Link Building Case Study

Backlinks are a huge part of helping your website rank for competitive search queries in Google search results.

There are too many digital marketers who believe “great content” is enough.

If you ever hear the phrase “If you publish great content, people will naturally link to me” then go and bang their head against a wall.

To give what the google algorithms are looking for you need great quality relevant backlinks and optimised content to meet the search intent.

In our Link Building Case Study, we can’t reveal the niche and domain for obvious reasons, but we will explain the whole process of how we ranked an existing website using only link-building techniques.

Link Building Case Study Journey

Link Building Strategy

Here is our link building strategy we used to help rank number one in Google SERP.

Purchase a Link Audit Service

Prior to starting any backlinking campaign, it is strongly advised to run a link audit service to check the current state of the backlink profile.

The backlink audit service will help you with the following:

  • Create a toxic list of links to add to a disavow file
  • Check anchor text ratios
  • Find hyperlinks you could point tier two backlinks at
  • Check toxicity levels
  • Research areas your backlink profile is lacking


A specialist link audit service helps to create a plan for your link-building strategy. All of the most successful search engine optimisation case studies highlight a well-researched plan is a key to success.

Purchase a Ranking Blueprint

The ranking blueprint is a comprehensive SEO audit to highlight link gap analysis.

The Ranking Blueprint does the hard work for you using tried and tested methods to find exactly what your backlink profile is lacking compared to your competition

The ranking blueprint does the following Link Building strategies:

  • Silo Structure map for internal linking purposes
  • Quantity of backlinks required to rank in the niche
  • Types of backlinks needed
  • Costs to acquire the missing backlinks

If you have never acquired a ranking blueprint we strongly advise all new or existing websites to buy the comprehensive search engine optimisation audit to show what the backlink profile is lacking to rank higher in Google searches.

Get A Professional SEO Audit


The ranking blueprint is a Specialist SEO Audit to create a plan of action. All of the best search engine optimisation case studies highlight a well-researched plan is a key to success.

Submit Disavow File

The backlink doctor disavow file creation was sent to us after 3 weeks, which included all the most toxic backlinks.

We submitted the disavow file to Google Search Console.

From previous experience, we have found the disavow file to take 4-6 weeks to start showing big differences in higher SERP rankings.

Buy Link Rejuvenation Package

Link loss to a backlink profile is one of the worst negative factors a website can encounter.

From a decade of experience in submitting disavows and manual google penalty removal we always advise a link rejuvenation package.

A link rejuvenation package is a collection of backlinks the backlink profile requires for a healthy looking data set. The backlinks will be high trust, low toxicity, high power relevant do-follow links pointing to your domain.

The link rejuvenation package providers will also carefully select the anchor text required to give the backlink profile the best chances of recovery.


The Link Detox Packages ensures your website has and maintains a natural-looking link profile and is essential to ranking in modern days search engines.

Buy Tier Two Backlinks

Tier Two backlinks is a link that is built to one of your existing links pointing to your website.

Tier 2 links are generally built to backlinks that have low page authority but a higher level of domain authority.

The tier two links we built in our Link Building Case Study were to:

  • Dofollow
  • Relevant
  • Contextual
  • High DR
  • Low Page Authority
  • Low Outbound Links
  • Non-Spammed Anchor Text

The backlinks need to have all the attributes above for us to consider building tier 2’s to the existing hyperlinks.


Continue Publishing Quality Content

During all our successful SEO case studies we continue to do the SEO best practices which include continuously publishing new quality content.

We published the articles from the content gap analysis report from the Ranking Blueprint.

We used the following methods when publishing new content:

The systems and processes of ordering your content are essential elements to the success of your website.

It is important to have unique, engaging, and plagiarism-free content, that is better than the top 10 ranking sites.

Build New Fresh Backlinks

The Ranking Blueprint provided a link gap analysis of backlinks the competitors had and we were missing.

Our link-building team organised the backlinks in order of relevance, trust, power and low toxicity metrics.

We built the following new fresh backlinks:

Marketers always ask where is the best place to acquire backlinks and the best answer is to reverse engineer the top-ranked websites to get their best links pointing to them.

The best link-building tools we use to analyse competitor backlink profiles are ahrefs, link research tools and semrush.

Cost of Link Building Case Study

The cost to rank the website was £14,000 in total.

The 14k costs included:

  • Link Audit Service cost £2000
  • Link Rejuvenation Package cost £3000
  • New Do-follow backlinks cost £6,000
  • 5 Wikipedia backlinks cost £1,000
  • 100 tier 2 backlinks cost £2000

The ROI on investing in digital assets is still amazing as in July 2024 we still live in the digital era where the money invested yields superb returns on your investments.

Popular Questions

Do Backlinks Still Work?

Backlinking strategies are still at the forefront of all successful SEO strategies.

Page rank and link juice pointing to your website massively help rank for more keywords in Google SERPs.

Which Backlinks are Best?

The answer to which backlinks are best completely depends on your website, it’s industry and your current backlink profile.

For the reason, we feel the best way to determine which links you need is by having a full link audit carried out, as that will provide you with a clear plan for your link building campaign.

What Are Backlinks in SEO?

Backlinks are simply links pointing to a website, so from an SEO perspective, they are built with the intention of improving your websites’ strength, and in turn, your position in search engines.

If you’re interested in carrying out backlinks yourself for SEO purposes, we’d always recommend having a link audit carried out first to ensure you maximise your efforts.

Should I Disavow Backlinks?

If you’ve never had a backlink audit carried out to your website and your site has been around for a while, there’s a good chance you should disavow some of your backlinks.

Overtime, even if you weren’t aware of the backlinks, your site can acquire links that are spammy and may potentially land you in a Google penalty in the future.

How Many Backlinks Should a Website Have?

The amount of backlinks a website should have can depend on the industry your site is in, as well as how many backlinks you currently have.

Simply put, the best way to know how many backlinks you need specifically is to have a professional link audit carried out for your website.

Can You Rank Without Backlinks?

It is possible to rank without backlinks, but typically only for key phrases that are extremely easy to rank for.

For the vast majority of industries, especially for money intent keywords, backlinks are an essential for ranking and always have been.

Final Words

If you are looking for a quick push-button SEO hack to get you page one rankings – STOP!

In July 2024 you need to be treating your websites like real businesses and giving them the love and attention they deserve.

Take a holistic SEO approach and do everything properly to prevent being hit on any Google Algorithm Updates.

Our Link Building Case Study might seem very basic in terms of strategy, but the truth is SEO has never been easier to do in July 2024 when you look to create long-lasting quality content and backlinks.

Other Successful SEO Case Studies

Search engine optimisation specialists should always keep on top of the latest SEO tips and tricks.

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