Online Reputation Management

We live in the digital era of unprecedented change.

As the internet has evolved the importance of positive online branding is now a core marketing strategy for the success of business or an individual.

Digital marketing is the number one advertising platform in July 2024 and online reputation managment companies have never been busier.

In our Online Reputation Management guide, we explain everything you need to know about why you should be employing a online reputation management agency in July 2024.

What is Online Business Reputation Management?

Online business reputation management means actively taking a control over your brand.

What people say about your company online is perhaps the single biggest influence on your businesses success and growth digitally.

If you’re a business owner, influencer, employee or own a trademark, your reputation is everything.

In an online environment, reputation management is more important than ever thanks to the Internet.

What Impacts a Brand’s Online Reputation?

Everything mentioned about your brand, personal persona or trademark impacts on your reputation online.

Here are the most common areas that impacts a brand online reputation:

  • Comments on social media accounts
  • Reviews on review publications online
  • Reviews on Google Business Profiles
  • Google News Stories
  • Guest Blogging Services
  • Customer feedback via social profiles or content networks

The online world does shape public perception on your business in July 2024.

Where Does Negative Content Get Published Online?

There’s many places that negative content is published online, which can be a serious burden on the reputation of yourself or your business.

Here are some examples of where negative content gets published online:

Social Media

Unsurprisingly, a lot of negative content about both individuals or organisations can be found on social media.

This type of negative content can seem difficult to control or mitigate due to its nature, however this is an area that a trained online reputation management specialist can help with.

The value of having a positive social media presence is massive in 2024, so it doesn’t surprise us that more and more organisations are looking to hire a reputation management expert to help with this.

Review Sites

Websites dedicated to presenting reviews for businesses are one of the big factors when it comes to receiving negative content about your business, with the potential for people to leave damaging reviews that sometimes may not even be true to begin with.

In order to ensure your reviews are positive, a reputation management professional can do all of this for you, making sure your business looks as it deserves to on the review websites.

News Articles

For more high profile clients, news articles can create real problems for individuals and businesses’ reputation online.

ORM companies will ensure that they deal with any content that’s effecting the perspective of your brand or persona, working to repair and reverse any damage done.


Blogs or blogging websites are known to present some risk too when it comes to reputation management, despite this type of content decreasing in popularity over the last few years.

Nevertheless, ORM businesses will look at all angles to highlight where they can improve their client’s online reputation, and this remains one of them.

Why Should I Consider Online Reputation Management?

Everyone looking to have a persona or business online should look to hire a online reputation management company to control the messaging you want to see for the terms potential customers search for you.

Warren Buffet famously said before the internet was even invented:

A reputation takes 20 years to acquire, and five minutes to lose.

Leaving the search engine results page to chance can cause some bad reviews or misinformation to be seen to your potential clients or business partners.

Taking control and creating a positive SERP eliminates any potential problems of harmful content being spread.

What Do Online Reputation Management Companies Do?

Online reputation management companies use their years of experience and a variety of techniques to improve a businesses or individuals reputation online.

Some examples of the work an online reputation management company would carry out include:

  • Remove any negative or misrepresentative online content
  • Weaken the performance of any remaining damaging content
  • Increase positive perspective
  • Improve and increase online reviews
  • Reduce the number of complaints
  • Improve SEO
  • Develop brand sentiment
  • Monitor further press about you or your business online

It’s important you use a professional to carry out these services for you, in order to get the best results.

How Much is Online Business Reputation Management?

The average costs of PROACTIVE Online Business Reputation Management services are $4000 per month to $7000 per month.

The ORM proactive messaging creates positive articles and content for what you want to be seen against your company name or personal profile.

If negative news publications are released and you look to hire a Online Reputation Management Agency for reactive purposes the costs are more likely to be around $45,000 per month for several months.

Removing the negative reputation of a brand can be very difficult which is why proactive ORM services are strongly advised to controlling the message of your trademark or branding.

What Is The Difference Between Reputation Management and Public Relations?

The main difference between reputation management and public relations is that reputation management works in the background to improve a businesses or individuals reputation, whilst public relations works in the spotlight.

For example, whilst a public relations team would likely go out to local newspapers, radio stations, podcasts and more to help improve public relations for a client, a reputation management business work to alter the perspective of their client online through techniques such as content addition, content removal, link building, online reviews, video services and more.

Many individuals can understandably become confused about what the difference is between reputation management and public relations, as there are notable similarities.

Online Business Reputation Management Services

The services available for Online Business Reputation Management include:

Does Online Reputation Matter?

Online reputation definitely matters. In a world engulfed in technology, the way a brand is perceived online is becoming a big significant factor as to how likely a customer, client or reader will engage with your brand on the internet.

It’s because of this that people are paying more attention to their online reputation than ever.

Does Online Reputation Management Really Work?

Online reputation management certainly does work, as long as you ensure you use a professional and reliable company to carry out these services for you.

Ensuring your online reputation is appropriately managed by a reliable business can be the difference between appearing untrustworthy online or appearing like a reliable brand, so looking into this is very important.

how Long Does Reputation Management Take?

The truthful answer is that reputation management campaigns can vary in length depending on many factors.

For example, some smaller businesses may only need 3-4 weeks worth of reputation management to get them on track, whilst larger businesses or high profile individuals with ongoing reputation problems may need much longer.


Online reputation management services is no longer a ‘nice to have’ strategy, but is now essential to the success of online growth.

Whether you own a rank and rent website, affiliate marketing domain or ecommerce store the importance of improving your branding online has never been more important.

Related Online Business Reputation Management Topics

Here are all the topics related to Online Business Reputation Management in July 2024.