Technical SEO Audit Service

If you feel your website needs an uplift from a technical SEO point of view, then you have come to the right place.

Our team at fatrank have already an article about  2024 technical SEO audit checklist.

However, if you are looking for an in-depth SEO audit done for you that covers 200 different checks across your entire website, then continue reading as we went and bought technical audits from 6 of the best providers to see which audit is truly the best, so you don’t have to.

But I get many contact form submissions asking, “Do you know a great technical SEO audit done-for-you service?”

So the Fatrank team have researched and analysed all the best technical SEO auditors in July 2024.

Our Technical SEO Audit Service guide explains all the top-rated technical search engine and optimisation auditors.

What makes a good technical audit?

A good technical audit should cover everything that could be holding your website back from a technical point of view, whether that’s broken links, double 301s, page speed and crawl depth.

However, it doesn’t stop there. Some of the audits we bought from providers were extremely technical and detailed. Still, for the typical business owner or site owner that isn’t that techy, it didn’t help because there was a massive information overload.

When picking the best technical audit provider, we wanted a balance of both information and actionable steps.

It’s fine getting back a million errors; however, if you don’t know how to fix them, what’s the point…

What’s included in a technical SEO audit?

The technical audit that we thought where the best was completed by a company called

They had the perfect balance of providing a lot of information and showcasing how to fix the audit in actionable steps that are easy to follow, even for the less techy people.

Here’s a list of things they provide in their audit:

Crawl Depth

If you aren’t looking at crawl depth, this is really important if you have a large site and experience crawlability issues. We highly recommend looking at your crawl depth if you are an e-commerce website, a local business with multiple service pages, or a big affiliate website owner.

Internal Status Codes

Sometimes, your editor makes mistakes and internal links to the wrong page, or you might even delete a page with a load of internal links going through to the page.

This can cause massive problems from double 301s to 404 pages. Google doesn’t like going through to a 404 page. This creates a bad user experience, and issues like these should be resolved ASAP.

External Status Codes

In some cases, website owners like to link out to other sites. Other websites are out of your control and, in some cases, either go down, site owners forget to renew domains, and you don’t want to be linking to a dead website. It’s very important that you keep on top of this.


You should constantly be looking at canonicals. If you have missing canonical OR duplicate canonical, this can harm your site and destroy rankings.

Pages with low internal links

Internal links should help theme your pages. If you have low amounts of internal links going through to pages or, in some cases, 0 internal links. You should be theming each page with various types of anchors. If you have a low amount of internal links, it can massively affect your crawlability.

Missing page titles

If you are missing page titles, then google has no clue what the page is about; therefore, it will make it extremely difficult to rank. In some cases pages with no page title will never even rank.

Missing meta description

Meta descriptions should be filled to describe a page you can also over-populate your meta-descriptions, so you need to make sure they are the perfect lenth.

Why you should buy a technical website audit

Over the years, our team have ranked numerous local, affiliate & e-commerce websites, so our in-house technical team know what to look for when it comes to technical; however, from a business point of view, it made sense to outsource the brunt of work.

We did this because, in some cases, an audit can take weeks to complete, and our tech team wanted to action the results from the audit and not actually run the audit themselves.

Work smarter, not harder!

What is the Best Technical SEO Audit Service?

From our research, the best Technical SEO Audit Service is

Get A Professional Technical SEO Audit


How Much is The Technical SEO Audit?

The Technical SEO Audit costs start from $250 (VAT is applied if in the UK).

The Estimated Delivery is Up to 30 Days and for $250 you can purchase a Basic Technical SEO Audit.

If you are looking for a comprehensive technical SEO audit including internal linking audits our in-depth technical audit service costs $450.

All SEO Audit Posts

Check out all the SEO Audit posts from the FatRank team: