Rank Jacking

The RankJacking SEO Hack is of very few strategies that allow you to Get More Organic Traffic within 24 hours.

If you have been in the SEO industry for over a decade you will continuously say “It’s not like the good old days when you just built backlinks to a web page and it would rank at the top of Google”.

In July 2024 there are very few shortcuts or SEO hacks left to achieve long-term rankings.

We use a dozen advanced SEO strategies that have never been shared publicly because the minute they are released the SEO speakers (who rarely test nowadays on the speaking circuit) include them in their slides and Google quickly patch the hack.

But I am going to release one strategy, which is publicly known nowadays with Brian Dean and Ryan Stewart mentioning it.


What is the RankJacking SEO Strategy?

The RankJacking SEO Strategy is an advanced version of link building.

Traditional white hat link building (nothing is truly white hat) is outreaching out to blog owners to pitch them an idea in return for a do-follow backlink. The do follow backlink passes link juice in the hope it will help your web page rank higher in Google Search Results.

The RankJacking SEO hack is changing the pitch on the outreach process to appeal to the writer by saying “You love their writing style” and want to physically buy their article for a nice fee.

RankJacking is essentially buying a web page on a different website and 301ing it over to your site. It is similar to my 301 Domain Acquisition Method I shared a few years ago, but this is specifically targeting 301’s at a page level.

Rank Jacking Explained Video

Hopefully, Rank Jacking should sound like an amazing SEO tactic to you.

If so, I implore you to watch the video below to find out more about the method!

We have condensed all of the important information regarding 301 Rank Jacking into 2 minutes for your viewing pleasure!

RankJacking Vs Link Building

The main difference between RankJacking and Link Building is if you purchase the article from the website and 301 the URL to your website, you are receiving so much more in terms of power.

The added benefits of RankJacking in comparison to Link Building are:

  • You get the full-page link juice power (not just a single link which could be shared with others)
  • The 301 passes the existing ranking (if you choose a page ranked #1 it passes those rankings)
  • The 301 passes the age of the URL (if ranking high it will be trusted)
  • The 301 passes all previous traffic and social engagement

Within 24 hours of the web page being recrawled the keywords can be ranked on your website and all the engagement, link juice and rankings passed through.

When Can You Use The RankJacking SEO Hack?

Here are examples of when you can utilise the RankJacking SEO Hack:

  • When you see an existing page ranking for the keywords you want to rank
  • When you see content perfectly optimised delivering the message you want
  • When you want to buy a trusted page that already has links, traffic and engagement
  • When you need fast results and rankings in under one week
  • When you want to transfer authority and existing rankings

When you are pitching to sites ranking for the keywords you want to rank for you need to be careful you don’t outreach to your direct competitors or might need deep pockets to pay for the page-level redirect.

How To Pitch Buying The Page?

The outreach pitch is important to get a successful response.

Here is the email pitch we use that has been fine-tuned and developed over many years.

Hey {Name},

Do you write content for other websites?

I have come across your content here {PAGE YOU WANT TO BUY} and love your writing style.

As an amazing content writer, I fully understand you will charge a premium and am happy to pay this because your copywriting skills are the best I have seen in the market.

If you are busy as an alternative business strategy, would you be open to selling {the PAGE YOU WANT TO BUY} you have already written?

As this page is the EXACT article I need to publish for my followers on social media. Wanted to check if you are open to the idea of selling this content as I could republish on my site.

Would love your feedback.


{Outreach Name}

This pitch above has been edited over the years a dozen times and we found using the positive sentiment terms like “love your writing style”, “amazing content writer” and “charge a premium and happy to pay this” dramatically increased the response rate.

Do 301s Actually Work?

301 redirects work amazing for SEO if you specifically line up relevance and understand the logic behind the redirect being placed.

301s in the SEO industry is certainly NOT a new concept and has been around forever.

Anyone hanging around in the domain aftermarket groups will see 301 redirects are a core part of their SEO strategy.

The problem is over the years I have preached about purchasing domains from places like ODYS providing great non-dropped domains to get a headstart on a new affiliate site or buying a domain to fully redirect to your existing site to pass the equity over.

But many are lazy and blanket 301ing the domain to the homepage.

The key to a successful 301 to work is lining up the relevance.

This is where the RANK HIJACKING 301 SEO STRATEGY at the page level is much safer to carry out for many search engine optimisation specialists.

Why Does the RankJacking SEO Hack Work So Well?

The 301 redirect is a message to Google saying this content you love is now permanently being moved here.

So please Mr Google transfer all the equity, trust and authority from the web page and move this over.

A backlink on a page is a small part of the page and the HTML href link does not pass anywhere near the same power as a permanent 301 status code redirect.

The permanent 301 status code passes power, trust, relevance, all the aged engagement signals and more importantly the existing rankings the URL currently has.

Rank Jacking Case Studies

Here are a couple of case studies showing how well Rank Jacking still works in 2024.

541% in Organic Clicks

The rank-jacking case study shows an impressive 541% increase in organic clicks to our website within one week.

The graph shows the clicks growth from 5696 daily clicks to 36,539 daily clicks.


The existing web page we had on the topic was ranking on average in position 6 on page one of Google SERP.

As we were already ranking high the page was getting over 5k clicks daily, but no amount of backlinks or topical authority was helping us get to the top of Google.

In my opinion, some keywords are very hard to break into the top 3 when existing web pages have age and a lot of positive behavioural signals.

So I needed to do something BIG and try to purchase the page already ranking – knowing it would pass the age, trust and signals through.

This term is one of the most competitive terms and earns thousands per day, so I was thinking it could cost over £100,000 big to get this deal completed.

Here are the steps we made on the RankJacking Investment SEO Strategy to fast-track position one ranking:

  1. Find the blog owner’s details to outreach directly to
  2. Set a budget (mine was £60k, which was calculated as two months’ potential earnings)
  3. Outreach using the email template
  4. Build a relationship with the author of the page
  5. We managed to negotiate a fee of just £6,000 to use his content and 301 status code redirect to our website
  6. We ran a social media engagement campaign from signal boy to both URLs (to get them recrawled)

The results were unreal and within 6 days we had achieved over 5x growth in clicks.

This deal was 10x cheaper than I was willing to pay and I managed to get this over the line for so cheap because the blog owner wanted some help with a CRO service, EEAT audit and backlink disavow so we threw those in with the price to carry out for free.

The fun part of this case study is the work we carried out for the website owner helped him to grow his website organically and within 3 months he was earning more money than previously selling the web page also. So was a nice WIN-WIN agreement.

2580% in Organic Clicks

The rank-jacking case study shows a huge 2580% increase in organic clicks to our website within one week.

The graph shows the clicks growth from 119 daily clicks to 3190 daily clicks.


So let’s dive in and understand the project and why we decided to use the RankJacking SEO Strategy.

Here are the following steps we had taken previously to try and rank the web page for the focus keywords.

So maybe I was being impatient because carrying out the above got my rankings from nowhere to be seen up to position 13 on page two of Google (but no one looks on page two).

Every day that went by and I was not ranking number one was costing me approximately £100 a day (£36,500 a year).

So as an investorpreneur I love to invest in digital assets and am constantly looking to roll up investments with bolt-on acquisition strategies.

Steps Taken To Get Position One Rankings

Here are the steps we made on the RankJacking Investment SEO Strategy to fast-track position one ranking:

  1. Keyword Research to find the best page on the focus keyword (ranking number one)
  2. Set a budget (mine was £18k, which was calculated as six months’ potential earnings)
  3. Outreach using the email template
  4. Build a relationship with the author of the page
  5. We managed to negotiate a fee of just £700 to use his content and 301 status code redirect to our website
  6. We ran a social media engagement campaign from signal boy to both URLs (to get them recrawled)

The results were instant and we achieved position-one rankings within 24 hours for many keywords.

It is worth noting the secondary keywords started to drop in around 3-4 days later.

But within one week we achieved our goal and the singular web page grew 2580% in Organic Clicks.

Within a fortnight we had made enough commission to cover the costs and it was certainly an amazing investment.


There are very few search engine optimisation hacks working so well in today’s algorithms.

The RankJacking SEO Strategy can return results the same day if Google crawls the page and I only know of two other advanced strategies (which cannot disclose) which provide similar types of results.

The Rank Jacking case studies show the growth and speed with which this strategy works.

Our growth by investments using the “RANK HIJACKING SEO STRATEGY” is something that has shown huge uplifts and a positive ROI very quickly.

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Other well-known influencers in the SEO industry Ryan Stewart and Brain Dean have used Rank Jacking as part of their ability to scale.

Check out Ryan Stewart’s example of him using RankJacking:

The video shows how the Rank Jacking technique can explode organic traffic overnight [literally].