ConversionAI Review

Are you ready to allow AI copywriting tools to write your content in July 2024?

Does an AI content generator scare you?

In this ConversionAI Review, we are going to tackle all things related to an increasing number of articles being written by machines.

Warning: I use an A.I. content generator throughout this article #ShockHorror

But before you dive in I want to quickly make you aware that AI-powered copywriting is only going to get better. As we live in the digital world you really need to move with the times or risk being left behind.

Start Your 5-Day Free Trial

What is ConversionAI?

ConversionAI is a New SaaS artificial intelligence tool (called Jarvis) that helps to write better copy.

The best affiliate marketers, SEO content writers, and entrepreneurs are using Jarvis AI Content Creator ( to instantly generate content for websites and blogs.

The ConversionAI brand is designed to be your AI assistant that writes better copy. logo dark

The technology behind GTP-3 artificial intelligence is going to improve to copywriting industry forever.

Who Uses ConversionAI?

The customers using ConversionAI are:

  • Entrepreneurs – Automate your copywriting to give you more time to scale your businesses
  • Paid Ad Agencies – Boost conversions on your ads, social, website, and emails
  • SEO Content Writers – Mapping out and creating the first draft for new articles saves days writing these blogs
  • Content Strategists – The ability to scale clusters of content within minutes is a dream for content strategists
  • Marketing Agencies – Deliver work to your clients the content at high speed with help from Jarvis

As machine learning improves many more customers will start to integrate the AI writing assistant.

Conversion AI Pricing

The conversion ai pricing is very competitive with two packages:

  • The Starter Package is $29 per month
  • The Pro Package is $99 per month

The Starter plan allows you to create short-form copy such as headlines, descriptions, and bios.

To Pro plan allows you to create long-form copy such as blog posts, video scripts, and books.

conversion ai pricing

Both conversion ai pricing plans offer a 7-day money-back guarantee and considering the basic plan allows you 20,000 words per month it is real value for money.

The conversion ai unlimited words is the most popular choice for affiliates, content marketing agencies, and SEO companies.

There is no lifetime deal on and the founder Dave Rogenmoser has made it clear in the SEO community there will be no lifetime deal released.

Conversion AI Free Trial

The free trial offered by conversion ai shows the confidence the users will love using the tool.

In the conversion ai free trial you get 5 daysfree trial to the Pro features with up to 10,000 words written by AI.

10,000 Words Free Trial

Pay nothing today and start your free trial to test the accuracy and scalability of using the Jarvis robot to write your content.

Why Use ConversionAI?

There are many reasons why successful content marketers are using ConversionAI.

End Writers Block Forever

Forget endless hours spent trying to figure out what words should be in your next article and suffering from writer’s block.

All copywriters suffer from the infamous blank screen when got the daunting task of writing hundreds of thousands of words per week of content.

Create inspiration and ideas using JarvisAI content generator.

Save Time

Save hours writing original content by the Jarvis AI robot.

If you are tired of spending days writing copy try to create your first drafts.

You mightnot even need this editing when you check the quality of the copy produced.

Create Content Briefs

ConversionAI creates dozens of header tags for your content briefs.

All you have to do is input some information about your service and instantly creates usable headlines.

Set Your Brands Tone

Easily adjust the tone to your brand’s voice by using JarvisAI robot.

The AI-powered copywriting tool can tweak to intelligent or funny tones of your voice to adapt to suit your brand.

Write Long-Form Content

Jarvis, the GTP-3-driven AI writing assistant starts taking long-form content seriously.

The GTP3 AI copywriting new SaaS tool can generate a big part of your article.

As Jarvis GTP-3 Tool gets to work it can optimize the content with Surfer guidelines at the same time.

Translate to Multiple Languages

The services can translate your content into nearly a dozen different languages for multilingual SEO.

You paste your content and select a new language and perfectly writes to suit your demographic.

Cover The Topic In Its Entirety

Topical clusters are winning in the SERPs in July 2024.

Instead of one large pillar post trying to cover a dozen search intents then a well-created silo of different articles internal linking is the best SEO strategy.

The GTP-3 AI writing assistant known as Jarvis is going to become your best attribute in being able to scale high-volume articles to cover the topic in its entirety.

With a 7-day money-backed guarantee you have nothing to lose but test out the GTP-3 AI writing tool today.

Test Out Conversion.AI Today

7 Day Money Back Guarantee

How Conversion.AI Works?

To use Conversion.AI it is as simple as the following 3 steps:

  1. Choose a skill – is trained by conversion experts with rules to follow on the chosen skill and models to mimic
  2. Input your product data – Type information about your product that is important to the brand. Add instructions like the tone of voice or rules like content length to get a more effective copy created
  3. Generate AI content – generates multiple outputs at a time for you to save, delete, or use

The output created can easily be deleted or edited as all copy is fully editable for customers.

When Are Customers Using Conversion.AI?

Customers are using Conversion.AI tool to write the following services:

  • AIDA Framework Funnels – Use the oldest marketing sales funnels in the world. Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
  • Product Descriptions – Create thousands of unique product descriptions to be used on eCommerce websites
  • Content Rewrites – Take a piece of content and rewrite it to rank highly in Google SERPs
  • Blog Post Intro Paragraph – Writing an engaging opening paragraph to get consumers hooked
  • Personal Bio – Write a creative personal social media bio that captures attention
  • SEO Title and Meta Descriptions – Write SEO optimised meta title tags and meta descriptions that will attract CTR and rank high in the search results
  • Youtube Video Description – Create unique descriptions for Youtube videos that rank well in search YouTube Search and Google Videos

The list can go on for many more use cases like emails, newsletters, PDF sharing documents and much more.

Jarvis Reviews

When looking to sign up with any SEO Tool you should always consider reviews and testimonials from the community. Here are some testimonials from the groups:

  • “Welcome to the future of copywriting. When I first hear about an AI writing marketing copy I thought that it would never sound natural but WOW Jarvis nails it. It’s really mind-blowingly shocking how well it works.” CoFounder at Lluma
  • “ transforms my writing to another level with creative ideas and new approaches. It has been tremendously valuable in avoiding writer’s block, as well as generating great copy for campaigns. is a no-brainer for any customer that needs help writing their content and wants an AI who can take care of it instead of thinking about creating something myself!” Founder at Innovabiz
  • “I just discovered this tool today from the Trends group, and I am already blown away. A brilliant tool you guys have made here! I love how quick and easy it is to create great copy, and honestly writes way better than I ever could. Also, compared to what I’ve seen out there, the quality that provides is way better! It’s like I’ve employed a full-time copywriter for 10% of the cost!” Founder at Brand Babe
  • “ is a very handy tool for anyone who needs help writing copy and content, especially if you’re not very good at it in the first place. The templates are great for getting started but also offer enough customization that I can use them without having to start from scratch every time.” Owner at Vital Finesse
  • “Using Jarvis I have over 2x’ed our content production and cut costs by more than 50%. But have I sacrificed quality? Nope, a good number of the posts are already ranking! Long live Jarvis!” Blog Owner at SEO Matters

Popular Questions

What is an ai writer?

An AI Writer is an artificial intelligence software that can create unique content that reads like a human has written it.

AI writers can help you create articles from scratch or re-write your current content.

The AI-powered tools like Jarvis require input in the form of a title or short description that relates to your content.

Will ai take over copywriting roles?

Yes AI software can take over copywriting roles in July 2024.

Jarvis is the most sophisticated software which can write an article that sounds precisely like a human sales copywriter.

Copywriting roles will always be available to writers that require more critical thinking and creativity.

How do you expect ai to change the copywriting landscape?

AI will change the copywriting landscape the more sophisticated artificial intelligence becomes.

Copywriters should now be adopting AI-powered tools within their services to help assist them.

If the copywriting landscape embraces the use of AI writing it will enhance the quality of the work and save time.

An AI tool will never replace human writers because marketing teams collect user personal data and produce natural language generation ad copy when using tools like SurferSEO.

The changes to marketing teams will be integrating the use of an ai tool as opposed to thinking it will replace human writers.

How Much Does Conversion AI Cost?

The costs of conversion ai start at $29 per month and the pro pricing plan is $99 per month.

The pricing plans are real value for money.

With a 7-day money-back guarantee, conversion ai will completely refund your subscription costs in full within 7 days of signing up.

What are the Best Alternatives to

The best alternatives to are:

  • Copy AI
  • Writesonic
  • Snazzy AI

But as a content marketer you need to ask yourself why you are looking for a conversion ai alternative because the tool was voted #1 for Best AI Copywriting Tool.

Surfer SEO Integration

The Surfer SEO and ConversionAI Integration have been a huge step forward for both companies.

The integration of Surfer and Conversion AI announced an integration partnership so content creators can improve their productivity and deliver content that brings results.

GPT3 ConversionAI Vs Surfer SEO Integration

Now SEO agencies have the ability to scale AI-created content within minutes and have this optimized with the best correlation content tool in SurferSEO.

If you are unsure what Surfer is then go check out my SurferSEO Review and stop hiding under a rock as it has been the best content strategy tool alongside MarketMuse in the last decade.

“We want to help marketers increase their writing capacity and deliver content that generates results, says Lucjan Suski, CTO of Surfer, And that’s exactly why we partnered with Conversion AI”

The integration means you can log into the Conversion AI platform to get your content created and use Surfer guidelines for better content optimization in the “SEO mode”.

“The idea of the integration came up a few times from our community so we knew that we’re building something people actually want, says Dave Rogenmoser. Conversion AI helps writing engaging and entertaining content. With the SEO mode inside our platform, writers have all the tools they need to write a great piece of content that ranks in Google.”

Beware of the Factual Inaccuracies

Google proposes measuring a page’s “trustworthiness” and downgrading the search ranking if it finds incorrect facts.

Google proposes looking through the text of any given page looking for factual statements and testing these against what it holds in its own database. The database in question is Google’s Knowledge Vault (KV), containing around 1.6 billion facts gleaned from the web.

You cannot run Jarvis without proofreading any factual information because the facts it creates are only ‘placeholders’. Check out this response from live chat.

Jarvis is not a research assistant, he’s a copywriting assistant. So what he will do is give you ‘placeholders’ for facts if you have not given him the facts in your content brief. You must always fact-check your articles and you can simply replace the correct number in this instance. Remember also that Jarvis is trained up on the internet until 2018/2019, so won’t have access to more up-to-date data.

As Jarvis bot is only trained on information publicly displayed up to the latest 2019 a lot of information is going to be factually incorrect.

Factual Inaccuracies can kill your SEO so make sure the information being published is correct.


Purchasing and using the Jarvis AI-powered copywritingSaaS tool is not here to replace sales copywriting, but acts as an assistant to enhance the quality and quantity of workflow.

Jarvis, the GTP3-driven AI writing assistant starts taking long-form content seriously.

You can now basically generate a big part of your article, rephrase boring words into compelling sentences, AND optimize the content with Surfer guidelines at the same time.

Content marketers have every right to be sceptical about artificial intelligence content generators because previous attempts of AI content creation tools have been terrible.

But this is where the Jarvis AI machine learning tool is going to change the trends online.

Ilove this. Wow. This is going to disrupt the copywriting industry.

With the ability to scale AI content writers with artificial intelligence writing software at your fingertips you need to be testing it out in July 2024.

The early adopters who train their agencies upon AI writing articles will be the businesses with the biggest growth in the next few years.

Try Jarvis AI Powered Content Tool


Whether sales copywriters like the idea of robot written content or not they need to understand and accept this is going to happen. Instead of fighting the inevitable, they should work alongside these amazing SAAS tools and have them as writing assistants to enhance their content long term.

Additional Points To Consider

Here are some interesting debates within the SEO communities:

  • Digital Ad Copy for Google Ads will always be better by human writers who understands the niche at expert level
  • Trying to use an AI tool to write an entire article for your marketing copy will always need to be checked by editors
  • A high-quality human copywriter will beat out an AI copywriting with sales driven content ideas
  • Marketing content will be able to speed content production processes up by 3x
  • Article forge and copyai are not good enough for content writing in July 2024
  • Advertising copy for facebooks ads, Instagram posts, or google ads should provide real value
  • Editors need to check specific words makes sense as a human touch can find any potential slang
  • GPT3 AI Copywriting is going to improve so now is the time to adopt and use it as your writing assistance to enhance your workload

The ConversionAI Review final thoughts are all marketing agencies should look to integrate this into their SEO strategies to enhance the copy being created and hopefully save time to give time for the marketing teams to build more clusters of content.