SEO Joint Ventures
Every single day I am always on the lookout for new opportunities.
Partnerships, joint ventures or acquisitions are what Investor Entrepreneurs seek to grow their wealth.
Over the years I have invested heavily into digital assets and now have some streamlined SOPs in place to scale my operations.
Is a JV (aka joint venture) the right business decision for you?
Let’s dive in and see what SEO opportunities or digital marketing JV’s might be available for you in this guide?
Joint Venture Opportunities
We are opening up some joint venture opportunities in the UK for SEOs looking to enhance their earnings per month.
Check out the article if you want to know more about what I do personally in business at present.
So who is interesting in JVing on some lead gen sites as by the end of the year I want a minimum of 500 money domains in my digital asset profile.
If keen let me know what service you’d want to JV on? It has to be service-based where the enquirer wants a quote for the work (not e-commerce or selling products).
Discuss Possible Joint Venture Opportunities
Interested in a JVIdeally also the companies we work with need to cover large areas (ideally work nationwide in the UK – but if not they need do a minimum of like 100-mile radius).
Are you taking action in February 2025 or are you being lazy and claiming you are too busy?
What Do I Expect From My JV Partners?
If I agree to enter a joint venture with someone then the split is nearly always 50/50 split.
For the rank and rent lead generation joint venture opportunity I expect:
- My partner finds a niche he is familiar with or thinks will be a good market to enter
- My partner outreaches to a minimum of 15 companies to gauge who is interested
- My partner chooses the best five companies who we start to send enquiries to
- My partner monitors which companies are performing best and cull the worst-performing companies
- My partner optimises certain location pages the client is keen to improve in rankings
I expect both partners (including myself) to put some time, effort and graft in to make this work.
What Can You Expect From Me?
For a successful partnership to work I believe each partner needs to strive to carry out more work than their partner.
Imagine both partners trying to do 60% of the work and how that can drive each other on.
In the rank and rent business opportunity I will do the following:
- Buy the domain name best suited to the niche we are going to enter
- Create the content for more than 1000 pages
- Build out the website
- Host the website on a powerful server (giving fast loading times)
- Create a silo structure that is proven to work
- Design the site with conversion rate optimisation at the forefront of the design
- Create all the social profiles needed to support the site
- Build powerful backlinks to help the crawl budget and rankings
- Regularly carry out technical audits on the website
- Regularly carry out content audits on the website
- Assist my partner on how to manage the client’s expectations
- Assist my partner on what progressive optimisation is needed with content expansion techniques
These joint ventures are certainly NOT a hands-off strategy and it needs some hard work to make this work.
Choosing The Right JV Partners?
The choice I make on the partners is going to be crucial for me being able to scale.
I simply cannot afford to waste time having to educate my partners every single day with knowledge bombs.
The attributes I would like to find in my partners are:
- Sales Driven – Not scared to outreach to many companies (knowing 75% are going to ignore or say no)
- SEO Skills – Just a basic level of SEO is needed to understand what we are doing
- Content Creation – Ideally not scared to edit and improve existing URLs to optimise using surfer SEO
- Strong Mindset – Need to have the drive and ambition to improve every single god damn day
- Be Likeable – I do not have the time or patience to partner bullshitters or arrogant cunts. Please be nice, smile and positive or need not apply
- Ability to Adapt – We are not trees and can move. Stop living in the past and if algo updates hit us then adapt quickly and positively
If you read my digital nomad life lessons article you will notice I want to enjoy the journey and I would prefer to not enter an agreement with a negative mindset SEO (even if they are the best marketer in the world).
For the JV to work it has to be fun to work together on the project and both push each other on.
Why Am I Setting Up This SEO Joint Venture?
There are multiple reasons I am setting up this SEO Joint Venture opportunity:
- Some SEO friends need the break they deserve to earn more
- I have money to invest in more digital asset growth
- You might be sat on a great niche but don’t have the expertise to market it
- You might be sat on a great niche but don’t have the funds in place to invest
- I want to partner with more cool SEOs for the enjoyment of celebrating our successes
- I enjoy building businesses with partners who tackle me to improve
- A strong advocate of synergy 1+1=3 (joining forces is so much stronger)
- I have the SOPs to scale this model out big time
Partnering with new SEOs sparks different lobes of the brain and you dont know what you dont know so this new partnership could enhance your other projects, with the knowledge bombs picked up.
What is a Joint Venture?
A joint venture is a business arrangement between two or more people in agreement to carry out a specific project.
The tasks can be a new project or teaming up to JV on an existing project.
Companies pursue joint ventures for the following reasons:
- Gain access to a new market, particularly emerging markets
- Scale workload by combining assets and operations
- Share risk for major investments
- Access skills and capabilities.
Final Thoughts
To get the ball rolling we can start getting clients on a lead generation no win no fee price model so the client has zero risks to start the campaign.
But the minute you give something away for free you get the freeloaders and weeding these out quickly is key.
Receiving even a small monthly retainer means the clients are showing some commitment to receiving the enquiries (which makes a big difference).
This can make some serious money for my partners in this JV.
But if I don’t like the attitude, politeness or mentality of my partner we will just end it quickly.
So don’t be a dick. Be nice to my staff. And have respect for our clients in making sure this works well for them also.
As a lead gen provider for these companies, we want to be invited to their Xmas parties because they love us to pieces for growing their company.
The service we are providing is not a crappy MLM scam so let’s be proud of the joint venture partnership and be proud of what we do.
Our clients should be happy and we want to make sure our clients are earning good money for this to work long term.
How To Apply
To apply for the SEO Joint Venture you need to do the following:
- Click the CTA button “Application For SEO Joint Venture”
- Complete the Name field
- Complete the Email field
- Complete the Telephone Number field
- In the “Your Message” field I want to know ‘why I should partner with yourself’?
- In the “Your Message” field I want to know which life lesson is the most important to you and why

About FatRank
Our aim to explain and educate from a basic level to an advanced on SEO and Social Media Marketing.