Maximise Your Tumblr Profile

This article and video explain how to maximise your Tumblr Profile, many SEO gurus get caught up in the main social platforms of Twitter and Facebook, but a less popular platform – Tumblr, is actually where the most reshares and likes come from.

Therefore from a marketing point of view, it is definitely a great place to share blogs, images and videos. If you’re completely new to the whole social media marketing thing, you can take a look at our previous post 6 Stages of Social Media Marketing Success to help you get a grasp of the basics and to learn how you can promote your content through social networks.

If you already have some knowledge of marketing your business or website through social media, let’s take a look at how Tumblr could increase your reach even further.

The Marketing Power of Tumblr

We all know the importance of amplifying your content by sharing it on all of the popular social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. But one of the social platforms which are less commonly used for commercial marketing and promoting businesses is Tumblr.

This is because Tumblr is generally used as a personal blogging platform and posts are usually only shared with followers who have similar interests, rather than the public and friends or family who you know outside of the website.

However, compared with the typical social sharing platforms, Tumblr actually generates a lot more shares for your posts as the whole concept of the site is to ‘reblog’ posts from other users and share them with your own followers. This is why it’s important to maximise your Tumblr Profile and get as many followers, likes and reblogs as possible.

Each time you share a new post on Tumblr, whether it’s a photo, text post or video, you can add a description with a link to your own website (a backlink). Whenever that post is reblogged, another backlink is generated to your site and the effect can snowball into dozens of backlinks, so the power of a reblog on Tumblr can be huge.

How to make your Tumblr more Popular

If you are looking for ways to make your Tumblr more popular, you will need to be aware of your target market. This says a lot about your account and you will need to make sure your profile is targeting the correct people. Although you will want loads of followers, the more important thing to get is followers that are actually interested in your niche.

There is no point in having 10k followers that have absolutely no interest in your work. You will want people to follow you that want to engage with the things you are posting so that your account looks even better. Therefore there will be more popular on the post and so your Tumblr account will be maximised.

Since the progression of social platforms, it’s important to make sure you follow plenty of relevant accounts within your niche as many of them are likely to follow you back and reblog some of your stuff. You can find other Tumblr users who are similar to you by searching for a ‘tag’ with one of your keywords and following anyone who has shared any of the most popular posts within that tag.

The video above shows a simple guide to growing your followers and setting up a Tumblr account, although this particular example is talking about cannabis you can do this for whatever your niche keywords might be. This video comes from Jay Wessman who gives great tips on getting started with SEO without all the confusing jargon which you might find with other SEO experts.

Automated Tumblr Tools

Ok so we know that Tumblr helps your SEO backlink profile for your money site but I am more interested in the traffic you can generate from this social platform. SEO is one part of internet marketing and you really need to try and leverage traffic from as many angles as possible.

With this follow liker software, you can help improve your Tumblr account with new followers, get niche relevant Tumblr profiles liking your posts and attract reblogs and we can help you find out how the Follow Liker software works.

Best Automated Tumblr Plugin

Before getting into methods to build followers and tricks to gain more engagement you need to understand sharing statuses consistently is the most important thing you can do.

If you have a website we strongly recommend you getting the plugin revive old posts which can automatically share an image from your website once a day randomly. Purchase the social media plugin now.


After you set up your revive old posts to automatically share to your Tumblr account this is great foundations for you to build from.

Get your Tumblr Account Making Money

The time and effort you put into marketing need to give you a return on investment. Why bother going to the hassle of building out a Tumblr account if it is not going to make you money for marketing purposes.

The best strategy is creating a buzz and attraction to your profile which links to your online shop or money site. Convert the high level of traffic who are interested in your niche to buying customers on your online store. This video explains a technique you can do this through Tumblr:-

What Do You Think?

This article is full of great tips to help you maximise your Tumblr Profile and gain more followers and shares from other users within your niche. It would be great to hear your thoughts on whether there are any other ways you can suggest which also strengthen your other social media accounts.

Don’t hesitate to leave us a comment with your views on this topic, and please share this post if you found it insightful, thanks!

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