, we feel this industry really can benefit from SEO.

So if you’re looking for more leads for your IT company, SEO practices can be a great way to achieve this.

Wedding Planners

This is another industry that often largely overlooks the potential benefits of SEO, and prefers to attempt to solely operate based off of word and mouth.

Whilst this certainly can and does work when it comes to securing new clients, there’s also a whole world of SEO opportunities for wedding planners that can seriously change your entire business.

Be sure to look into this if you’re a wedding planner, as professional search engine optimisation services can be the difference between a struggling business and a thriving one.


For builders, this is another industry where the sole reliance of word of mouth can be detrimental.

Many within the industry are unaware of the potential that SEO has when it comes to improving the traffic to their website, especially for localised terms.

If you’d like to find out more, please take a look at our builders lead generation page to see how we can help generate you more leads.


Many cleaners often focus on old school methods of marketing to get the word out about their services, and are sometimes totally unaware that the SEO industry even exists in the first place!

Search engine optimisation can help cleaning companies rank for their localised terms, and if you’re a large company that covers multiple areas or even the entire country, SEO can hugely help here too.

If you’d like to find out more about how to generate new leads for your cleaning business, we’ve got a cleaning lead generation page that covers it all.

Any Online Business

Any finally, it’s worth mentioning that if you’re an online business of any kind, in any industry, that SEO to some extent is required.

Many businesses unfamiliar with how sites rank in Google assume it’s enough to just have a good looking website, but if you’re not ranking highly for your industries’ chosen key phrases, then nobody will see your website to begin with.

Working closely with a search engine optimisation professional is the way to ensure this doesn’t happen, and that your online business gets the attention and click it deserves.

If you’re a UK business interested in generating new leads for your company, we’d advice you to take a read through our UK lead generation page to learn more about this.


To summarise, we believe that all of the industries above, as well as any online business for that matter, require some sort of search engine optimisation to truly stand out in an already competitive online market.

Nowadays, with so many individuals searching for local and national businesses online, it’s really a no brainer to invest in professional SEO services for your business.

Doing so will not only help your website’s position in Google, but also lead to new business opportunities that you’d never had before.