Internal Linking SEO Case Study

In our Internal Linking SEO Case Study, we can’t reveal the niche and domain for obvious reasons, but we will explain the whole process of how we grew a website traffic by solely improving the internal linking silo structure.

The Industry Problem Before We Start

When carrying out professional search engine optimisation audits for businesses we find them to be brainwashed into writing new content and buying new backlinks for their website.

Most website owners are adopting a GuesSEO 2024 strategy, which is not working.

SEO is not a guessing game and carrying out in-depth content audits can highlight issues with the silo structure of the website easily.

Internal Linking SEO Best Practices

Here are the SEO best practices to help your website rank higher with better siloing in July 2024.

Purchase a Technical SEO Audit

If you are looking to replicate the results on your domain, click the contact button below to get in touch with our team.


The service is a Specialist SEO Audit designed to create an action plan. All of the best search engine optimisation case studies highlight a well-thought-out plan is a key to success.

Improve Click Depth

Click depth is the number of clicks that your page is away from the homepage. So if it takes you 4 clicks to navigate to a page on your website, that page has a click depth of 4.

Unless your site is big, your click depth should be a maximum of 3. Ideally, all pages are only 2 clicks away from your homepage.

Having a low click depth on internal pages is massively beneficial for user experience as it really improves the silo of a website.

It’s important that any sites with a high click depth are analysed and updated to get them closer to the homepage.

Eliminate Orphan Pages

An orphan page is a page on your website that has no other pages internally linking to it.

Orphan pages are really detrimental to your website as any backlinks built to your site can’t benefit the orphan pages. As there are no inlinks to the page, link juice cannot be passed to the page.

A website’s silo is also affected by orphan pages. They can be extremely difficult to find as users of your website can’t click through to the page.

Eliminating orphan pages can benefit your whole site and increase rankings sitewide.

The Case Study

We were recently introduced to a 3-year-old website in the home improvement niche that was struggling to increase rankings and was at a standstill in impressions and clicks.

The owner had bought a great number of backlinks and content from our recommended provider Searcharoo and was still struggling to get this site where they wanted it to be. This immediately alerted us as the problem was likely on page and to do with the technical side of the website.

The first step to analysing the internal linking of the site was to do a full audit so that we can export the important factors. From here, we can analyse any problems that stand out.

We noticed there were many pages with a click depth of 4 and 5. These pages were too far away from the homepage and were fixed by using relevant pages to internal link to these high click depth pages.

There were also a number of orphan pages on the site. Many of these were newer pages that were found using gap analysis and content expansion methods so it was important that these are found and fixed instantly.

After internal linking to orphan pages from relevant pages, and bringing the pages with a high click depth closer to the homepage, the website silo was looking much healthier and the site started ranking for new terms, especially terms that the new pages were targeting.

Internal Linking Benefits

There are many benefits to carrying out internal linking on your website, as long as the internal linking has been carefully planned out and executed properly. These benefits include:

  • Help pass power
  • Help pass relevance
  • Makes it clear to Google which page to rank
  • Improves the user experience
  • Increases user’s time on site
  • Helps Google crawl and index your pages
  • Improves your website architecture

All of these benefits are obviously only achieved when the internal linking is carried out to a high standard. It’s for this reason that we’d always recommend looking at an internal linking audit to provide you with a detailed outline of the internal links you need.

What are the 4 Main Types of Internal Links?

The 4 main types of internal links are contextual links, navigational links, footer links and image links.

The most valuable type of internal link is a contextual internal link in terms of SEO power, however there are certain times when navigational, footer and image links make more sense to be included.

We wouldn’t recommend anyone carrying out these types of links without experience or understand of what’s needed, simply because the amount and type of internal links required from page to page can differ greatly.

Cost of Carrying Out Internal Linking

The cost of an internal linking audit is $450.

This involves a full audit of your website, in which we will detect all internal linking issues of your website including;

  • Response codes/errors
  • Click depth
  • Orphan page

Final Words

Internal linking is crucial for any website in 2024. Without a perfect silo, you are instantly less of a competitor in your industry and your rankings will be affected.

Whether you are recovering from a Google penalty, or are looking to grow your website, an internal linking audit will certainly help you in achieving success.

We see a number of sites every day that are suffering from poor internal linking. Most of the time the website owners think it’s due to a lack of links or poor content, when in fact the problem is in the foundation of the site – the internal linking.

If you’re looking to find out more about our internal linking audits, or want us to have a look at your website, get in touch with us today.

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