Real Estate Lead Generation

Are you a company that is struggling to bring in a consistent flow of enquiries right now?

Need Real Estate Leads? We Can Help! Over 3.6 million people search Google for specialist tradesmen each month. We help them contact you when your potential customers are searching for the best Real Estate companies in the UK.

You might have tried making posts on Facebook, attending network events or even purchasing low quality leads from vendors that sell you multiple companies.

You are wasting money, time and potentially putting your business in a state where it can’t grow to the next level as compared to your competition.

If this is you then it’s not your fault.

You will understand how to build your business the smart way below.

Find Out How to Get Real Estate Leads

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Why Do Real Estate Companies Need Lead Generation Companies?

Estate companies need a specialist lead generation company to bring their real estate agents a consistent flow of buyer and real estate seller leads.

A Real Estate Agent is great at selling properties on the local real estate market to and for their clients, hosting successful open houses and recognising property listings with potential.

However, real estate agents should leave the digital marketing strategies to experts who specialise in generating leads for those in the real estate industry.

Sales leads are the lifeblood of any company. Having a predictable stream of affordable and exclusive leads gives you the confidence to grow your team and your operations without worrying where the next job is coming from.

A successful property company requires a steady flow of new customers that is not reliant on “word of mouth”.

Although word of mouth brings you some of the best leads it is not consistent enough to grow your business, however, leads do help to keep your real estate brokerage in business.

There’s only so much estate agents can do to attract leads and new clients to themselves, such as open houses, a virtual tour of new property for first-time homebuyers and other lead gen sources.

Many agents focus on the ideal client, offer advice and give their own personal touch to their sales strategies, however, an estate agent will not be well equipped to improve landing pages, utilise email marketing or optimise a YouTube channel, this is where a marketing expert may come in handy.

If you want to bring new customers to your business, you need a strong online strategy for attracting online leads and keeping your sales pipeline full.

Types of Real Estate Leads

Here are some of the different types of real estate leads available:

Buy Residential Real Estate Leads

Residential real estate leads are available to be purchased for housing for individuals, families, and groups of people.

The best way to generate exclusive enquiries is to purchase real estate leads from a reputable lead generation company, specialising in residential spaces.

A great selling point is that within residential real estate, there are multiple different living arrangements for a variety of people, therefore, the enquiries will be very high.

We can supply exclusive leads for your company today.

Buy Commercial Real Estate Leads

Commercial real estate leads can be purchased for buildings used by businesses.

With there being plenty of different usages for commercial real estate, such as shopping centres, hotels, offices, and parking zones it is essential that the leads are exclusive and not just sold off as copies.

We can ensure that you have qualified, exclusive leads when you buy leads from us.

Buy Raw Land Real Estate Leads

We’re unique in the lead generation market for raw land real estate.

This type of lead is specifically for developers that have acquired land and want to rezone it to increase the value of the property.

The exclusivity that we can provide for land real estate developers has proven to make them extremely happy with our service.

Buy Industrial Real Estate Leads

When looking to purchase leads for land and buildings that are used by industrial businesses for factories, construction, logistics, and much more, it is the best idea to purchase leads from a reputable lead generation company that will provide unique and qualified leads.

We can supply the best leads for your company.

Popular Questions

What jobs are in real estate?

  • Mortgage broker
  • Leasing consultant
  • Property manager
  • Commercial real estate agent
  • Real estate investor

When is the best time to sell a home?

Spring to Summer is the best time to sell a home.

Statistics show that from spring to summer (May-August) is 40% of total sales through the year.

January has been proven to be the worst month to sell a home as the sales activity is much lower.

How do real estate agents help to sell a home?

A real estate agent will have the best idea of how much get can get for your home as well as how you can improve the value.

They have many connections that can help you with your sale.

How To Generate More Leads For Real Estate

Here are online strategies to generate new leads via search engines.

These techniques are useful in generating buyer leads or seller leads, for real estate lead generation.


SEO helps to rank websites higher in the SERPs.

The higher position the website rankings drives more clicks and in turn more enquiries.

Link Building

Building backlinks is the most important local SEO ranking factor for improving your website strength.

We recommend using high rise links to receive relevant and powerful link building packages backlinks.

For trusted link building strategies there is no higher trusted site than Wikipedia so WikiWookiee can provide you with this.

Optimised Content

The content on your website needs to be SEO optimised for what the algorithms expect to see on the given topic.

We recommend using surfer SEO or marketmuse to assist the content optimisation strategies.


Google My Business is a great platform to drive phone call enquiries and web form leads online.

Find out all the strategies on how to optimise your GMB profile.

Be sure to drive extra five star reviews to your GMB from companies like Rate My Business.

Predictive Analytics

You can use predictive analytics tools to find prospective clients prior to them contacting you.

Tools, such as MLS, Real Estate agents CRM, analyse online data to predict which website visitors or property owners are likely to sell their homes, this captures leads.


Triggering the google suggest is a superb way to influence the search path of potential customers.

The Search Engine Manipulation Effect can change real peoples perception of a subject or influence search queries.

Find out how to trigger the google suggestion or use a specialist autosuggest optimisation company.

Buy Leads

You can buy real estate leads for your company, generating plenty of brilliant enquiries!

Of course, it is also possible for you to attempt to generate your own leads, however, this can be extremely time consuming and end up costing a lot more than you anticipated.

If you buy leads today, you can make the process cheaper and quicker.

Buy Real Estate Leads

Get Exclusive Leads


Pay per click advertising in Google SERPs is where the ads appear at the top of the results when people search for queries online using Google.

Google Ads and similar platforms, like Facebook Ads, can help you to reach the entire community, taking advantage of the target demographic that is reachable on social media.

Pay Per Clicks ads is usually worth it if the ROAS (return on ad spend) is good.

PPC ads are a great tool to grow a customer base because they are focused on the exact search queries to suit your services.

You can invest in advertising and lead generation software.

Get more information about Pay Per Click strategies for Lead Generations in October 2024

Rank and Rent

The rank and rent model is renting out a real estate lead generation companies website built by a digital landlord.

The real estate lead generation expert builds the rank and rent website to drive leads for the targeted industry.

The company has one of the following agreements:

Video SEO

Ranking videos is another form of effective frequency marketing that can drive enquiries.

If you have a promotional video promoting your services you want to order a video ranking service with Video Veggie.

The video veggie service knows all the latest youtube ranking factors in October 2024 to get your video ranking number one in Google Videos and Youtube.

What Are The Options?

You have 3 options available.

Do Nothing

You do absolutely nothing and your business doesn’t grow.

One of the most beneficial attributes a real estate agent can promote is top customer service, not marketing strategies like collecting lead data.

Your competitors will dominate and take their business onto another level, as with help they may generate leads for potential clients, while you keep your same roster of customers.

The referrals from existing clients can keep you busy enough to pay the bills but there will be no growth within your incoming leads.

Generate Your Own Leads

You can try and generate leads by yourself.

But you will need a large investment in real estate marketing expenditure to get this to work unless you manage to acquire free leads.

You could try the following methods:

  • Hold local community events for your target audience.
  • Reach out to local businesses for support.
  • Sponsor local events or host holiday-themed events.
  • Offer free real estate advice with business cards attached.
  • Start cold calling around the local area to try to find prospective clients with a well-honed elevator pitch.
  • Host an open house for potential buyers.
  • Explore community pages to present suitable properties to those engaging in the property market wanting to engage leads.
  • Reach out to expired listings.
  • If there are historic homes in your area, creating videos or blog posts about these homes could create free leads.
  • Join your local Chamber of Commerce or become a real estate collaboration specialist.
  • Attempt to build a personal connection with other business owners who can generate referrals.
  • Encourage clients to leave positive reviews if they are satisfied with the support team and fellow agents’ work.

However, all of these methods to capture high quality leads and promote lead conversions are time-consuming and while some are completely free methods, others can be expensive.

Also, methods such as cold calling might not be effective in generating a qualified lead that could easily be converted to a sale; lead quality is an important factor to consider.

I see a lot of businesses nowadays go and blow £20,000 on a website but they just have a pretty website, they aren’t marketing that website which is just so stupid.

That’s the equivalent of going out and buying a Ferrari without an engine; if you aren’t marketing the site in any way how are you expecting to get more leads & sales.

It may be worth your while to hire an estate lead generation company, as they will direct leads to your website or property business, leaving you to focus on new listings, satisfying the home buyers, hosting upcoming events and your personal brand and brand awareness.

Register With Tradesmen Websites

You can register your websites to the most popular tradesman websites online like:

The problem with registering with these paid online directories is all your competition is alongside your listing and it is a battle on the lowest prices to secure the works.

Hire The Experts

Hiring the experts gives you the time to improve your sales strategies.

If you hire a real estate lead generation company you can demand the type of bold leads you want.

You know exactly what you want from a real estate lead company, so you can decide which lead gen ideas would position your company effectively in the local market.

If the conversion does not work out you can pause or cancel any contracts easily.

Final Thoughts

Do you need to ask yourself whether you want to grow your Real Estate business?

You see in my experience there are two types of businesspeople.

  • Those who don’t jump on things when the opportunity presents itself and doesn’t take the action required to get the results.
  • And those when an opportunity is presented jump on it take that action and get the results that they are looking to achieve.

And since you’re still here to the end of this article I’m going to assume you’re one of those people who does take action on things.

If I’m right and you’re still with me then I’m ready to jump on a call with you and discuss your problems as a business owner.

Fill out the online form below if you would like our contact information and to learn more about the best leads.

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