SEO Beginners Work Experience

Whether you’re on a work experience placement from school or you’re starting an apprenticeship, this article will get you started on your venture into SEO. For those who are unsure about what SEO means, it stands for Search Engine Optimisation – this article explains it well if you click onto this link.

Your work experience placement might involve working with different platforms of social media. This could be running Facebook campaigns, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus and many other social platforms. Social media is one part of online marketing and it is used a lot in the SEO industry.

Our SEO beginners work experience placement will show you that nearly all businesses need to market their products and services to receive more enquiries. The more leads the company receives will generally mean the more orders they get.

The more orders a company gets, the more successful it should become. So this online marketing strategy is extremely important and all businesses will need to apply it in order to grow and develop.

If you want to find out more about SEO for beginners and work experience, make sure to contact myself and I will be happy to talk you through the process in more detail.

Apprenticeships Vs University

When looking at the debate of Apprenticeships Vs University, my personal recommendation is certainly the apprenticeship route, particularly if you’re looking at a career in SEO and marketing. The reason for this is University can be very expensive and after you have finished your course the actual curriculum you have studied could easily be outdated within months.

Yes, that is correct, because online marketing is evolving every day and this is why learning on the job in a real company is my preferred option. Apologies for the bad language in this video but a personal favourite of mine, Gary Vaynerchuk, voices his opinion here on college and university:-

As a company director, I prefer to take on an apprentice over an experienced online marketing technician. The reason for this is because it is much harder to teach an old dog new tricks. What I mean by that is apprentices are like sponges and are more willing to take in new information and learn what they are taught.

Someone with previous knowledge and experience generally thinks they know a better way and will usually not listen or take on board new and more effective strategies.

Starters’ Guide for Work Experience

Let’s begin. Here is a checklist of jobs I would like you to do for me and the quicker you can work through these the more you will start to learn hands-on:-

  1. Read the “Intro to SEO” article and watch the two videos (link in the opening paragraph)
  2. Read the article “Maximise Tumblr Account” and “Maximise Pinterest Account
  3. Work through the IFTTT gig and add friends/followers
  4. Create MEMEs and GIFs for whatever niche you are working on
  5. Read the “No Risk Supply Of Enquiries” and see if you know anyone possibly interested
  6. Look at the Steps to Social Media Success to see how best to use social platforms

These are the starter bullet points to work through in getting started into the SEO niche. I will gladly connect with you and offer advice/help in your careers should you need this so follow this link and it will show you all my personal social profiles for you to add and connect through to.

This could be helping you find your perfect apprenticeship or if you would like to carry on keeping in contact with our team in doing blogging or social media engagement.

Social Media Marketing

Dan Grant is a member of our team and he will send you an excel spreadsheet with over 40 social accounts. You can log into these accounts and look to maximise these profiles by using the points you have picked up in reading the articles in bullet point #2.

This engagement of added friends, followers, commenting and liking other statuses help to build your online presence. Building the online presence helps to get your work in front of a wider audience which should lead to more enquiries.

Creating GIFs and MEMEs in #4 is to be completed to make the position fun and enjoyable. Once you have created these then they can be shared throughout the social profiles. Image sharing is great for engagement and hopefully would generate some shares or reblogs.

Remember you are here to get out the most of your work experience placement so email me with questions or if you feel you could help in a certain niche like infographic creation, writing content/blogging or even a sales type of role then let me know and I can adapt your role.

Going the Extra Mile

Our team mentality is going the extra mile in everything we do. Grafting and working as a team helps so much in where we are today. We have grown into a very successful business in the affiliate and SEO industry working under the company name of PromoSEO.

Our team consists of Becca Honeybill who is an extremely successful blogger, Amelia German who has progressed her career into sales & marketing, Dan Grant a specialist link builder, Lucy Crompton who has adapted to all areas of online marketing/sales, Elliot Preston who works alongside Dan to create outstanding links and several others who are training up to become vital team members as we grow.

As an apprentice or work experience placement, we expect the same level of enthusiasm and commitment. Please do not go watching YouTube videos when our backs are turned or be on your mobile phone throughout your placement or your whole mentality will not fit into the business model.

We expect you to want to learn and want to progress your knowledge further to help you get the most out of your experience.

Going the extra mile could mean keeping in contact with our team on email or social media. Keep liking, sharing and commenting on the works we upload.

Check to see if there is any weekend work you might be able to do and get paid for. Check to see if there are any tutorials you can learn in an evening to better yourself and your career.


As a very successful team we know 100% we can get results within rankings on Google and generating enquiries. These leads could be from ranking websites on page one, social media engagement or proactively outreaching to potential clients, and for this reason, we have an amazing offer to UK companies with a “No Risk Supply of Enquiries”.

Read this article in-depth and you will get to realise why this is a no brainer for all businesses.

But although it is a no brainer to them we need to accept the niche and company we want to work with. All the stress and money to generate the leads lies on our shoulders so we need to believe in the people we work with.

However, once reading the article if you have any parents or family/friends you feel this could be ideal for then send me an email over and I can look at it. Should you prefer us to a great niche which benefits both parties then I will make sure for the introduction we get you a finder’s fee payment for this!

Best of luck in your placement with our company and if you have any questions don’t be shy to ask any of the team. Any issues or something you would like to learn more on then email myself personally and I will happily assist you every step of the way.

I want the placement to beneficial for you guys and that means you get the most from the position – enjoy it, learn plenty of new things and hopefully understand working life a lot more.

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