GROW FLOW – Surfer’s AI Growth Management Platform

SurferSEO is an absolute must-have SEO tool for content optimisation in July 2024.

Surfer has recently been voted the best on-page content tool for helping blog posts and articles rank higher in Google SERPs.

And now the Surfer team have developed an amazing AI Growth Management Platform called “GROW FLOW”.

Surfer’s GROW FLOW provides data-driven SEO insights on a weekly basis to provide marketers with tasks that pack a lot of punch. GROW FLOW’s actionable task list give the next steps to helping websites rank higher in the search engines.

Try Surfer’s AI Growth Management Platform


In our GROW FLOW review, we explain everything you need to know about how Surfer’s AI Growth Management Platform could replace employing an SEO agency for website owners in July 2024.

What is Grow Flow by Surfer SEO?

Grow Flow is an All-in-One SEO Growth Management Tool created by SurferSEO.

Surfer’s AI Growth Management Platform send personalised recommendations designed to maximize your SEO efforts through content, keywords and internal links.

Check out the video below for more information on what Grow Flow is & how it can help you!

The artificial intelligence tool provides data-driven SEO weekly tasks companies can give to their staff to complete.

Many SurferSEO users have upgraded to Grow Flow and assigned the weekly tasks for virtual assistants to complete.

Grow Flow’s AI-Generated Tasks

The AI-generated tasks provided on a weekly basis include.

Missing Keywords

Here is an example of the missing keywords AI-generated task:

  1. Click to expand the “missing keywords” task
  2. Add 7 missing keywords to “NAME OF BLOG POST”
  3. Complete the task of seven missing keywords
  4. Mark as “done.”

The missing keywords content expansion strategy will help the article rank better for the specific phrases added to the blog.

The article recently updated will also improve the web page with the query defines freshness algorithm ranking factor.

Finding Keywords with the Highest Ranking Potential

Grow Flow will also help you to find keywords within your industry that have the highest ranking potential, suggesting to you where to add them in, and at what frequency as well.

This is a great way to pick up some quick ranking wins in your niche, and with Grow Flow sending reports out each week, you’re sure to have plenty of new super-relevant key phrases to go after from their AI’s suggestions.

Discover New Topics & Establish Authority

Grow Flow also suggests new topics to write about within your industry that aren’t currently covered on your site, helping you to cover the topic in its entirety and rank for key phrases you may have previously overlooked in your niche.

Grow Flow does this by analysing all of your existing pages and categorising them within your industry. Their AI will then determine which topics are the most relevant for you to cover, giving you new topic suggestions to help your site become an authority in your sector.

Having this weekly prompt to improve your website with new relevant topics is an extremely useful tool to have at your disposal, as it can help you become a more trusted site in Google’s eyes, pushing you further up the SERPs.

Content Optimisation

Another great thing that Grow Flow helps with is content optimisation. Grow Flow’s AI will analyse the pages on your site, and automatically correlate your articles with what’s currently ranking in the search engine results pages.

From there, the tool with provide with you with accurate and helpful feedback on how to optimise content on specific pages of your site, identifying weaknesses and offering helpful, informative suggestions on what to change.

This can range from keyword suggestions to headings and more, and can save you a lot of time in the long run, especially when looking to carry out progressive optimisation on the relevant pages across an entire site.

Internal Link Suggestions

Grow Flow’s internal link suggestions is another absolute live-saver from the AI tool. Grow Flow will again analyse your site and it’s pages, but this time, work out the best places for you to internal link to help pass that link juice from page to page, massively improving your website’s silo structure.

We all know how it feels to get caught up in the endless web of internal linking, often becoming confused as to where the most effective places to internal link are, and what pages to internal link to.

Grow Flow literally does all the hard work for you, providing you with weekly tips on which pages to prioritise. This, like all the features of Grow Flow, is an excellent time saver, and helps you keep on top of internal linking that can often fall by the wayside.

New Content

And finally, Grow Flow will even provide you with new article ideas for content expansion and topical relevance.

Tired of carrying out constant keyword research on a weekly basis? Grow Flow’s clever AI will analyse your sites pages and niche, and do all the hard work for you, providing you with new content ideas to implement each and every week.

Utilising Grow Flow’s new content suggestions and implementing them onto your site is a great way to push yourself above the competition in Google, and ensures your site has the freshness of content it needs, as well as the relevancy and topical authority.

How Does Grow Flow Work?

Grow Flow works by analysing your website, and the website’s of others within your niche, to find areas in which you can improve your website’s content.

All users have to do to operate Grow Flow is connect your domain to Grow Flow on the Surfer SEO website, and they’ll do the rest.

Grow Flow will then send you personalised tasks and insights for you to complete for your site each week, essentially acting as your own personal content marketing task list for your site.

How Much Does Grow Flow Cost?

Grow Flow is free, so long as you already have an active Surfer SEO account.

If you don’t have an account with Surfer SEO, pricing is currently $49 a month for the most basic package, with that cost subject to change in the future.

Do I Need Google Search Console for Grow Flow?

Yes, you will need a Google Search Console account for Grow Flow, as this is used to connect the domain to Surfer’s Grow Flow AI.

Thankfully, setting up a Google Search Console (GSC) account is free, and very easy to do.

How Many Domains Can I Connect to Grow Flow?

You can connect 1 domain per account to Grow Flow, enabling you to the tool’s full services as part of your Surfer SEO account.

The number of domains you can use could change in the future, but as it stands it’ll just be the 1 domain you can use per account with this SEO tool.

Tasks To Do This Week

This image shows all the tasks are completed and no more tasks are required this week.

Grow Flow Surfer SEO Task List Completed

New tasks in 6 days will be assigned again from the Grow Flow management platform.

Completed tasks are re-evaluated every week.


So in summary, for a fantastically helpful and time-saving AI tool, and arguably one of the best content optimisation tools out there for content writing today, Grow Flow from Surfer SEO is a must.

The accuracy and usefulness of this tool from niche to niche is particularly impressive, and its ability to return consistently beneficial suggestions for websites of all industries is what makes it a tool we’d highly recommend using.

Use GROW FLOW Growth Management Platform


Not only that, but it’s easy to use, and completely free to use as long as you’re already signed up to Surfer SEO. What’s not to like?