Topical Authority Case Study

In our Topical Authority Case Study, we can’t reveal the niche and domain for obvious reasons.

Still, we will explain the whole process of how we ranked the website by building more articles relevant to the niche.

Topical authority is built by proving your site, page, or company has relevant expertise and can be trusted.

It is a crucial step for SEO as, without authority, your site will not establish Google’s trust, and you will likely find it hard to rank well on the SERP.

Our clients struggled to improve their topical authority and didn’t know how to find gaps in their content. After enlisting our help, they saw an increase in their positioning in the Google SERP and their organic traffic.

SEO Best Practices

Here are the best SEO practices to help your website improve its semantic SEO topical authority.

Purchase a Ranking Blueprint

A great way to find existing gaps in your content is by purchasing a quality ranking blueprint.

The Ranking Blueprint does all the work for you using expert methods to find what your site needs or is missing to rank on the first page of the Google SERP for your niche.

The ranking blueprint helps with the following SEO strategies:

  • Keyword Research.
  • Keyword Clustering.
  • Silo Structure map.

If you have never purchased or created a ranking blueprint, we strongly advise all websites to buy a comprehensive audit from Searcharoo to find what the domain lacks to rank higher in Google searches.

Get A Professional SEO Audit


Our client took our expert advice and purchased a ranking blueprint from Searcharoo, and they confirmed it was a good decision. The ranking blueprint found various gaps in their content, which, when filled, helped to boost their topic authority and drive more organic traffic.

Once we found the gaps in their domain, we worked to create relevant, targeted, and plagiarism-free content, which helped them alert Google that they now held authority in their specific niche.

Dominate Rankings With The Ranking Blueprint

With affordable ranking blueprint costs, you should hire Searcharoo if you are serious about improving your topical authority; our client did, and they have never looked back.

Content Clustering

Content clustering is very important, as it will highlight any domain-level gaps.

You need to map out every piece of content you intend on creating and work to ensure every page gets written to the highest standard.

Many content cluster tools are available, such as SEO testing, which will highlight any content you should include in order to achieve topic authority.

Once you have your topics or titles, you must conduct keyword research to prevent content cannibalisation.

Our team of professionals helped our case study client locate and group missing content that fell under their chosen topic. We found gaps in their content that their competitors had covered and created perfectly optimised content to match the search intent of their readers.

After adding the missing articles to our client’s site, they saw their pages jump on the SERP, landing top positions on the first page.

Create New Optimised Content

Content creation is perhaps the most crucial ranking factor, as you can’t rank a web page with irrelevant content and amazing backlinks. But you can rank an optimised page of content with zero backlinks.

The main features of quality content need the following:

The systems and processes of ordering your content are essential to a successful website.

It is important to have unique, plagiarism-free content that is better than the top 10 ranking sites.

We are experts at creating high-quality, optimised content for our clients. Our case study client needed several articles written to improve their topical authority, and our content met their expectations and more.

As the newly written content was crawled and ranked, the articles started climbing the SERPs and increasing the organic traffic to their whole site.

Content Expansion to Existing Articles

Content expansion is the analysis of content to find missing pages, headings, and phrases and the act of filling those gaps to create complete content.

Editors need to carry out content expansion strategies. Failure to do so will only result in incomplete content and unanswered questions. Incomplete content will push your customers to seek out the answers elsewhere.

There are three main types of content expansion strategies:

  • Domain Level Gap Analysis – Checking what pages your domain is missing.
  • Page Level Gap Analysis – Checking what headings your page is missing.
  • Heading Level Gap Analysis – Checking what phrases your header section is missing.

If you are truly an expert in your industry, your site needs to cover all there is to know about your niche.

You should create a content roadmap that plans out all the articles you will cover; you can use tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs to find keywords and headings.

As part of our service, we ran progressive optimisation on existing sites to improve the quality of existing articles. Via this process, our client saw old, low-ranking pages appear on the first page of the Google search engine results page.

Internal Silo Structure

Our case studies found that most pages have around 15 internal links maximum; this isn’t to say you should only have 15 for your page, but you need to do your due diligence to find the best amount for your niche.

You should check the following factors before confirming your total internal link count:

  • Your industry’s standard – you can check this via competitor analysis.
  • The number of named entities on your page.
  • The number of contexts for the named entities.
  • Consider a maximum of one internal link per heading.
  • The detail of your content.

A detailed page structure is crucial for building topical authority as it redirects Google to other relevant and related pages on your site.

When our client first got in touch with us, their silo structure was non-existent, making it difficult for Google to crawl their site effectively. Due to this, they were struggling to rank even decent-quality pages.

We improved their internal link structure, adding relevant internal links to every page on their site. Within a few months, they had seen a great increase in pages that Google had crawled, and their standing on the SERP as a whole had soared.

Through our work, they are now experiencing high levels of traffic, increased sales, higher positioning on the SERPs, and greater topical authority.

Quick tips for Earning Topical Authority

Here are some quick tips that helped us take our case study from almost zero traffic to thousands every day:

  • Stay up-to-date with current events occurring in your industry.
  • Identify new trends and apply them to your pages.
  • Use SERP analysis and content clustering to cover the topic in its entirety.
  • Look for unique content missing from the SERP, provided it’s relevant.
  • Build a solid silo structure and link to other trusted sources, which shows you have done the research.
  • Go back into old content and progressively optimise to keep up with new changes.

We will help all of our customers follow our top tips and will work with other SEO experts, such as Searcharoo, to build a strong topical authority strategy.

Follow our topic authority case study tips, and you could experience the same amazing growth as our client.

Cost of Ranking With Topical Authority

The costs for our Topical Authority Case Study were £19,000.

The 19k costs included:

  • Ranking Blueprint Service costs £200
  • 160 new articles cost £16,000
  • Editor to upload cost £1800
  • Graphic Designer to create images cost £1,000

£19k may seem a lot; however, our case study client’s increase in traffic and sales more than covered the costs. It is a wise investment if you are serious about growing your company and website.

Popular Questions

What is Topical Authority?

Topical authority is a search engine optimisation technique which allows a website to become an authority for a given topic.

A website can achieve topical authority if they cover topics entirely, not just focusing on keywords.

The greater the coverage of your niche, provided all the content is high-quality, the greater the chance Google will recognise your site as trustworthy.

Best Tool For Keyword Grouping?

The best tool for keyword grouping is Keyword Cupid.

Do Backlinks Still Count Toward Website Authority?

Backlinks are important for a website’s authority but are not the be-all and end-all.

When it comes to topical authority, backlinks are not the main focus. You will naturally acquire backlinks as your authority grows and you gain more prevalence in the SERPs.

So, topical authority will help you earn quality backlinks over time.

What are Google’s Knowledge Panels?

Google Knowledge Panels are information boxes that appear when you search for a particular entity.

Located in the Google Knowledge Graph, these panels are supposed to provide readers with a snapshot of information on the subject they are interested in.

Google Knowledge Panels are pulled from authoritative sites by Google, as they trust their chosen website to have produced accurate, trustworthy and relevant information on the topic.

Is Topical Authority the Same as Domain Authority?

Domain authority is how much authority your site has as a whole, whereas topical authority is the expertise of a niche presented by unique and quality content.

Domain authority is demonstrated through strong backlinks and technical SEO. Topical authority is demonstrated through complete coverage of a topic via high-quality content and posts.

What Do Topical Authority and Topical Coverage Stand For in a Semantic Web?

Creating a comprehensive, organised, entity-oriented content network can gain topical authority and coverage in a semantic web.

Achieving a successful piece of content for one entity increases the chances of success for other related entities.

Topical coverage encourages growth, as quality pieces support and build Google’s trust that the information you share is trustworthy and relevant.

To become an authority for semantic search engines, you need to be able to cover different features within several contexts.

Final Words

Gone are the days when you could write one article on a topic and rank high for that term.

You need to cover the topic in its entirety to stand any chances of ranking in competitive markets.

If you have topics where you have missing content pieces, you have two choices:

  • Order Ranking Blueprint to find ALL articles lacking and get them written and uploaded
  • Remove the articles with a content pruning strategy by removing the dead weight

In all successful search engine optimisation case studies, the SEO specialists use topical authority strategies to cover all semantics on a given topic.

The successful rank and rent case study is a great example of using semantic SEO techniques to grow the number of keywords the domain ranks for on a given topic.

Other Successful SEO Case Studies

Search engine optimisation specialists should always keep on top of the latest SEO tips and tricks.

Here are some successful SEO case studies you might find interesting:

  • The 2024 content pruning case study shows how this site grew 112% by deleting content
  • The topical authority case study shows how covering the topic in its entirety improves rankings
  • The link-building case study shows how certain types of backlinks can hugely grow your traffic
  • The negative SEO case study shows how you can recover from negative SEO attacks
  • The SurferSEO case study shows how adding entities to content can increase rankings
  • The aged domain case study highlights a way to bypass the sandbox
  • The youtube SEO case study shows how you can rank videos online
  • The affiliate SEO case study shows the best SEO practices to improve existing rankings
  • The local SEO case study shows the best search engine optimisation hacks to rank GMBs and local sites
  • The semantic SEO case study shows how deep learning and machine learning will make semantic SEO a more popular strategy

The best SEO case studies try to explain everything to help users reach successful results in July 2024.