SEO Link Building – What You Should Demand

Looking back through this old post below, all the same rules still apply, but something we need to add onto this is engagement rank and traffic links. Be proactive in blog commenting in articles where the niche is related to your products and services. This will drive real targeted traffic to your websites and you will become an authority in your personal niche.

The reason for updating the blog below is because I have personally received many emails from PromoSEO clients asking about link building. This article without explaining entirely how to do the backlinking was nice to read back over to show customers the mindset they need when wanting to stay ahead of the game going into 2024.

Make sure you do not become that pain in the ass client who wants guaranteed results within weeks, building a brand and trusted site in Google takes time. If you need instant results then looking into social media management, paid advertising or the NO RISK supply of enquiries might be your better options. Rushing a link building campaign is not advised moving forward into 2017 because Google is becoming clever on various strategies being implemented.

Please let me know about your success stories throughout July 2024 and how you might be looking to adapt and future proof your systems. I love engaging with link builders, entrepreneurs and business owners with their thoughts on what they require. Comment on the article below or direct message me on my social media platforms and will discuss any questions you might have.

SEO Link Building 2015 – **OLD POST UPDATED**

Every company has a slightly different link building and SEO strategy which works for them and helps them to fit in with their niche. As long as you’re engaging with people, building your search engine rankings and developing a positive brand image, there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way to go about SEO and digital marketing. However, there are some aspects of a search engine marketing strategy that we think you should demand, whether it’s from your own in house SEO team or a company you outsource the work to. Building links and promoting your company through the power of search engines and social media is sometimes a tricky business which can see you taking one step forward and two steps back, so have a read of these key points that you should be looking for:

Honesty and Individuality

Your business is unique, there aren’t any others exactly like it so why copy what everyone else is doing? Although there are of course many other similar companies within your niche, you need to create content and link building strategies that are tailored to suit your particular business and its individual target audience. Chances are if you completely follow the strategies of another company, it won’t necessarily work the same way for your content and services, be unique and find out what gets the best results for you.

Relevance to Your Niche

No one wants to be reading a nice blog post about cats and then suddenly you’ve clicked on a link that takes you to a page about tractors. Is this a relevant link for a blog about cats? No. You need to make sure that you’re getting links to your site from other companies and blogs that are within your niche and have content which is relevant to yours. Getting links from or giving links to any old random blog which has no relevance to what you’re talking about is annoying for the reader and won’t do your search engine rankings any favours in the long term.

Continued Research

In the ever changing world of SEO link building and digital marketing it’s important to keep on top of the latest developments and updates. Having a dated SEO strategy that isn’t relevant to what search engines want isn’t going to help you get good rankings. Make sure your marketing team is always researching new techniques by reading blogs and articles posted by SEO experts; this will keep them in the loop if any updates or changes occur.

best link building strategy

Communication and Teamwork

If you’re outsourcing your link building or SEO work, you need to be communicating with the company. This will enable you to point out anything you’re unsure of and keeps you in control of the process. Therefore you know exactly what links you’re getting and where they’re coming from. Communicating with your link building company should make sure that you don’t get any spammy links. These could potentially penalise your website and need removing in the future.

Digital marketing which takes place within your own company always needs to incorporate teamwork. Each member of the marketing team should have their own role. This is so you can bring ideas from each person’s viewpoint forward. Communication between an SEO marketing team is crucial in utilising the best new techniques and strategy to promote your company.

Hard Work and Dedication

A successful SEO link building strategy doesn’t get results overnight. It takes hard work to get your content out to the right audience and to build a positive brand image. In order to create a sustainable link building plan, you should focus on the right websites to get links from. You should also be writing content which makes you worthy of those links. This takes time so don’t give up if you don’t see the results you want straight away.

Return on Investment

One of the most important things you need to look for in a digital marketing and SEO link building strategy is the effect that the work actually has on your company. There’s no point in hiring a team or paying another company to build links and promote your content for you if you don’t get anything back from it. You need to be able to analyse what’s been done and see a clear growth. This shows that the money you’ve spent on SEO actually gives your business something worthwhile in return.

Your Thoughts

What do you think are the key things you need to look for in an SEO and digital marketing strategy? Is there anything in particular that you think has worked well for your company?
Let us know your views and questions in the comments below as we love to hear your feedback!

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Check out the in-depth list of link building posts.

The full list shows the various backlink strategies for ranking higher in Google SERPs.