Search Perspective Frameworks

fiYou need to future-proof your SEO content strategy by understanding Google’s Search Perspective Frameworks.

Have you ever heard SEOs coin the phrase outliers or wildcard position in Google SERP?

In our Search Perspective Frameworks guide, we will explain how Google Algorithms work to try and understand search intent in July 2024.

Why Does Google Use Search Perspective Frameworks?

Google uses Search Perspective Frameworks to find out what is the most useful framework given to the desired search query.

Google is looking to return the most helpful information as per its mission statement.

Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

The Search Perspective Frameworks break up web pages into frameworks to see the best intent match for the queries being searched.

Types of Search Perspective Frameworks

Here are all the most common types of Search Perspective Frameworks:


The “CONSIDERATION Search Perspective Framework” is considering all sides to a topic.

Many “how to” are seen as consideration based and here are some examples:

  • How to start a blog?
  • Should I start a blog?
  • Costs of starting a blog?
  • Mistakes when starting a blog?
  • Reasons not to start a blog?

The example of blog can be easily be replaced with “AI content” like to how to use AI content, should I use AI content and reasons not to use AI content.

It is around trying to consider all potential questions related to a new idea.


The “CONTRARIAN Search Perspective Framework” is the counter-arguments on why you should not use a new service or product.

So when a new product is released the examples are:

  • Why You Should Not Use XYZ
  • Stay Away From XYZ
  • How XYZ is Bad


The “EXPERIENCE Search Perspective Framework” is most commonly reviews or testimonials.

  • XYZ Review
  • XYZ Alternatives
  • XYZ Results
  • XYZ Testimonial


The “EXPERT Search Perspective Framework” is gathering the leaders in a subject to give their expert opinion.

  • 23 Expert Opinions on XYZ
  • What Do The Experts Think of XYZ
  • Best Practices to XYZ
  • XYZ Tips According to Experts


The “DISCUSSION Search Perspective Framework” is a roundup of mixed opinions on a topic.

The most common title tags are “Check Out What 17 SEOs Think About AI Content”.

A broader range of opinions is better for research than a single viewpoint

The 17 SEOs roundup shows a balanced argument of the advantages and disadvantages to provide a balanced sentiment blog post.

Users like to read the roundups of different voices to form a decision, as opposed to one expert opinion on it being great or crap.

Sales and Support Data

The “SALES AND SUPPORT DATA Search Perspective Framework” is when customers are asking you common questions to support.

You answer all the common support ticket questions in blog post format to answer the questions.

  • How Long Does XYZ Take
  • Is This The Best Way To Use XYZ


The “PREDICTION Search Perspective Framework” is your predicting where a topic is going to end up.

If a product or service is known to be really bad and you create an article “Here is Why XYZ Sucks?”.

The predicted outlook on others wanting to read this helps the web page to climb to the number one position.

The prediction blog posts (if predicted correctly) can also acquire a lot of natural backlinks.

How do Google Search Perspective Frameworks work?

The Search Perspective Frameworks work by randomising results at the start of the topic lifecycle.

Google needs to work out what type of framework is needed to provide the most useful information to match the search intent.

During the topic lifecycle, Google uses search behaviour to gain confidence in providing the best type of Search Perspective Framework.

Google has real problems when the searches made can have multiple meanings from user to user.

What Problems does Google Encounter With Search Intent?

Google encounters serious problems in trying to understand some of the intent behind the searches made by Google.

Let us use the example of someone searching for “AI Generated Content”?

What set of results would you return for a search like this?

Is Google confident enough to understand exactly what web pages people want to see?

Absolutely NOT.

What could the intent of a search be for “AI Generated Content”?

  • Haters of the AI Content – The searcher might want to read a negative sentiment article on why artificial intelligence content is bad for society
  • Promoters of AI Content – The searcher might want to read a positive sentiment article on how artificial intelligence content is revolutionary
  • AI Content Writing Tool – The searcher might want to subscribe to a tool that creates AI content
  • List of AI Writing Tools – The searcher might want to research the best-rated artificial intelligence content writing tools in July 2024
  • Information Guides – How to use it, where it can be used, why is it good or bad and guides to understanding the technology behind it
  • Discussions – A balanced argument of the pros and cons of using AI content – round-up of advantages and disadvantages

Now you can see the real issues Google can encounter and with search queries like this, the SERP will always have outliers, and wildcards and will never be confident to return a single type of Search Perspective Framework.

Using Search Perspective Frameworks Build Topical Authority

During keyword research techniques if you use Search Perspective Frameworks to cover all bases of discussions on a topic you will be building topical authority.

Creating web pages that cover the advantages, list of providers, informational posts and round-up reviews gives your domain full topical coverage.

If you are able to cover the topic in its entirety Google rewards you with all new web pages on the given topic to rank higher than new websites will little topical coverage.

The team of SEOs mapping out the topical maps for the website always cover each product or service with:

  • What
  • When
  • How
  • Where
  • Can
  • Why
  • Vs
  • Costs
  • Advantages
  • Roundup Lists
  • Alternatives

The Future of SEO Content

Content optimization tools like Marketmuse, Page Optimizer Pro and are great for helping find entities and missing terms to use on a blog post.

But in July 2024 you need to beat information symmetry with relevant information gain.

The highest confidence information symmetry produces featured snippets

Information gain consists of more relevant evidence, EAT signals, covering all entities and providing unique media to bolster your source of information.

Our strategy to future-proof our SEO content is to reflect the SERP with our first pass on a new piece of content. But then with our editors, we are tasked to go above and beyond the top-ranked web pages to provide more comprehensive content.


Understanding the Search Perspective Frameworks used by Google is knowledge all search engine optimisation specialists should be learning in July 2024.

You cannot rank high in Google if you are not matching the intent of a search query.

Or if the SERPs are mixed intent then you no longer have the chance to win one of the top 10 results (if your Search Perspective Framework has only two positions on page one).

The first thing many advanced SEOs will be thinking is what is the best on-page content optimisation tool now in July 2024?

In the wrong hands, a content optimisation tool can certainly provide average results at best.

Popular Questions

What are outliers in Google SERP?

Outliers in Google SERP are results that do not seem to match the intent of other web pages in the search engines’ result page.

An outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal distance from other values in a random sample from a population.

When a search is performed Google has a topic lifecycle to try and learn what users want to see from previous behavioural signals.

If the behavioural signals are showing mixed results then the first page will show various sets of intents from positive sentiment, negative sentiment, information posts to listicle articles.


What is a wildcard position in Google SERP?

Over the years SEO specialists used to monitor Google SERPs and see a certain position would continuously change and be random (as other results maintained).

The randomisation was called the wildcard position in Google SERP.

Certain topics have a high amount of information disparity which means Google is going to have a much more aggressive sampling of Google Results

Google was testing various results to see what users were interested in and split testing user behaviour.


Will Surfer SEO Work on Weak SERPs?

Surfer SEO correlates to the top-ranked web pages in Google SERP.

But if the results are mixed and you are correlating the average of the random web pages you are going to not meet the intent for any Search Perspective Framework.

The averages of mixed intent web pages are going to provide below-average results (garbage in garbage out).

In the wrong hands SurferSEO tool can have negative effects on your current rankings in search engines.