Email Marketing Agency

Using emails within your internet marketing efforts provides one of the highest returns on ad spend compared to other advertising strategies in July 2024.

Sending emails to promote a business’s products and services is a cost-effective solution to acquiring new orders.

A successful email sales funnel created by a specialist Email Marketing Agency can help incentivize customer loyalty and make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services.

Email marketing can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases.

The best Email Marketing Agencies will help you design, build, and optimize your email marketing to get the best ROI in your marketing program.

In our Email Marketing Company guide, we explain what email can do to improve your business growth, the benefits of targeted email campaigns and whether we feel email marketing is a cost-effective strategy to use in July 2024?

What Can You Do With Email Marketing?

Here are Email Marketing Goals You Might’ve Overlooked in July 2024 on what you can with email marketing:

  • Acquire New Customers (nurturing leads)
  • Build Customer Loyalty
  • Promote Brand Awareness (stay at the top of the customers minds)
  • Customer Support (updates on orders)
  • Increase Revenue (upselling and cross-selling)

Check out the video explaining the goals of successful email marketing campaigns.

The most important goal of email marketing strategies is to increase revenue and brand exposure. Consistently being seen by your potential customers reminds your target audience on all the services you provide.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email marketing is the best method for developing relationships and a brand because it is quick, affordable, and highly profitable.

No other method comes close to keeping the conversation between you and your audience going and will keep this meaningful conversation going.

The main benefits of email marketing are:

  • Cost Efficiency (0.01 cent per email)
  • Huge Exposure (massive reach with 3.9 billion email users)
  • Return On Investment (average ROAS is 40:1)
  • Quick & Easy Setup
  • Personalization of messages
  • Segment customer base (filter based on activity)
  • Real-time metrics and reporting
  • AB Split Testing (data-driven tests)
  • Ownership of your audience (not reliant on third parties)

Check out the video explaining the advantages of a successful email marketing campaign.

The most important benefit of email marketing strategies is that you own those contacts and that reach. This is not the case for any other online marketing channel, and you are relying on third parties and algorithms. They own the contact’s data, not you.

The Digital Marketing Association says that 66% of people buy something after getting an email marketing message.

According to a McKinsey analysis, email is 40 times more effective at bringing in new clients than Facebook and Twitter.

Email Marketing Services

Email marketing services are specialised tools that help marketers reach customers, engage with them, and convert their target audience through, subscription forms, landing pages, email newsletters, and other means.

Additionally, a mass email provider must be capable of doing so without compromising email deliverability.

Cold Email Marketing

You can draw in your ideal clientele with customised outbound emails that promote conversions and maximize ROI.

We use custom target lists, campaign techniques that are driven by data, and strong automation to build our cold email campaigns.

You can employ A/B testing and careful campaign monitoring to guarantee outstanding outcomes.

Re-Engagement Emails

To re-engage and convert past customers, use tried-and-true nurturing email campaigns.

Use well-designed, data-driven methods to keep your audience interested and convince them repeatedly to convert to you.

Every campaign should have sessions for making a consulting strategy, keeping track of the campaign all the time, and using automation to get better results.

Types of Emails

Different emails serve different purposes and take different avenues to engage with your audience.

Here are the different types of emails:

  • Welcome emails (introduce a potential new customer to the business)
  • Newsletter emails (move the reader to articles, blogs, and customer reviews)
  • Lead nurturing emails (goal is to push users from the consideration stage to the purchasing stage)
  • Confirmation emails (ensures the prospect that the information has been received)
  • Dedicated emails (reach out to only a portion of your email list like based on recent purchases, inactive clients or new members)
  • Invite emails (gain attention and increase awareness about special events)
  • Promotional emails (tease new products and services)
  • Survey email (communicates to your customers that you value their opinion)
  • Seasonal marketing emails (often tied to holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s, and Father’s Day)

What is Email Nurturing?

Email nurturing is the process of getting in touch with your current customers, prospects, or former customers to get them to buy from you again.

Your goal is to persuade them to return, convert for the first time, or convert again, whether they put anything in their cart, abandoned it, or stopped buying from you unexpectedly.

Nurturing journeys are divided by the types of customers, and the content is based on how they have interacted with your business.

For example, if they haven’t bought anything yet, you could reach out to them with a discount for first-time buyers.

If they have already bought something from you, you can give them a customer anniversary incentive to come back and buy something else on the anniversary of the first time they bought from you.

No matter what strategy you choose for your email nurturing campaign, your content strategy should be based on best practices for email content length, structure, and layout. This will help you get the best results.

All the emails in the chain should fit together well, keep the reader interested and entertained, and be made to get more clicks and sales.

How To Create a Nurture Campaign

Lead nurturing strategies need segmented lists, customised content, and distinctive calls to action. Automation tools and features like templates, A/B testing, and scheduling can also be helpful for email nurturing.

The distinction is in your ability to market more directly by better understanding customer interests through behaviour more closely tied to your goods and services.

Determine Your Goal

Consider your potential customers to focus on your goal. Identify pain points, focus on a particular sector or market area, attract more clients who fit your desired client profile, and/or encourage current customers to make more purchases.

Determine Your Target Audience

Understanding your buyer is the most crucial step in determining your target audience. Buyer personas are a guaranteed way to target precisely and effectively.

They are a somewhat fictionalised picture of your ideal buyer.

Map Out Buyers Journey

Three steps are frequently used to describe the buyer’s journey:

  • Customers start hunting for answers as they become aware of their concerns. Think about how clients would explain their goal or problem and how they would learn how to solve it.
  • Consideration: Customers explain how they choose different problem solutions at this stage. Ask your customer to examine problem-solving solutions and choose the best one. After choosing a solution, buyers choose a supplier.
  • The buyer’s decision. Focus on the criteria your clients use to choose the best deal.


Use automation or workflows to connect everything.

This will connect each advertising stage and let buyers flow easily through the buying process.

Find the Best Chanel To present Your Offer

Decide on a format first, then a channel to distribute your content. You might use an ebook, workbook, or coupon as your format.

Your chosen content can be distributed via email, landing pages, or retargeting advertisements.

Spending time on email, which includes optimising for mobile, is critical because it will be crucial to the success of your campaign.

Remember that there are countless methods to present and explain your solution. It is worthwhile to test several distribution channels.

What Is A Drip Marketing Campaign?

A drip marketing campaign is a series of emails sent to website visitors automatically depending on their activity.

You can decide how many emails and at what rate to send them for any particular activity.

You can customise these emails with information such as the customer name and specific references to the activity they participated in.

For instance, someone who registers for your online course might receive an email drip campaign from you. Alternatively, you might send “abandoned cart” emails to customers who add an item to their online basket but do not complete the transaction.

How To Create A Drip Marketing Campaign

Building a drip marketing plan starts with your contact list, whether you’re a B2B marketer or an eCommerce marketer. You should segment your contact list depending on demographic and/or behavioural characteristics.

These segments could be based on existing buyer personas or on new groups of contacts made for a specific campaign. The content is then made using a mix of best practice suggestions that apply to all email marketing and more specific suggestions that apply to your different groups of contacts.

Drip emails are based on automation, and plenty of marketing automation platforms are available with features that suit a range of business kinds and industries. With the right technology and a good analytics plan, your drip campaign can help your business and the people you’re sending it to the most.

Identify Your Goals

Your goals may include increasing brand awareness, nurturing leads, or retaining customers.

The goal should be as detailed as possible because this will make creating the campaign easier. Make an effort to define the drip campaign’s nature.

Produce High-Quality Content

Offers should be enticing, and educational content should be informative. Emails should also be visually appealing and not overburdened with wordy justifications.

When creating drip email content, the same guidelines that apply to email marketing should be followed. When verifying for quality, make sure your emails are:

  • Valuable.
  • Relevant.
  • Reader-friendly.
  • Include a call to action.
  • Adapted for mobile.

Segmentation Of Mailing List

Because your email content is tailored, you must divide your contacts into subgroups based on specific traits that are important to them.

Using already-made personas or creating new ones that fit the email campaign and talking about the contacts’ traits, values, and goals could be helpful.

You should only send your campaign to potential clients and customers who have signed up for your mailing list or at least have a relationship with your business. Additionally, every email you send must have a simple way for recipients to unsubscribe.

Test and Optimise

Testing will enable you to assess the effectiveness of your drip campaign. Pay close attention to statistics like conversion rates, unsubscribes, bounces, and open and click-through rates. Feel free to run some A/B testing to modify your messages and landing sites.

Tips for Maintaining Email Lists

Building an audience of people to send emails to is an essential part of a successful Email Marketing Agency.

Check out our comprehensive guide on how to build your email lists, but it is also essential to maintain and prevent large sums of unsubscribing.

Here are some tips for maintaining email lists from large quantities of unsubscribes:

Never Purchase Email Lists

Many email marketing companies have a strict, permission-based policy regarding email addresses, which means that sending to purchased lists is prohibited.

Concentrate on encouraging people to opt into receiving messages from you by using lead magnets.

Here are some effective lead magnet strategies:

  • Offer a discount on first orders when they sign up for your email list
  • Offer new subscribers free shipping on their next order
  • Chance to win a prize when they join your list

Be Aware of Email Regulations

Make sure you adhere to any legal requirements and applicable laws in your area when sending automated emails for the treatment of personal information:

  • CAN-SPAM Act in the United States
  • Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union

The regulations are based on your location and your subscribers’ location, and it’s your responsibility to know which laws apply to you.

Create Conversation with your Customers

Send emails like surveys to tell your customers how much you appreciate them and their feedback.

Follow up after an abandoned cart to see what their objections were.

Give your audience a chance to provide valuable feedback, as it allows them to get more insight into the person behind the business.

Only Send When You Need To

Once someone has trusted you with their email address, don’t abuse that trust.

Flooding your audience’s inbox with superfluous emails will cause them to lose interest or unsubscribe entirely.

Focus on sending them relevant, engaging messages about the stuff they like, and they’ll be loyal for a long time.

Popular Questions

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing.

A powerful email marketing channel uses email to promote your business’s products or services.

Successful email flows can help educate your customer database on the latest items or offers by integrating them into your marketing automation efforts.

Email can play an essential role in lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships or keeping customers engaged between purchases through different types of marketing emails.

What is an email marketing Agency?

An email marketing agency is a dedicated team of marketers and developers working on creating customised email solutions for clients. See our full post for more information on the advantages of email marketing and to find out which companies are the best available right now.

Does email marketing still work in 2023?

Email marketing needs to be one of your main advertising goals for 2023.

Email marketing campaigns in 2023 are more relevant now than ever before.

Research shows us that email is still the best channel to reach people ahead of other channels, even with the increased popularity of social media and other messaging platforms.

Email users are anticipated to grow, with over 3.9 billion active email accounts.

Do All Digital Marketing Agencies Offer Email Marketing?

Whilst email marketing is essential to any digital strategy, not every digital marketing agency will offer this service.

The best digital marketing agencies will have access to email marketing software to set up targeted email campaigns.

What Does Mailchimp Do?

With the help of Mailchimp, you can manage and communicate with your clients, customers, and other interested parties.

Their marketing strategy emphasizes sound contact management procedures, expertly designed campaigns, and effective data analysis.

This tool allows any digital agency to set up marketing templates (email template/newsletter template).


Sourcing a professional Email Marketing Agency to expand your customer database and be in regular contact is the number one advertising strategy in July 2024.

Some excellent email marketing tools in 2024 allow you to set up a successful email campaign quickly.

Get in touch today for more information on improving your email marketing strategy or digital marketing services.

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