How to Maximise Your Instagram Account

This blog article will discuss how to maximise your Instagram account by helping you to improve your content and increase your page following. Hopefully this will help to get your account noticed by a relevant audience. What’s great about Instagram is that it is a visual social media channel, which people love.

A lot of individuals prefer to look at images and are more likely to follow links through these images as opposed to having to read information to see what content the page might have to offer. You can optimise your Instagram account through using various techniques that will encourage more traffic and engagement with your page.

People find it much easier to process images and videos compared with large amounts of written content. This is why image-based social media sites are so popular as it’s simple to enjoy what is being posted, and find new things that you are interested in.

These platforms also offer great power if you want to market a product or service by making sure your business is seen by relevant people. If you want to generate more followers and more likes on your posts, there are a number of different techniques you can try.

Consistency Is Key

Before getting into methods to build followers and tricks to gain more engagement you need to under sharing statuses is the most important thing you can do.

If you have a website we strongly recommend you getting the plugin revive old posts which can automatically share an image from your website once a day randomly from your website. Purchase the social media plugin now.


After you set up your revive old posts to automatically share to your Instagram account this is great foundations for you to build from.

How to Build Instagram Followers

First of all, you need to think about your target audience. Who do you want your page to attract and what are you trying to sell? You have to think carefully about your focus, and stick with a relevant theme. Whether it is health, food, fitness, photography, cars or anything else, you need to make sure that your visual content is relevant to what you want to promote.

With this, you will need to think about the type of ‘hash tags’ people search for when wanting to find specific content. If someone is looking to find new workout videos, they will probably search hash tags such as ‘gym, workout or fitness’. Like Twitter, Instagram is extremely useful for hash tags and not only is it easy to search for relevant images, but it puts you at a great advantage of attracting the right clientele to your Instagram page.

This video below explains some more tips on growing your Instagram followers:

Use Popular Keywords

With this is mind; think about the keywords you want to relate your page to. Having too many hash tags in the description of your image can sometimes look like you are trying too hard. Therefore, in the main description, add in two or three of the most useful and relevant tags that you want to associate your page or image with.

In addition to this, you can then add more relevant tags to the ‘comments’ section on your image. This will allow you to associate your image or video with the relevant tags when searched for. This works without looking like ‘spam’ in the description itself. For example, if you wanted to upload a healthy recipe you might add the hash tags ‘healthy’ and ‘recipe’ to the initial description, and then add additional tags to the comment such as ‘#healthyfood’, ‘#health’, ‘#eatwell’ etc.

By doing this, you make it much easier for people interested in those topics to find your post. This could be through them searching the hash tags, or clicking onto one from another post that they like. If your photo or video is displayed within the list of posts under that tag, it’s much more likely that it will be found and liked by people with similar interests.

Consider Paying for Targeted Ads

You can run an ad campaign on Instagram which displays adverts for your page to users who have similar interests. You can uniquely target these strategies to specific users who like and follow pages in your niche. This means you don’t waste money on showing your ads to people who will not show an interest at all. If you have the budget for this and you use social media marketing as one of your main advertising platforms, it’s definitely worth giving it a go. Many businesses see a great return on investment from paid adverts on social media. Targeting them to specific groups of people makes them much more effective.

How to Interact on Instagram

The more followers you start to build, the more you can start engaging with them. To encourage regular visitors to your page, interact with your audience as much as you can. Talk to your page audience, reply to image comments and ask them what they want to see more of. Read the comments and reactions to your posts to identify what your most popular content is. This can then help you to drive even more traffic into your Instagram page. Also comment on other relevant posts and pages, so other people’s followers see your page name.

Instagram Social Media Marketing

You can even try following people who follow accounts similar to yours. There’s a good chance they will show interest in your posts as well, and you could get a follow back from them. Always try to keep your posts and comments section friendly and positive. Do not engage negatively with any bad comments that you might receive. But if someone has a complaint about your service, try to take it out of the public view. Instead move into a private message to resolve the issue. This makes you appear much more professional and helpful.

5 Top Tips for Your Instagram Account

When you are working on building a successful Instagram account you will notice that the more socially active you are, the more responsive your audience will become. Follow these 5 ‘top tips’ to get the most out of your social media account:

  • Caption your photos – Add something interesting to the caption of your image. Also with hash tags so your audience are eager to follow more of your posts. Links to relevant blogs/articles or your own website is a great way to keep your audience interested.
  • Make your page aesthetically pleasing – Keep with a relevant theme using images that look good next to each other. Your audience will appreciate a page that looks nice.
  • Time of image upload can be influential – There are certain times of the day where social media users are more active. So it can be helpful to post your images at specific times. A lot of people tend go through their Instagram feed soon after they wake up in the morning. This means 7am-8.30am on a weekday is a popular social media slot. This also applies to the evening when people have finished work and check between 7pm and 9pm.
  • Take good quality pictures – Your page will attract more followers if your images are of a decent quality.
  • Talk to your followers – Comment on their page and they are more likely to comment on yours. Instagram users love being social!


Using Instagram can be a great way to promote your business online. It enables you to display your content to millions of users who may be interested in it. Both images and videos are effective in grabbing attention online. These tend to generate more interest and engagement than written paragraphs of text. By harnessing these tips, you can maximise your Instagram account and get the best results from it. Feel free to leave a comment on this post if you have any more suggestions for how to create the most effective social media marketing campaigns.

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