Maximise your Pinterest Profile

This article will explain how to maximise your Pinterest Profile with some simple tips, which will help you grow followers but also improve your SEO strategy back to your existing website because sharing, engaging and creating a social buzz is what generates natural backlinks to your sites.

If you are unfamiliar with term backlinks or you’re new to digital media and google search please follow the link for an introduction to SEO article.

Building your Pinterest Followers

Let’s get started on how you can maximise your Pinterest profile, I’ll kick this off with this video above (explains how to easily build up your Pinterest followers) which is created by Jay Wessman. I have recently been looking through his social platforms and website because he explains the basics without the jargon or complications most SEO gurus like to use.

The video I feel is straight to the point and easily explained, building followers is crucial throughout all your social platforms because of any new case studies, information and special offers you have need to get maximum exposure. Building and gaining followers/friends give this more chance of the shared item becoming viral.

A great example of a Pinterest account with many followers is on this link, this account regularly pins, repins and follows relevant niche accounts. A golden tip with Pinterest is whenever you create a new youtube video or a new blog (which ALWAYS should include a nice large relevant image alt tagged correctly) then make sure you pin this to your Pinterest account because it’s another social platform where you can gain backlinks, engage with potential customers and try to get the link to go viral.

Building your Pinterest Followers

However this is not all, and a rule you should adopt is to make sure on every pin you allow a link in the description to a page relevant to the image or video. This is because when other profiles repin this it naturally builds links to your site and although they won’t be strictly a PR link or strong link then it will still be a relevant backlink.

Remember you do not always include a link for Google rankings and the tip is that hopefully your customer base will be seeing these shared pins and actually might click through and generate you a sale – never create links just for Google and always make sure a link is there to improve the user experience and to attract customers to click through to your website.

Is Pinterest right for my Business?

If your business niche falls into the categories below, then YES you should be using Pinterest as it is right for your business –

  • Clothing
  • Foods
  • Design/ Building
  • Weddings
  • Technology
  • Sports, Health and Person Caring
  • Home Designs and Decorations
  • Animals and Pets
  • Children’s Toys and Games
  • Travelling

Basically, Pinterest is for companies that are able to appeal to their target audience through pictures. They will then pin the pictures and save them for later.

Rich Pins for Business Accounts

If you are using Pinterest for your business, then your website should have meta tags added so that you can use Rich Pins. Rich Pins are used to giving users more information about the post which should improve their experience and your engagement. The six Rich Pins include apps, movies, articles, products and places so if your business can fit into these categories, that is great.

5 Tips for your Pinterest Account

On social media, the more active you tend to improve the number of followers you have and the number of users who are engaging with your account.

Buffer think that these 5 tips are important to creating a great image post –

  • Using a range of main colours and not just 1 colour
  • Don’t post an image with someone’s face, it doesn’t work that well
  • Try not to have more than 30% of the background showing
  • Reds, oranges and browns are better to use over blue shades
  • Don’t use too bright colours, keep the colours moderate

Extra Pinterest Tips

  • It is better to post tall images rather than wide and square
  • People prefer to follow 1 mainboard rather than lots of individual ones, create a Master Board which all your pins can go into
  • The best time to pin in the day is between 2-4 pm
  • Between 8-1 am is the optimum evening time to pin
  • Using words like ‘USE, LOOK, WANT, NEED’ as these will get peoples attention

Make sure you have a look at this page if you want to learn how to build out your Pinterest accounts using Follow Liker.

I will finish up on the main ways to maximise your Pinterest Profile by suggesting you also give this article a read which explains a new Pinterest gift with Pinterest suggestions which basically tries to help find you relevant profiles and pinners you might want to be connected to.

If you start to regularly pin your niche photos with keywords then this could easily help you come upon the suggestions board by Pinterest and help you gain followers and friends of people who are interested in your industry.

If you like this article please do not hesitate to share and if there is anything I have missed off that you feel needs to be added then either comment below or send me through a tweet on @james_dooley and I will come back to you straight away with reasons I might have excluded your query, or engage with any queries you might want to ask. Thanks again for reading and best of luck to all looking to maximise your Pinterest Profile.

Consistency Is Key

Before getting into methods to build followers and tricks to gain more engagement you need to under sharing statuses is the most important thing you can do.

If you have a website we strongly recommend you getting the plugin revive old posts which can automatically share an image from your website once a day randomly from your website. Purchase the social media plugin now.


After you set up your revive old posts to automatically share to your Pinterest account this is great foundations for you to build from.

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