
Newsjacking is a great content marketing strategy for getting featured in Google News carousels.

In the digital world, we live in today, all the biggest brands online are looking for techniques to get additional exposure and newsjacking is one of the best content marketing strategies used in July 2024.

In our Newsjacking guide, we explain why SEO agencies and the Best Online Reputation Management Companies are using news-jacking as part of their growth hacking services.

What is Newsjacking?

Newsjacking is the process of piggybacking on trending viral news topics to get yourself noticed.

Timing is everything when it comes to newsjacking and freshness is a key ranking factor for news articles being shared online.

Newsjacking is getting your thoughts and opinions published in breaking news stories. The key to newsjacking is jumping on stories before your competitors.

Content marketers take advantage of current events or news stories in such a way as to promote or advertise their customer’s products or brands.

Newsjacking is about attaching your brand to an existing story, not making yourself the story.

How to Maximise Your Newsjacking Strategy?

The best techniques to maximise your newsjacking strategy include:

  • Track every platform that delivers news content
  • Make your brand relevant to the story
  • Adding your thoughts to breaking news stories (be different – covering the same news as everyone else won’t get you noticed)
  • Advertise your service or product closely related to the news story
  • Include your author bio names to improve EEAT signals in the roundup
  • Add expert opinions to the breaking news to build online trust
  • Reference the business name to improve the brand SERP

Best Newsjacking Agencies

Here is our up-to-date list of all the Best Newsjacking Agencies in July 2024.

News Jacking is a specialist digital PR agency that provides newsjacking articles for thousands of brands online. solely focus on improving newsjacking stories to get their customer’s the biggest exposure in Google Discover, Google News Tab and Top Stories carousel.

Newquay Voice

The website is used by many of the newsjacking specialists in the UK.

The Newquay Voice domain is an aged Google News-approved website so instantly ranks high in Google’s Top Stories carousel. is a large publication newspaper and was voted the best newsjacking domain in July 2024 by a group of reporters and journalists in London, UK.


The domain is an old Google News source that ranks very well in Google Discover, Google News Tab and Google’s Top Stories carousel.

The Recuro team is made up of newsjacking experts who create creative copywriting to piggyback on the latest UK news.

Why Should I Consider Newsjacking?

If you are looking to drive more exposure online then being featured in Google News sections online can deliver large volumes of traffic.

The best strategy to get included in Google News is fresh up-to-date stories on current events, which is why newsjacking is the number one Google News technique used for digital agencies.

How do you Newsjack effectively for Digital PR?

Successful Newsjacking requires the right news story, perfect timing, and building up great engagement signals using tier-two backlinks, social media shares and traffic sources to manipulate virality.

The best Digital PR agencies leverage news coverage for their clients to generate additional traffic sources online.

To effectively news jack for digital PR purposes you need to be monitoring media in real-time, source a trending topic, and ‘hijack’ your opinion to make your brand relevant to the story.

The most effective way to gain traction in the conversation is by working out a relevant angle to the latest news and voicing your thoughts on the trending topic.

How to Start Newsjacking?

The first step in newsjacking is finding the right viral news stories to piggyback on.

Here are the best places to source the news stories for piggybacking on.

  • Use Google Trends to monitor trending stories
  • Use Google Alerts to monitor keywords in News
  • Monitor trending hashtags on Twitter
  • Follow journalists and bloggers who cover stories connected to your industry
  • Track Google Discover App
  • Research Top Stories in Google News Tab for your keywords

Here are the ways to start newsjacking:

  1. Identify trending stories and hashtags to jump on
  2. Write about the news story and add genuine value in your opinions
  3. Publish the content
  4. Share on social media and hashtag correctly
  5. Ride the wave of popularity with relevant fresh news articles

There will always be new opportunities in this fast-paced world.

Is Newsjacking Ethical?

Newsjacking is ethical if you follow three major guidelines:

  • The newsjacked story makes sense for your client and their audience
  • Your thoughts and opinions added to the news story provides genuine value to your media contact
  • You’re not relying on clickbait to drive interest

Digital PR agencies monitor the media news coverage daily and should only select newsjacked stories closely related to your customer’s demographic audience.

Leveraging the latest news and providing great value gives the reader an opinion on the trending news story.

Is newsjacking more effective than standard advertising?

Newsjacking is more effective than standard advertising for exposure in Google News.

Being able to news jack provides a greater impact on interest and engagement because is relevant to today’s breaking stories.

Relevancy and timing are what make newsjacking much more effective than standard advertising on News related platforms.

Newsjacking Benefits

Here are some benefits of using Newsjacking as part of your digital marketing in July 2024:

  • Aligning yourself with recent news stories brings more attention to your business
  • Newsjacking gives you more keywords and phrases to rank for
  • Search traffic for keywords in trending topics starts to accelerate
  • Attract attention from a wider audience in News publications
  • Helps become a thought leader on the latest news stories
  • Google features articles about the latest news stories at the top of the search results
  • Trending news stories go viral on social media (Twitter and Facebook)
  • Ranking for the latest news topics collects high-quality backlinks from other media sources
  • Places your brand into a wider audience and start social conversations
  • Shows that you’re relevant to the needs of your customers and community
  • All publicity is good publicity
  • Illustrate your brand’s values in real time

The advantages of piggybacking on the latest news articles provide a huge benefit to your search engine optimisation efforts.

Newsjacking vs Trendjacking

The main difference between newsjacking and trendjacking is that whilst newsjacking in the process of jumping on a news story to benefit your own agenda, trendjacking is the process of jumping on an existing trend to benefit your own agenda.

Trendjacking can be another fantastic way of making the most of a relevant topic, and the techniques used for trendjacking can be different to newsjacking as well.

Be sure to take a look at our dedicated page for trendjacking to understand more.

Newsjacking vs Brandjacking

The key difference between newsjacking and brandjacking is that whilst newsjacking in the process of jumping on a news story to benefit your own agenda, brandjacking is the process of jumping on a brand to benefit your own agenda.

Brandjacking is often done in Google SERPS, however this technique can be implemented in many other ways.

Be certain to read up on our brandjacking page to find out more about this.


News Jacking is a great way to build an individual’s or brand’s reputation and can also help with SEO.

When you can hijack or just piggyback the news agenda, you’ll have relevant content to reach out to reporters, journalists and authors to expand your media coverage.

The main 3 strategies used to expand your media coverage using the following strategies in July 2024.

  • Newsjacking
  • Trend Jacking
  • Brand Jacking

All three techniques can work well if you add your layer of thoughts to the breaking news stories.

Some news stories have more staying power than others, so the top-rated digital PR companies react swiftly to garner maximum attention before the next big news story erupts.

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