On Page SEO Case Study

In our On-Page SEO Case Study, we can’t reveal the niche and domain for obvious reasons, but we will explain how we grew website traffic by improving the on-page SEO factors.

Our clients struggled with on-page SEO and found it hard to produce optimized content. Due to this, they could not rank well on the Google SERP, and their organic traffic was extremely low.

We took their site, and with expert on-page SEO techniques, we transformed their traffic, SERP positioning, and sales in a matter of months.

The Industry Problem Before We Start

When conducting professional search engine optimisation audits for businesses, we find them brainwashed into writing new content and buying new backlinks for their website.

Most website owners are adopting a GuesSEO 2024 strategy, which is not working.

SEO is not a guessing game, and carrying out in-depth content audits can highlight issues with how you can improve your on-page SEO strategy.

On Page SEO Best Practices

Here are the SEO best practices to help your website rank higher with better on-page search engine optimisation in July 2024.

Purchase a Technical SEO Audit

Our clients purchased a technical SEO audit from the technicalseoaudit.co, which helped them massively.

A technical SEO audit checks the technical elements of your site, such as crawlability, indexation, and loading time; factors which, if done wrong, could make it difficult for Google to access and index your site.

An audit checks for such things as canonical errors and highlights them to the client so that they can fix the issues.

For our case study client, the technical audit located a few minor issues, but once these errors were remedied, there were major changes in their positioning on the SERP.


The technicalseoaudit.co service is a Specialist SEO Audit designed to create an action plan. All of the best search engine optimization case studies highlight a well-thought-out plan is the key to success.

Our client chose technicalseoaudit.co for their technical audit and was elated by the results. The audit pulled various results, such as 404 and redirect errors which were not managed well. Once these errors were amended, their site started to see improvements in ranking and organic traffic.

Improve Click Depth

Click depth is how many internal links it takes to access your pages on your website. Ideally, you want click depth to be low and any page to be accessible by at least two clicks.

Google sees click depth as a measurement of user experience, and a high click depth is deemed negative, as the user has to keep clicking and searching to find the information they are looking for.

Our client’s click depth was larger than we hoped, but after adding more strategically placed internal links, we dramatically reduced the click depth.

By implementing small changes to the structure of our client’s pages, we drew in more organic traffic, and readers stayed on our client’s site for longer, reading more pages in one viewing than before.

Eliminate Orphan Pages

Orphan pages are pages which have no links directed through to them; so, essentially, there is only one, or no, way of accessing the page without typing in the exact URL.

As no internal links follow through to an orphan page, it is highly unlikely that Google will crawl the page. Orphan pages are missed opportunities, as the content may be high-quality; however, the likelihood of the page being indexed is low.

Our client experienced missed opportunities, as their technical audit highlighted a few orphan pages on their site that they were unaware of.


Due to their orphan pages, they were experiencing a relatively high bounce-back rate, damaging their chances of ranking well on the Google SERP.

However, once we directed links toward the orphan page, soon after, we saw the bounce-back rate decrease, and traffic to these newly linked pages increased.

Content Optimisation of Existing Posts

Another crucial aspect of on-page SEO is optimising your content; low-quality content with limited and irrelevant keywords is not likely to rank well with Google.

After running an audit on our client’s existing pages using the tool SurferSEO, we noticed a string of missing keywords from many of their pages. SurferSEO uses detailed competitor analysis to suggest improvements to their user’s sites.

Missing keywords are a problem for on-page SEO as it makes it hard to rank your focus keyword on Google, which will impact the traffic level from your target demographic.

We filled in any missing keywords, added relevant internal links, and ensured the grammar and structure of their content. From updating the quality of our customer’s content, they saw great jumps in the SERP, with many of their pages placed on the first page of the SERP.

Content Expansion on Existing Posts

As well as content optimisation, it is important to assess any gaps in existing content to ensure you are covering your niche in its entirety.

Failure to cover your whole topic will impact your domain and topic authority level, which may prevent you from ranking your pages high on the Google SERP, as Google will not see your website as a reliable source.

There are three main types of content expansion strategies:

  • Domain Level Gap Analysis – Check what pages your domain is missing.
  • Page Level Gap Analysis – Check what headings your page is missing.
  • Heading Level Gap Analysis – Check what phrases your header section is missing.

To be an expert in your industry, you need to cover every plausible piece of content and every relevant keyword.

Using content analysis tools, such as Ahrefs and SEMRush, we could identify gaps in the domain, pages and headings of your client’s site; we were then able to fill these gaps with quality content.

Our client’s started to see amazing improvements in their organic traffic, bounce-back rate, and SERP rankings once we had overhauled their content via content expansion techniques.

Check Images and Tags

Images are a key part of on-page SEO and must be optimised, the same as any content. Image optimization includes the following:

  • Appropriately sizing the images.
  • Optimize image file names.
  • Use quality alt tags.
  • Ensure images are copyright free.
  • Include image captions.

Other important features are meta descriptions, title tags, and URLs.

Our client came to us unsure about their on-page SEO; they had limited images, meta descriptions, and unoptimised URLs. We assessed their site and made quality adjustments to all areas of their on-page SEO, including images, tags, content, etc.

After our extensive optimisation, our case study client’s website experienced significant growth. Their impressions, click-through rate, organic traffic, and SERP rankings improved massively. They also won various featured snippet positions for their content and images.

Cost of Carrying Out On-Page SEO

The cost to carry out an on-page strategy is on average $90 per 1000 words for content produced.

The content should be optimised using the best on-page optimisation tools like:

If subscribing to all these specialist on-page tools is too expensive for your SEO agency then just look to acquire a DFY-optimised content piece from companies like Searcharoo that offer both a Surfer Optimised Article or a POP Optimised Article.

Quick Wins on All Our On-Page Case Studies

The quickest wins we achieve for customers looking for an on-page audit are:

Just by completing these four tasks we always see huge quick wins for domains that hire our on-page service.

Popular Questions

What is on page optimization?

On-page SEO is the optimisation of elements on your website to improve your rankings on search engines and increase your organic traffic.

Quality on-page SEO is required to highlight how reliable your website is and its relevance to the search engines.



What are on page SEO best practices?

The best on-page SEO practices include:

  • Frequent crawls of your website.
  • Conduct an SEO audit to assess the structure of your site.
  • Check URLs, meta descriptions, alt tags, and page titles.
  • Track keyword density and placement.
  • Do not keyword stuff.

Our expert team can help you transform your on-page SEO by helping you conduct the best SEO practices.



Final Words

On-page SEO is important to ensure search engines can analyse your website and identify the search intent. Without any on-page optimization, Google will struggle to understand the context of your site, and you will fail to rank well on their SERP.

Our case study client struggled to properly optimise their website, to the point where their traffic and revenue were exceptionally low.

After enlisting our expert help and services, they now have a fully optimised website that draws in high organic traffic derived from their target demographic.

In all successful search engine optimisation case studies, the SEO specialists fulfil a complete on-page optimisation.

Other Successful SEO Case Studies

Search engine optimisation specialists should always keep up with the latest SEO tips and tricks.

Here are some great SEO case studies you might find interesting:

The best SEO case studies try to explain everything to help users how to reach successful results in July 2024.