Topical Authority Audit

The buzzwords in the SEO communities in July 2024 are breaking the authority wall and topical authority strategies.

If you have ever seen websites completely dominate the SERPs (without low referring domains) they will have broken the authority wall.

Authority wall is when Google see many high-quality web pages on a subject and sees the domain as an expert on the topic. The topical authority boosts your whole domain’s rankings for all keywords related to the industry.

With a carefully crafted topical authority strategy, you can start to gain rankings and start earning some serious cash to reinvest back into the site, if you break the topical clusters down into achievable sections.

In our Topical Authority Audit guide, we break down everything you need to know about why the investment into purchasing a semantic SEO audit could be the best money you have spent for search engine optimisation growth in July 2024.

Is Topical Authority the New Keyword Research?

Keyword research has been replaced with topical authority which is the “depth of expertise on a topic.”

Gaining expert-level authority is achieved by consistently writing original high-quality, comprehensive content that covers the topic.

Many SEOs think about link-building strategies when it comes to “authority”. Building backlinks have historically been the number one ranking factor in building domain authority but over time that’s become less effective.

The new domain authority comes from the depth of expertise content you have on a topic.

How to Create a Topical Authority Roadmap?

A Topical Map is a complete list of articles that need to be written in a niche.

In order to create a topical authority roadmap you need the following tools:

All of these tools above are needed to thoroughly complete a topical authority audit in July 2024.

The costs to acquire all of the SEO tools are in excess of £3,000 per month, which is expensive unless you are optimising over one hundred websites.

The best solution for creating a topical authority roadmap is by delegating the work to professionals who create topical map services daily.

Best Places to Buy Topical Authority Audit?

The best places to buy the topical authority audits are the following:

  • Searcharoo Topical Map Service
  • LeadSpring Topical Map Service
  • Growth Giants Topical Map Service

The Topical Map services are a complete content plan of all the content you need to write in your in order to become a “Topical Authority” in your niche.

How Long Does It Take To Break Authority Wall?

It generally takes 3-4 months to break the authority wall if you are posting one article per day.

However, building topical authority depends on the niche you are entering and some industries will require several articles per day to be published.

The best Topical Authority Audits will break down the keyword planning into 3 sections.

  • Section 1 – Keywords that are pretty simple to rank in Google SERP (low keyword difficulty)
  • Section 2 – Keywords that are harder to rank in Google SERP (medium keyword difficulty)
  • Section 3 – Keywords that would need a lot of supporting documents and some highly authoritative links (high keyword difficulty)

You should start on section one and not try to write any topics in section two until ALL articles are completed and published from section one.

Topical Authority Audit Reviews

Check out some testimonials on what SEO specialists are saying about the Topical Map Services:

  • After submitting my seed keyword the topical map service provided me with 116 articles to complete my clusters
  • I love the topical map service as it even provides topic silos with zero search volume keywords, that are semantically relevant to cover the topic in its entirety
  • The topical map service gave some really great topics and keywords that I probably never would have found during my keyword research
  • Wow. The topical authority audit saved me so much time on keyword research and grouping the keywords into clusters


If you are looking for an authority wall breaker the true power comes from a holistic SEO approach.

Do ALL THINGS to a high quality from on-page SEO content being the most informative and earning information gain rewards by Google.

Cover the topic in its entirety as per our 2024 topical authority case study.

Create relevant backlinks as per the 2024 link-building case study and make sure you use topically relevant anchor text in your backlink profile.

Purchase tier two backlinks to rank your tier one authoritative links to gain traffic through your links and send more link juice.

Gone are the days you can write one 8000-word article and hit it with links as GuesSEO strategies no longer work in July 2024.

Now you need to be an expert on the topic and get through the authority wall so Google sees your website as an expert on the topic.

Get in touch today if you want to know who I feel is voted the best Topical Authority Audit provider in July 2024.

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