Internal Link Audit Service

A popular post on our website is the 2024 SEO internal linking strategy.

But I get many contact form submissions asking “Do you know a great internal link audit done-for-you service?”

So the FatRank team have researched and analysed all the best internal linking auditors in July 2024.

We sourced over a dozen internal linking specialists who used various tools like screaming frog, jet octopus, sitebulb and deep crawl.

With some successful internal link case studies we are confident to highlight all the top-rated internal link audit service providers.

In our Internal Link Audit Service guide, we explain all the top-rated internal link search engine optimisation auditors.

What is Internal Linking?

Internal linking is the process of connecting one page on a website to another page using an inlink. These inlinks allow users to click through to another page on the website.

Many people overlook the process of internal linking and don’t understand the importance of doing it correctly.

What Does Internal Linking Do?

Internal linking passes power from one page on your site through to another page on your site.

This helps Google to understand what pages are the authority for a certain topic, and eliminate any confusion for which page should be ranking for a chosen subject.

The anchor text can also be altered to ensure you pass as much relevance through to your link as possible.

What Anchor Text Should I Use for Internal Linking?

With internal links, it’s generally advised that you can be more aggressive on anchors than external links, so for example if you were internal linking through to a gardening tips page, “gardening tips” would be a typical anchor text to use.

Obviously if you are doing multiple internal links to the same page, it’s a good idea to mix these up a bit, but by enlarge you should be sure to include the keywords you want that page to rank for, as internal links are designed to tell Google what that page is really about.

What is the Best Internal Linking Audit Service?

From our research, the best Internal Linking Audit Service is

They are constant in their successful results and have helped thousands of domains improve their rankings. Their service also supports domains that are recovering from Google penalties and helps get their silo right.

Get A Professional Silo Structure Audit


How Much is The Internal Linking Audit?

The Internal Linking Audit costs start from $250 (VAT is applied if in the UK).

The Estimated Delivery is Up to 30 Days and for $250 you can purchase a Basic Internal Linking Audit.

If you are looking for a comprehensive silo structure audit including technical SEO audits our in-depth technical audit service costs $450.

Internal Linking Best Practices

There are many different sub topics when it comes to internal linking. The process of internal linking is pretty self explanatory, but when you start looking at internal linking in depth, you’ll realise there are a number of different factors that can all massively improve different areas of a website.

Response Codes/Errors

Response codes, also known as errors, are the codes you see on a website. The main response codes you’ll see for internal links are 200, 301 and 404.

We analyse every response code to ensure that only response code 200 is showing. 200 highlights that the request has been succeeded, or in other words the page is working as it should.

The 301 response code, also referred to as a 301 redirect, means that the page is redirecting to another page on your website.

404 response codes are really detrimental to a website as it means the page has not been found. We highlight these in the audit service as they are usually an easy fix and can really help your site by fixing them.

Click Depth

Click depth is the number of clicks that a page is away from your homepage.

Unless the website is really big, the click depth of all pages on a website should be 3 or under. This means that you can reach the page with only 3 clicks from the homepage.

The reason click depth is so important is that link juice can be passed sufficiently across your site. It also allows for a much better user experience as users on your website will be able to successfully navigate across your site using the relevant inlinks.

Eliminate Orphan Pages

An orphan page is a page that has no internal links linking to it.

Orphan pages are really detrimental to a website as they can be very hard to find for users and even for Google as their spiders crawl pages through internal links.

There can also be issues with backlinks, due to link juice being passed through internal links. If there are no internal links to a page, that page can struggle to benefit from the links built to other pages.

Finding Internal Linking Opportunities

In some cases, the hardest part of internal linking can be finding pages to internal link from. The key to finding these pages is simple… relevancy.

It’s crucial that you keep all of your internal links super relevant to one another. This is because internal links are actually really powerful and keeping relevancy can improve the link juice being passed between the URLs.

The best method of internal linking is by using the site: operator paired with the keyword of your page. This means that you’ll only pull in results from your website based on the keyword you entered. These pages will often be the best ones to internal link from!

Tools Used for an Internal Linking Audit

  • Screaming Frog
  • Sitebulb
  • Jet Octopus
  • Deep Crawl

Is Internal Linking Good for SEO?

Internal linking is known to be excellent for SEO, as long as it’s carried out to a high standard.

This is why it’s always recommended to have a proper internal linking audit carried out for your site if you haven’t already, as this can help provide you with a clear guideline of where you need to internal link, making the entire process much easier.

Get A Professional Internal Linking Audit


Can Too Many Internal Links Hurt SEO?

Too many internal links can hurt SEO, in the sense that the more internal links you have on one page, the more the power of each link is diluted.

This is why it’s so important that if you’re an inexperienced SEO or aren’t familiar with internal linking at all, you first have an internal links audit done to identify exactly which internal links you need.

All SEO Audit Posts

Check out all the SEO Audit posts from the FatRank team: