Tips For Optimising Your Images for Technical SEO

The main focus on optimising your images for technical SEO is making sure they are not uploaded too large to slow sites down.

Below are techniques and tips to optimise your images on your website to improve site speed and have technical benefits.

Reduce Image Size in KB

Reducing the image size is a great technical SEO strategy you should be doing. Reducing the size of your images makes the website load speed to be faster.

You’ve still got to make sure the quality of the pictures is good.

But cropping the photo and compressing to the lowest size in KB is key to faster loading pages which helps to rank in the google search.

Here is a video which shows how you can bulk resize images when saving them onto your desktop before uploading any to make sure you are not uploading pictures larger than 1mb in size:-

Lossy Compression Algorithms

When it comes to image compression for websites many people choose to use Lossy compression algorithms. You may be wondering what Lossy compression is; it is basically one way of reducing the file size of an image or piece of audio significantly. However, when using Lossy you may notice a slight loss of quality.

Lossy can be used for a number of files including JPEG and GIF. When compressing an image using Lossy some data from the original file is lost. This is irreversible. Presently, you may be able to find some tools which allow you to reverse the compression – the Imagify WordPress Plugin for example. When you use Lossy it is important to make sure the code isn’t altered.

Since Lossy can alter the quality of the image, it is important to find the right balance between quality and size. The quality loss will alter with the ratio of compression; therefore make sure you only compress the image to the maximum it can go before the loss in quality is noticeable.

Lossless Image Compression

As an alternative to Lossy, some people may decide to use Lossless image compression. This is slightly different from Lossy, as no quality is lost when using this type of algorithm. With Lossless you can slightly decrease the size of a file without losing the quality of the image. This is done by removing unnecessary meta data from the files.

However, there is a downside to Lossless. Since the quality remains the size of the file is not as small as it would be if it was compressed using Lossy. Therefore you will have to decide whether quality or file size is more important.

Obviously, someone showing off photography skills will require high-quality images – and so should use Lossless. If you are putting the images on a site and the site speed is important, you might want to consider Lossy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Lossy and Lossless Compression

As with any algorithm, there are advantages and disadvantages of Lossy and Lossless compression.

Advantages of Lossy

  • Significantly reduces file size
  • You can choose the degree of compression
  • Lots of tools, plugins and software support it

Disadvantages of Lossy

  • Quality loss with a higher ratio of compression
  • Cannot get original back after it has been compressed

Advantages of Lossless

  • There is no quality loss
  • You are able to restore compressed data

Disadvantages of Lossless

  • Larger files after compressing when compared to Lossy

Overall you can see advantages and disadvantages for both. It is important to decide which one would suit you more. For many companies, they are able to sacrifice slight loss of quality in order to lower their file size and speed up their website. It is up to you which you think is more important.

Online Image Compressor

When looking for an online image compressor you need to be sure what you want to use. Do you want a Lossy compressor or a Lossless compressor? There are a number of different compressors which you can find online which offer a good service. Some of the online compressors we have used include, and

We would highly recommend having a look at a few different online image compressors to see which you prefer to use. All are quite different but basically do the same thing. So it is whatever suits you best.

Compress Image to 10KB Online

Depending on the size of the current image and the quality you are hoping to achieve it is be possible to compress an image to 10kb online. Rather than trying to make your image as small as possible, we would recommend compressing to the lowest possible file size at the most reasonable quality.

When uploading an image to your site, you will want the page to load quickly but you will also want the consumer to like your site. If the site runs very quickly but has low-quality images it makes your company look unprofessional. While it is possible to compress images to 10kb online, we would recommend testing the files on image compress sites to see how small you can make the image without making it look of poor quality.

Online Photo Resizer in KB and Pixels

There are plenty of online photo resizers in KB and pixels online. We would highly recommend, as this allows JPEG images to be compressed quickly and easily. You are able to alter the size of the photo without losing quality too much when using this tool.

When using tools like compress JPEG and you can save hundreds of KB which will really improve the speed of your site and save space on your computer or shared drive. If you are thinking about

In Summary

Having a technically fast website will help you rank better in the future.

Site speed also helps with conversion so optimising your images is key.

Please let us know what you think of this post. There are plenty of different ways to carry out SEO for images to help boost your page rankings.

Be sure to tell us if you have any more tips for optimising your images as we’d love to hear what works for you!

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