Content Briefs

When looking to scale your content marketing strategy a detailed content brief for your SEO content writers is key.

So many affiliate marketers give the title of the article and no instructions for what they expect.

Content is an investment. To ensure you’re getting the most out of your time and budget, you can’t afford to leave the entire direction of even a single piece of content to the discretion of individual content creators. They may not grasp the “why” behind what they’re doing. 

A great content brief saves you endless time with progressive optimisation and content expansion work.

That 30 minutes to create your content brief can save you hours long term not needing to continuously go back to optimise the existing content.

Let’s dive in to discuss all things related to Content Briefs for your SEO efforts.

What is a Content Brief?

A content brief is a set of instructions to assist your copywriter with your expectations.

Guiding your freelance writers on how to draft a piece of content will help keep the intent on topic.

Without content briefs, you risk getting back content that doesn’t meet your expectations.

By aligning your copywriters with content brief data points, you can confidently publish a piece of content, knowing how it maps to your brand goals.

Where Content Briefs are Used?

Content Briefs are used for any of the following documents:

  • Hub Page Content Creation
  • Pillar Post Content Creation
  • Supporting Blog Post Content Creation
  • Listicle Round-Up Page Content Creation
  • Top of the Funnel Blog Post Content Creation
  • Landing Page Content Creation

As you can see the content briefs are used for all different types of articles you upload to your website.

Best Content Brief Tools

Here are the best content brief tools to help write more optimised content in July 2024:

  1. Surfer SEO
  2. MarketMuse
  3. Frase

If you are an advanced SEO, creating content briefs can be easy to do manually, by researching the SERPs.

But utilising the specialist content brief tools saves you time and indirectly money by using these SEO tools.

How to Find New Content Brief Opportunities?

Building topical clusters on your website helps you become an expert on the topic to the search engines.

The best practices to find new content brief opportunities is carrying out in-depth keyword research using tools like ahrefs and semrush.

The gap analysis tools give you content gaps your website is missing on a topic.

Once you have collected thousands of keywords from a thorough keyword research plan, then using a keyword clustering tool is key to grouping the keywords into clusters.

Our preferred keyword clustering tool is keyword cupid as it groups keywords that need to be covered on a single page to avoid any keyword cannibalisation problems internally on your website where two pages are competing for the same search query.

There are other great keyword grouping tools like cluster AI which helps to make sure your pages follow the one page for one corpus SEO strategy needed to win in the SERPs in July 2024.

The new content brief opportunities should form part of your content roadmap where your content managers or senior editors are consistently adding new articles or improving existing with sourcing accidental keywords or auditing existing content already uploaded to your website.

What should a content brief include?

A detailed content brief should include:

How To Get Started Creating a Content Brief?

The best way to get started on creating a content brief is the Writing Prompts for a Paragraph strategy.

Here is a video showing the paragraph style writing prompts to start content briefs.

As Income School recommend the prompts are starting with very basic lame tips that are obvious to the user. But then expanding on each of these tips to drive great insights and data to back up why these are important.

Check out how to get started with content briefs with the prompt to paragraph style strategy.

If you don’t follow Income School I highly recommend you subscribe to their channel for on-page SEO tips and tricks.

Popular Questions

Why use AI-generated content briefs?

AI-generated content briefs will detail all the information writers needs to create a compelling piece of content.

The artificial intelligence tool content briefs are created in a fraction of the time it would take an individual to complete.

The AI-generated content briefs remove all guesswork and human judgment with precise data from correlating thousands of documents online.

Within 60 seconds an AI-generated content brief can produce the essential parts that can save you hours of manual work.

Where Can You Find The High Quality SEO Copywriters?

Trying to source High-Quality SEO Copywriters is tough because marketplaces do not have the quality needed.

A good SEO copywriter can manage a team of standard writers and optimise their output.

Why are you looking to hire writers who are also good at SEO and not an SEO who can manage writers?

An SEO can easily manage a team of eight writers which is much simpler than trying to find a high volume of SEO copywriters.

Manual Content Brief Vs Artificial Intelligence Content Briefs?

Manual Content Briefs can take hours each week when completed by hand. Researching thousands of documents online to outline the best content brief is time-consuming and this time can be better spent on new keyword research ideas.

Backed with scientific data an AI-generated content brief provides all of the pertinent information needed within one minute. The AI tools automatically gather and organise the content brief data in a repeatable, reliable way.

Our advice is to always use the right tools for the job and in this instance the artificial intelligence content briefs are a must to help your business grow the content marketing strategies.

How much time should we allocate for the content brief?

It is recommended to spend at least 10 minutes creating a great content brief.

Although an AI-generated tool can create the outline within one minute we believe adding on top of this the finer details like the tone of voice, desired outcome and writing styles is important.

The content brief time invested will save you endless hours on progressive optimisation so it is time well spent in analysing and improving all content briefs.

Do writers need to know SEO?

A good writer needs to know SEO in order to take their work to a higher level that will compete with the other pieces in the market.

An SEO copywriter is someone who can research a topic and include the most important entities needed to rank highly in the search engines.

A good SEO writer also must be able to use keywords effectively in specific page elements on the page that matter most.

Is a Content Writer and SEO Different Skill Sets?

Writing good quality optimised content is an element of being an SEO expert.

But anyone who claims to be an expert in all aspects of SEO is most likely not an expert in any.

If you are trying to source a great content writer who is amazing at SEO also it is like this funny quote I saw on social media:

It’s crazy how hard it is to find a bus driver who is a good bricklayer and has a degree in law at the same time

Why are you looking to hire writers who are also good at SEO and not an SEO who can manage a dozen writers?

Leave the content writers to be creative in their writing style and the SEO can create the content briefs and be the editor to add in missing words and phrases needed to rank higher.


Understanding the importance of content briefs when you’re looking to ramp up content production is going to be the difference between success and failure.

Creating content briefs when scaling your article velocity is the key to not sacrificing quality or gambling on the ability of your content to rank well and gain traffic.

Using amazing tools like MarketMuse, Frase and Surfer SEO to create artificial intelligence generated content briefs are an indispensable asset.

The AI Tools provide a scientific approach to give you the best chances of your content production ranking well in the SERPs.

Briefing your writers is arguably the most critical step in the content creation workflow as gives your copywriters a way to work effectively and efficiently.

What Others Say

I love rounding up my articles with resources from what others say on the subject matter.

Here are some amazing resources on content briefs.


Briefs give content strategists and leaders a way to get quality output at scale, which is how you build a foundation for consistent results. Content briefs improve content marketing efforts by ensuring that whoever is executing a piece of written content is fully aligned with the goals of the specific campaign and content marketing strategy at a high level. Here is the resource page from MarketMuse – A genuinely great content brief will seamlessly combine editorial and brand guidelines, your vision for a specific piece of content, and a roadmap for the comprehensive topical coverage that search engines are looking for in the world of semantic search.


With little instruction to work off of, they produce content that misses the mark. Without a content brief, you risk getting back content that doesn’t meet your expectations. This will not only frustrate your writer, but it’ll also require more revisions, taking more of your time and money. Here is the resource page from Moz – In the SEO world, there’s a lot of talk about building strong relationships between SEOs and developers. It’s just as important to forge those same bonds with your content team and writers.

Scott Calland

Create fully-fledged content briefs with everything you’d need to make that page the best in the SERPs is what helps you scale your content production.

The time spent on a comprehensive content brief is worth its weight in gold as eliminates the need for multiple revisions.

This minimises the risk of poor content being written from the start and allows me to sculpt the tone of voice, sub topics to include, questions and what you want your audience to walk away with i.e. fill in the form or click an affiliate link.

My content briefs include everything from semantically-related phrases, people also ask (PAA), word counts and header structures to give my writer a full understanding of what I need from them.

By completely bypassing the back-and-forth between SEO and content writer by giving all that’s needed upfront, I’m able to get better quality content out much quicker.


LeadsPanda shows 10 Key Elements to Giving Concise and Clear Content Briefs for Writers:

Leon Angus

Leon Angus shows “How To Create A Content Brief For Your Writers when Outsourcing SEO Articles”:

Content Distribution

A writer’s brief provides clarity and focus for the writer, ensuring the delivery of a quality content piece. Clarity and focus are the core fundamentals of writers briefs. A quality brief will also unify the outcomes of SEO editorial and brand strategies. It will set up expectations clearly, it will assist the writer in research and it will save on time and stress in the editing process. In this video it highlights how do you ensure that a quality content brief is delivered to every single writer: