How to Scale Website Content With SEO Writers?

Content Marketers say Content is King and Distribution is Queen.

Many SEOs will debate this and say Backlinks are King but the truth in my personal opinion is content and links are equally important in your SEO Strategy.

“You are not a proper SEO unless you have a minimum of 10 SEO writers creating you content for your websites”

Scaling content is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization because supporting articles and content depth is a huge ranking factor.

Typical forms of content creation on the web include blog posts, images, videos, money pages, guides and guest posts.

What is SEO Writing?

At school, you get taught a certain way to write and SEO friendly content does not follow the same rules.

SEO content creators need to understand the following rules when producing articles for websites:

  • Start your article with a summary and brief conclusion paragraph (in school you start with an introduction, middle and conclusion)
  • Write short sentences because easier to read and keeps the readers engaged to carry out reading in bite-size chunks
  • Break paragraphs up in to small easy to digest snippets of content
  • Split up content with many subheadings to help navigate around your articles
  • Utilise different synonyms and use latent semantic index keywords throughout your content
  • Know where and how to use keywords in your content for maximum searchability
  • Look at correlation to existing articles in the SERPs
  • Frequency of keywords without keyword stuffing but analysing with TF:IDF tools

Once your SEO content creators start to understand these standard operating procedures you are ready to scale your content very fast.

Why Content Roadmaps Help Massively?

The creation of content roadmaps helps scale your articles on your websites because you have a bank of titles to send to your content team.

Reverse engineering competitors’ websites for best-ranking keywords can help you create content strategies to add article velocity on your domain.

“Instead of planning content one by one, plan a series of content pieces together”

The content roadmaps structure your website from suffering from keyword cannibalization issues with overlapping content. (if you have an existing large and think you are suffering from cannibalising webpages check out the keyword cannibalisation audit here).

Along with selecting your new article title tags, we strongly recommend structuring your content creation SOP, to include the h2s and h3s because it makes it easier for your SEO writers to keep laser focussed to the intent of the topic being covered on the webpage.

“Create an outline of your content before you start writing the post”

Having content roadmaps in place to make huge banks of articles to be written is also great because helps your SEO writers from suffering from mind blocks on what topic to talk about. Or eliminates the staff from saying “what do I need to write next”.

Content Creation Process

The content creation process for SEO writers includes:

  1. Finding popular topic ideas that appeal to your target audience
  2. Determining your strategy including keyword research
  3. Deciding which form of content best suits the user’s intent (image, video, podcast, blog post or all of these)
  4. Create a content brief to match search intent
  5. Creating content that helps your audience
  6. Publishing the content and distributing to attract a larger client base

Once you have a content creation process you’ll want skills such as writing attention-grabbing headlines, copywriting techniques, adding high-quality images and illustrations, to support your well-researched data-points.

How to Do Epic Content Fast?

Here is a comprehensive guide to learn how to scale content creation fast.

iWriter Writing Service

Iwriter is a service that you can use to outsource content creation.

At iWriter, they have a huge bank of SEO writers that can complete content creation in a short space of time. Check out the promotional video on how iWriter works:

There are literally thousands of freelancer webpage writers registered on iWriter that when you request a document to be written will be picked up by an available, interested and rated blog writers to be written especially for you.

Ranking Your Favourite Writers

The best part to iWriter is you can rate and favorite your SEO writers so if they produce an amazing piece of content you can save them for future work. So in a short space of time, you can scale to have a big army of content creators for your websites.

“Delegating work to those with the lowest necessary level of skills to operate to a high standard is the foundations of successful businesses”

Here is how we score the writers and keep track of whether we will reuse the freelance workers:

  1. One star = We will not use these again
  2. Two-star = We could favorite if cheap, but only good enough for web2 filler content
  3. Three-star = We could favorite if competitive in price, good enough for guest posts or third party websites
  4. Four-star = Now these are good enough for supporting content on your own websites as quality writers
  5. Five stars = The best writers you have found and happy to use for your main money pages

The scoring system does not just mean you are hiring cheap staff because at times you need to pay top dollar for the premium work but it is being efficient and cost-effective with the work you are outsourcing.

iWriter Review

Our review of iWriter is positive because although there are times the quality of content can be below par then you can reject this until you are happy.

When you receive quality pieces of content created you can save those specific writers and build a team ready for you to take your affiliate sites or lead gen websites to another level.

“I hear iWriter get bad press at times, which is ridiculous. There are thousands of writers on there (some bad and some great), so you might need to kiss a lot of frogs to find your princess. But favourite those, stop thinking you can get amazing seo writers for very cheap prices. Give clear concise instructions for your work. Then, iWriter is a superb online service to outsource and scale your content creation”

As you build your favorite writers, you can submit new projects specifically to them. Sending a project as a special request helps expedite the ordering process. The writer will earn 70%, rather than 65% of the transaction. So this makes it more worthwhile for the bloggers but also helps you to know the quality is going to be to your liking.

I will repeat clear and concise instructions is very important. Here is a guide on the best ways to clearly define what you want for your articles.


If you read what the biggest marketers say about delegation you will understand outsourcing works is vital and hirewriters understand this to outsource article writing.

If you sign up here to hire writers then you get a free discount code and I also get myself a free article as a refer a friend introduction.

Becoming a member is free, and you only pay for an article if you are totally satisfied with it.

Check what they have to say here

Sourcing Freelance Writers on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great tool for sourcing and connecting with freelance content writers around the world.

Becoming a connection on LinkedIn ensures a personal connection with your writers and allows you to build up a list of ‘go-to’ people that you can rely on.

It is also possible to look at an individuals profile to look at their areas of expertise. You can then make certain you assign the right type of articles to each writer.

It is also possible to look at a writers endorsements to check their quality before receiving a letter back from them.

Sourcing Freelance Writers in Facebook Groups

Facebook is another great social profile to network and build up your bank of content writers.

The main way of sourcing great content is to join a Facebook group such as Cult of Copy. Once you are accepted you have thousands of content writers at your disposal.

You are able to post jobs and choose from a variety of different freelance writers using this method. It is also completely free!

People Per Hour

PeoplePerHour is a UK based online company which provides a platform to find freelance workers. This includes social media management, web design, content and much more!

“Our community of expert freelancers gives you the power to find the right person for any project in minutes.” peopleperhour

Once you have posted your project, this platform uses artificial intelligence to find the right person for you. Each freelancer will then respond with their individual proposal.

Once you have received the content back and are completely happy with this, you can pay for this using the protected payment system on the platform. is a Filipino digital job board which allows people to find work online. Established in 2008, it now has a collection of 250,000 workers to use at your disposal.

With a platform fee of $69 per month for the pro version you are able to hire long term VA’s for an affordable price.

It is possible to join for free however you are only able to view profiles in this mode. If you wan to hire a writer, you must pay the $69 to upgrade to the Pro version.

A premium membership is also available at $99 per month however this is more geared towards large companies that need to scale VA’s at a huge rate. This also offers virtual coaching services which teaches your Filipino VA how to be productive and handle your content writing projects.

Most people feel that the Pro version is more that enough to obtain writers online at an affordable prices. However, it is important to vet your VA’s and ensure yo get the best people available for your job.


Texbroker in an online content warehouse. It brings clients and authors together at affordable prices.

“With the world’s leading digital content platform, you have direct access to thousands of verified US Authors.” textbroker

You are able to use 2 – 5 star rating system on this content platform to order order original content online. You will have access to over 100,000 US verified authors.

Reasons to use Textbroker?

  • Easy to order, review and edit content
  • No contract/monthly subscription
  • Simple to scale content
  • Protection again plagiarism
  • Native speaking writers

It is very simple to create a textbroker account and receive these benefits.

Voice to Text on Mac

The voice to text on a Mac Laptop is being used more and more nowadays by content writers because you can talk faster than you can text.

Voice recognition is a technology that has definitely come of age over the past decade and has improved vastly so having this in your arsenal to scale epic content is a great method.

The video shows the process of how SEO writers are scaling content using dictation on an Apple Mac:

The video shows the process of how to use the speech detection software for voice to text:

  1. Open Pages
  2. Edit > Start Dictation
  3. You now talk into the microphone and the software detects the words
  4. Edit the article as you go along only talking in short sentences
  5. Stop dictation and you have a completed article

Pro Tip: Make sure you still use the keyboard for tricky words, commas, full stops, and content onto the next line as faster to do so.

This method has grown some of our content writers to increase the volume from 800 words per hour up to over 1700 words in the hour which is a crazy increase. (but just check out what they can do on the google docs voice typing detection if you think this is good).

Voice Typing on Google Docs

The voice typing software has improved massively over the years and now speech detection is a great way to create epic content fast.

With everything from Siri and Alexa now available as audio assistants, the ability for computers to accurately recognise and represent speech has now become an everyday reality.

This video shows the process of how SEO writers are scaling content using google docs voice typing:

The video shows the process of how to use the speech detection software for voice to text on google docs:

  1. Open Google Docs
  2. Tools > Voice Typing
  3. Click the microphone for “click to speak”
  4. You now talk into the microphone and the software detects the words
  5. Edit the article as you go along only talking in short sentences
  6. Stop voice typing and you have a full article ready to upload onto your website

Pro Tip: Make sure you still use the keyboard for tricky words, commas, full stops, and content onto the next line as faster to do so.

This method has grown some of our content writers to increase the volume from 800 words per hour up to over 2100 words in the hour which is mental. The scaling of website content with SEO writers utilising this method has massively helped our affiliate sites and lead generation sites to grow.

Best SEO Writers Tools?

As you look to scale content creation then quality needs to remain paramount to your strategy.

Here are the best SEO writers tools we tell our freelance writers or in-house content marketers to use:

  • Grammarly – is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps correct the spelling and grammar in your posts.
  • AnswerThePublic – Just enter your keyword and it will suggest questions you can add to your articles.
  • Hemmingway – is a simple word processor and proofreading tool designed for writers
  • Ahrefs – Study your competitors to find content gaps to fill.

These SEO writing tools are a great collection to use when scaling the production of content.

Are You Scaling Quality Content?

There are many other tips and tricks to scale content for agencies.

So let us know if you have come across some amazing methods to scaling quality content for websites?

Not only is scaling new articles important for your website but progressive optimisation refreshing existing content is also a huge ranking benefit you should be looking at to improve your SEO strategies in July 2024.


The creation of the highest quality content will never be an easy task.

It will always take skill, intelligence, originality, and patience to create.

However, there are things you can do to streamline your processes and make the most of your resources.

Creating the right systems and standard operating procedures is vital when you look to 2x, 5x or 10x your current ability to Scale Website Content that will rank nicely in Google Search Engine.

All SEO Related Posts

Check out the in-depth list of SEO posts.

The full list shows the various SEO strategies to help your online marketing knowledge grow fast in July 2024.